The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 232 : Two Lugias fight Ho-Oh! Lugia, come on!

Rosa yelled to Lugia.

"Rosa, you are careful. Ho-Oh turns over to attack you."

"What are you afraid of? Brother Wu You is here! Can you still let me be bullied by this bird."

Rosa lay in Wu You's arms and said with a grin.

"No, when Ho-Oh blows up the flames, I will just throw you over and turn you into a fragrant roast suckling pig."

Wu You looked at Rosa with a smirk.

"Smelly Wu You, you will become a suckling pig."

Rosa said angrily.

At the same time, Rosa couldn’t help but lowered her head and looked at her figure. She actually said that she is a pig. Is she fat? "Sister Xiaoxue, am I a little fat?"

Rosa asked Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue glanced at Rosa's heart, then nodded enviously, "Ninety Nine Zero"

, "Some places are a bit fat, beyond your age."

Sabrina and Hilda also looked at Rosa enviously. Although Rosa is the youngest among the four women, she has developed so well and she has the best body.

In contrast, Xiaoxue has a bit of cannibalism, and everything else is perfect, except for the very cannibalism.

Xiaoxue couldn't help wondering what the hell did Rosa, the little nizi eat, grow so fast.

A huge wave was set off again on the surface of the sea, and then countless seawater was evaporated by flames, and the hot flames fell like skyfire meteors.

The temperature of the Ho-Oh flame is very high. If it weren't for Hina to isolate the temperature of the Ho-Oh flame, Wu You and the others would be dehydrated now.

"The fighting momentum is getting bigger and bigger."

Wu You looked at the two sacred beasts, it seemed that there was a lot of grievance between them, and it seemed that they had been desperate.

At this time, the Master Ball on Wu You's waist flickered, and Wu You's Lugia ran out of the Poké Ball.

After seeing Lugia come out, Wu You was surprised.

"Lugia, do you want to help?"

Wu You asked Lugia.

Lugia nodded, looked at Wu You, and asked Wu You for permission.

After all, it is of the same race, and now it is fighting with other sacred beasts, of course it has to lend a helping hand.


Wu You nodded to Lugia.

Lugia spread its wings and flew towards the sky, using Aerial Ace towards Ho-Oh.

Ho-Oh, who was concentrating on fighting, never thought that he would be attacked by others, and was hit into the sea by Wu You's Lugia.

Ho-Oh plunged into the sea, and the sea water seemed to boil, constantly evaporating, and the water vapor made the entire sea look like a fairyland.

"I can't see it at all."

Hilda looked at the mist that covered the sea.

The whiteness is nothing at all.

"Ho-Oh fell into the sea, won't you be drowned"

Ya asked worriedly.

"Dignified mythical beast, how could it be killed."

Wu You shook his head.


The sea rose into the sky, a touch of golden red flew out, and the wet seawater on the feathers was instantly evaporated.

Ho-Oh Rage looked at the two Lugias when it was gone.

Wu You's Lugia communicated with the other Lugia, and then used air blasting together to fight Ho-Oh.

Ho-Oh used Hyper Beam to resist the next air blast, and was hit by another air vortex.

Ho-Oh was knocked out and almost fell into the sea again.

In the previous battle between Ho-Oh and Lugia, the two sides were similar, but after Wu You's Lugia joined, the situation changed dramatically, and Ho-Oh had no resistance at all.

Two Lugias used Aerial Ace together, Ho-Oh could only resist the next one, and Ho-Oh who was hit again was knocked off a few feathers.

Wu You looked at the falling feathers, his eyes lit up slightly, and then used Confusion to control the feathers to fly over.

Looking at the bunch of feathers, Wu You smiled on his face. This is a good thing! His Arcanine is of fire attribute, and this feather is very useful for Arcanine.

And Hilda’s Emboar, which has evolved Charmeleon, Rosa’s Quilava, and Koyuki’s Vulpix can all be used.

Wu You looked at the feathers in his hand and counted them. There are seven, which is definitely enough.

"Hilda, Rosa, Xiaoxue, this Ho-Oh feather is for you. It has a great effect on Pokémon of the fire system and can increase their potential."

Wu You gave Hilda two feathers because she has two Pokémon with fire attributes.

After the Ho-Oh feather that Vulpix was holding merged into his body, a white light emerged from his body.

"This is the light of Evolution"

Xiaoxue stared at Vulpix for a moment.

Vulpix Evolution is Ninetales and requires Fire Stone, but Ho-Oh feathers seem to replace Fire Stone, allowing Vulpix to complete the Evolution.

After Evolution became Ninetales, it lost the previous cuteness, the brownish-red hair became beige, and the tail had three more, and the temperament was noble and elegant. . . . . . Before Evolution, Koyuki could hold it, but after Evolution was Ninetales, Koyuki couldn't hold it anymore.

"Congratulations, Sister Xiaoxue, your Vulpix Evolution is now."

Rosa congratulated Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue shook her head. Originally, she was not going to let Vulpix Evolution, but she didn't expect that Vulpix would still become Ninetales.

Since Evolution is now, that's all there is to it, Xiaoxue is right. . Ninetales also loves it very much.

Bang Ho-Oh was knocked into the air again, his body was wounded, and a few drops of Saffron-colored blood dripped, and then he was healed by Ho-Oh's terrifying self-healing ability.

Rage's Ho-Oh abandoned Wu You's Lugia and used the trance bird to attack Lugia in the Whirl Islands.

In fact, it can only choose this way, and now it can only focus on attacking one recklessly, otherwise it can only be passively beaten.

Lugia was struck desperately by Ho-Oh and plunged into the sea. At this time, Wu You's Lugia directly hit Ho-Oh's back with a Hyper Beam.

Ho-Oh screamed and fell towards the sea.

"Is this a bit immoral? Ho-Oh looks so pitiful, Lugia is so bad, two fight one out."

Rosa looked at Ho-Oh sympathetically.

Wu You couldn't help looking at Rosa speechlessly. This little girl has no standpoint. She cheered for Lugia before, but now she sympathizes with Ho-Oh again.

"Although it is indeed a bit immoral for two Lugias to play Ho-Oh, I still stand on Lugia's side."

Wu You said.

Because one of the Lugia belongs to him, of course Wu You stands on his own Lugia 5.

1 side myself.

When Ho-Oh was hit by Wu You's Lugia and fell down, a Hyper Beam shot out from the sea and hit Ho-Oh's body.

Ho-Oh, who had fallen, was bombarded and flew into the sky.

Ho-Oh was jointly attacked by two Lugias, but there is no way, who made Ho-Oh unlucky! Ho-Oh stabilized his body in the sky, and the feathers fell off a lot because of the attack. Now Ho-Oh sees It's a bit ugly to go up.


Ho-Oh screamed loudly in the sky, and the sound spread throughout the sea. Both Lugia stared at Ho-Oh seriously.

"Ho-Oh is so miserable! Wu You, just let your Lugia come back."

Xiaoxue said to Wu You.

Sabrina glanced at Ho-Oh, who was tweeting in the sky, and then at Wu You. Even Sabrina felt that Ho-Oh was too miserable. In fact, Wu You felt that Ho-Oh was miserable now.

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