The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 296 :Super Evolution Scizor! There are so many people cheering on you, I really envy you.

Gary glanced at the auditorium and was not affected.

"Hey, this is the trouble of high charm! You don't understand at all."

Wu You showed a cheap smile on his face, which made Gary want to hit someone after seeing it.

Am I not handsome? I don't have any charm. In fact, Gary is also very handsome, but he is not as good as Wu You.

"The game starts, please send your Pokémon."

The referee shouted at the two.

"Go Arcanine."

"Ursaring, this battle is up to you."

Arcanine is Gary’s Pokémon, Ursaring is Wu You’s.

"Silver Ursaring, this is Shiny's Pokémon. It is an honor for us to see Shiny Pokémon."

The narrator shouted.

Shiny’s Pokémon is rare, but Shiny’s Pokémon is common. No matter. . . .

Whether it is strong or not, it represents preciousness.

In fact, some Shiny Pokémons are not necessarily stronger than ordinary Pokémons. Some have the characteristics of garbage and become waste, but they cannot change their precious facts.

Because the scarce things are basically regarded as precious things.

Gary looked at this Ursaring very seriously, this Ursaring was very powerful, and he knew that he was a great guy at first glance.

"Ursaring, use an arm hammer!"

Because Wu You got the first strike, he was not polite and let Ursaring attack directly.

Ursaring, with a heavy breath, did not move, moving like thunder, and instantly appeared in front of Arcanine, raising his arm and smashing it towards Arcanine.

Touch! Arcanine screamed and was beaten out for more than ten meters. Ursaring was very powerful in terms of strength. Arcanine was beaten out of the battlefield.

However, Pokémon's battle is not counted as a loss if you fly out of the battlefield, but only if you lose the ability to fight.

"Arcanine, are you all right"

Gary looked at Arcanine with a panic on his face. This Ursaring's attack speed was too fast! Arcanine stood up and shook his head, with a touch of pain in his eyes.

Gary’s expression became completely solemn. Arcanine is also a veteran of Gary, but I didn’t expect the start to be unfavorable! "The speed of this Ursaring is incredible! It’s too fast. I didn’t find the specific action of this Ursaring just now. It’s really true. It's amazing."

Shouted the narrator.

Wu You's Ursaring and Arcanine have the same strength and are both Pokémon at the pinnacle of Elite.

But now Ursaring has taken the upper hand, hurting Arcanine, and the injury is not minor.

"Ursaring, keep attacking, use crazy Fury Swipes,...!"

Wu You wouldn't be stunned. Taking advantage of Arcanine's painful face, Ursaring continued to speed up his attack.

Ursaring's claws swiftly swung towards Arcanine, and the defensive Arcanine tried his best to avoid the attack.

"Arcanine, use the flame car.

After Arcanine avoided the attack, seizing the moment Ursaring was attacking, Constrict approached Ursaring Tackle with flames.

"Ursaring, hug Arcanine and hammer with your arm."

Ursaring opened his arms, held the speed of the Tackle on it, endured the hot flames, raised his hand and hit Arcanine again.

There was a roar on the ground, and a big pit was smashed into it, and Arcanine was lying in the pit.

"What a great Ursaring, he knocked Arcanine, who was taller than himself, to the ground again."

Shouted the narrator.

"Arcanine, stand up, I believe you can. Come on and hold on."

Wu You glanced at Gary and shook his head slightly.

This Arcanine has no chance, Wu You won't watch it get up again, don't even think about getting up after falling down this time.

"Ursaring uses Body Slam."

Although Ursaring's weight and those. . . . . . . . . The heavyweight Pokémon was incomparable, but it was not too powerful, hitting Arcanine's body, the rock shattered.

Arcanine's eyes paled, and then she passed out.

Seeing Arcanine fainting, Ursaring got up.

"Arcanine loses the ability to fight, Ursaring wins."

The referee walked over and took a look, then announced.

"Come back, Arcanine."

There was some loss in Gary's eyes.

"Now Gary is the first player to lose a Pokémon, but that's okay. The disadvantage is not that great now. I look forward to Gary's next performance."

"Come back, Ursaring."

Wu You took Ursaring back and dispatched Scizor.

In the end, Wu You let Scyther Evolution. Because he found Scizor's Evolutionary stone/ite, Wu You chose to let Scyther Evolution.

With Scizor's Evolutionary stone/ite, Scizor can surpass Evolution, and its strength will show extraordinary growth.

Gary sent Nidoking, his Nidoking strength is not weak, he is a general in his hand.

Scizor wears a belt around his waist with a stone inlaid on it. The stone looks ordinary, but it contains unknown power.

"Super Evolution, Scizor."

Wu You shouted to Scizor.

Now Wu You is no longer going to hide things about Super Evolution, Super Evolutionary stone/ite has already got enough, and there is no need to hide it.

Just let those. . . . . . . . . Shock the audience! Those. . . . . . . . . The audience was indeed shocked, what they saw, Scizor unexpectedly evolved again.

Mega Scizor is very handsome, looks really like a warrior, two big tongs are like big mouths with sharp teeth.

. . . . . . . . . . The commentators were all dumbfounded by this change.

"This... What the hell is this Pokémon Scizor's Evolution"

"Wu You, this is"

Gary couldn't help but ask.

"This is Scizor's Super Evolution."

"Super Evolution, but Scizor is not the ultimate Evolution? Why is there still Super Evolution, what is this Super Evolution?"

Gary has more questions in his heart, and so are his questions. . . . . . . . . The audience's question.

"Let's fight first, and wait until the battle is over!"

Wu You did not explain what is called Super Evolution.

This thing is not easy to explain, now is the game, or the game is more important.

Of course, this is in Wu You's eyes. In the eyes of others, they want to know what Super Evolution is.

"Mega Scizor, use Bullet Punch."

Wu You told Mega Scizor.

Mega Scizor appeared in front of Nidoking like a red light, and then quickly punched out.

Although the power of Bullet Punch is not great, it is fast and can make a sound of breaking through the air in the air.

Scizor was not weak in the first place, the strength of the Elite Intermediate, now after surpassing Evolution, the strength directly reaches the peak of Elite.

Compared with Mega Scizor, Nidoking is far worse, so Mega Scizor kills Nidoking in seconds.

Seeing Nidoking who was killed by a spike, many people were surprised.

The battle ended too soon! This Nidoking doesn't look weak, but it was killed in seconds. This Pokémon, who has evolved again, is also too powerful.

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