The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 210 :Get the Phantom badge!

Chapter 210 Get the Phantom Badge!

"Haunter, use Confuse Ray!"

Haunter appeared, and then released a strange light that could plunge the other person into chaos.

When Haunter appeared to attack, Arcanine left the spot early.

"Arcanine, attack with big characters." Wu You shouted to Arcanine.

Haunter was blown out by a single blow, his eyes turned dizzy, and he was killed by Arcanine in a single blow.

"Your Arcanine is amazing!" Komatsu's expression became serious.

Although Haunter was not his general, he was killed in a flash with an easy hit. From this, we can see the strength of Arcanine.

"The Arcanine I cultivated is naturally the most powerful Arcanine." Wu You looked at Arcanine and said with a smile.

"Come back, Haunter." Komatsu took Haunter back and dispatched Sableye.

Sableye is a rather weird Pokémon. It is a Pokémon of Dark and ghost system. It is like a short humanoid creature with purple skin and two gem-like eyes.

In ancient legends, as long as you see Sableye's eyes, you will be taken away.

Although the rumors are terrifying, in fact Sableye is the friendlier Pokémon.

The ghost Pokémon is not bad either, but because they like pranks, they are notorious.

"Sableye, use Night Shade."

Sableye looked at Arcanine, and a terrifying phantom appeared in front of him, making Arcanine feel the fear and hurt himself.

"Arcanine, use Extreme Speed ​​to rush up, and then use Bite."

Arcanine is a Pokémon that can use Extreme Speed, but there are not many Pokémon that can use Extreme Speed.

Arcanine left behind a series of afterimages, rushed to Sableye's side and flew it, then rushed to open her mouth and bit.

Sableye showed a pained expression. Although Arcanine's bite force was not as good as Feraligatr's, it was not low.

"Arcanine, fly Sableye, then use Flamethrower."

Arcanine bit Sableye, threw it into the air, and hit it with Flamethrower, knocking Sableye away with one blow.

After Sableye hit the ground, there was no movement, and he obviously lost his fighting ability.

Komatsu couldn't help but glanced at Wu You a few more times. Both Pokémon were defeated cleanly. The opponent's strength is very strong!

"Beat my two Pokémon, your Arcanine is very strong, but that's it, I will use my (cdcj) strongest Pokémon."

"Oh! Then you can give it a try. I am very confident in Arcanine, isn't it Arcanine." Wu You looked at Arcanine.

"Oh woo~!"

Arcanine roared loudly, and her aura became stronger.

"Come out, Gengar, defeat this Arcanine." Komatsu shouted.


Gengar came out of the ground with a weird smile.

As a ghost Pokémon, Gengar's appearance is not scary, on the contrary it is a bit funny, but Gengar is really scary, it is really powerful.

"Gengar, use Hypnosis towards Arcanine." Komatsu called to Gengar.

Gengar chuckled, his eyes turned into a weird purple, exuding a strange power.

"Arcanine, cheer up and don't be hypnotized."

Arcanine has heavy eyelids and is fighting, but its tough will is still fighting Gengar.

Komatsu's gaze condensed, resisting Gengar's Hypnosis. This Arcanine is not only powerful, but also strong in willpower.

"Gengar, give up Hypnosis and use Shadow Punch to Arcanine now!"

Realizing that Hypnosis has little effect on Arcanine, Komatsu chose to use other moves.

Gengar disappeared, his figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Arcanine, his fist struck Arcanine.

Because of the fight against Hypnosis, the current Arcanine was exhausted and couldn't hide, and was beaten out by Gengar with a fist.

"Arcanine, use Extreme Speed ​​again." Wu You shouted to Arcanine who got up.

Arcanine stared at Gengar, enduring the pain from her body, and ran like the wind, rushing towards Gengar at the speed of the wind.

"Gengar, hidden in the air, invisible." Komatsu yelled to Gengar.


Gengar gave a weird smile, and then the figure was hidden in the air, so Arcanine couldn't find its place.

"Arcanine, Gengar will not disappear, just become invisible. Use the method of sensing temperature to find it, and then use Bite."

Wu You shouted to Arcanine who was a little dazed.

"The Pokémon of the ghost system is so hard to deal with! If it were me, I wouldn't know how to fight." Rosa said.

"Indeed, the trick of hiding the body is really rascal. It is difficult to find its body. I don't know if Arcanine can win." Hilda shook his head.

At this time Arcanine was running across the field, looking for Gengar's trail.

Wu You actually knows where Gengar is now, and his Aura power can perceive Gengar's current location.

But Wu You didn't remind Arcanine, now treat it as training Arcanine!

Arcanine uses Extreme Speed, which is very fast, constantly running and perceiving, staring around with piercing eyes.

When finally rushing across the edge of the battlefield, Arcanine sensed something was wrong, and then bit towards it without hesitation.

One bite on Gengar's body, Gengar is the shadow Pokémon, but it doesn't mean you can't bite it.

Bite is Dark's move. It has twice the damage to Gengar. One blow hurt Gengar so much that even the funny laugh disappeared.

"Arcanine, burn it out!"

Arcanine yelled, and flames appeared on her body, and Gengar was blasted away directly.

"Gengar, hurry up and use the Shadow Ball!"

"I still want to get up, but it won't get up after falling down. Arcanine rushes up to use Fire Fang." Wu You has a relaxed smile on his face, as if the overall situation is settled.

Arcanine's speed was so fast, she came to Gengar's side in an instant, and then opened her mouth to bite again towards Gengar.

At this time, there was flames on Arcanine's teeth, and Gengar felt pain when he bit on Gengar's body.

"Throw flying, then use big letters to explode!"

Arcanine Bite Gengar, threw Gengar toward the sky, and then released a large-shaped flame. After the flame touched Gengar, it exploded.


Gengar smashed to the ground, already losing his fighting ability, and Arcanine completed a one-to-three match.

"Yeah~! Brother Wu You won." Rosa jumped up and shouted.

"Don't get excited Rosa, this is a normal thing, it's strange that I don't win." Wu You said to Rosa.

Komatsu’s mouth twitches. Is it normal for me to lose? It's not humble at all!

"Congratulations on your victory in the battle. This is the Phantom badge of Ecruteak Gym." Komatsu took out a badge and handed it to Wu You.

Wu You took the Phantom badge, and now Wu You has collected four of the eight badges.

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