The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 377 : Defeat Leader Asha Boom! With the sound of Tackle, Torkoal was knocked over by Aron, h


Rosa didn't hold it back, and laughed out of nowhere. Torkoal is so funny now.

"Torkoal, turn around quickly."

Asha called to Torkoal.

But Torkoal kept shaking his limbs, yes. . . Can't turn it over.

"What should I do now"

Asha couldn't help asking.

Her Torkoal can’t turn over, so there’s no way to fight, unless someone helps, but now it’s in a challenge, can you help? "This will be counted as losing combat effectiveness."

Rosa said.

Regardless of whether there is still fighting power, as long as it falls into a state where it cannot fight, it will be regarded as a failure.

For example, after being hypnotized, I haven't woken up for a long time "One Nine Zero"

Come here, even if it loses combat effectiveness, there is still it. . . Being frozen by ice, if unable to break free within time, it is counted as losing combat effectiveness.

"Then it's a shame that my Torkoal was defeated like this."

Asha couldn't help but said.

"Come back, Torkoal."

Asha took Torkoal back, and it was a relief to Torkoal. Torkoal was really uncomfortable with all her feet upside down.

"Camerupt, go!"

Camerupt is a Pokémon that supports two volcanoes, and these two small volcanoes can also erupt.

"Aron, come back."

Wu You took Aron back, but this Camerupt Aron couldn't beat it.

He uses Aron just to make Aron proficient in combat.

"Milotic, the battle is up to you."

Milotic of Water Type restrained Camerupt to death, and Wu You's Milotic is also very strong.

This Milotic has the potential of a Champion, so his strength has improved very quickly, and he is now a semi-Elite intermediate.

"Even if we restrain our Water Type Pokémon, we are not afraid. Camerupt uses Flamethrower."

"Milotic, use Hydro Pump to fight back."

Faced with Camerupt's Flamethrower, of course, he directly fought back, anyway. . . Wu You's Milotic is strong and also restrains Camerupt.

The flame was extinguished in the blink of an eye, and the powerful Hydro Pump hit Camerupt with an unrelenting aura.

The characteristic of this Camerupt is lava armor. With this characteristic, it will not be frozen by ice, but it does not mean that it is not afraid of water.

Water Type's moves are four times the damage to Camerupt. One move almost killed Camerupt in seconds.

Perhaps Asha is well trained, this Camerupt has enough stamina, and Hydro Pump can stand up even after a single blow.

"Camerupt is good, continue to attack and use fire-breathing tricks."

"Your Camerupt can actually learn a trick"

Wu You was surprised when he heard this.

The fire-breathing trick is very powerful, but it is precisely because the fire-breathing trick is difficult to learn.

"Milotic, use a high-pressure Hydro Pump."

Wu You asked Milotic to use high pressure, and then it was. . . Overwhelmingly, Camerupt was instantly killed.

Because of Camerupt, Spitfire was not used at all, but I did not use it.

"Obviously, I can still use it before, so why didn't I use it this time?"

Asha was very embarrassed.

"Your Camerupt, haven't you fully mastered this move?"

Wu You asked.

"Well, I haven't fully grasped it. I thought it could be used this time, but I didn't expect it to be used."

Asha said disappointedly.

"Being able to learn to breathe fire, you Camerupt is very promising, and you will definitely become a Pokémon who is not weak in the future."

Wu You said.

This is not a compliment either. The strength of this Camerupt is indeed very good, the potential has also reached Elite, and Nihe must be very powerful.

"Come back, Camerupt, I will continue to work hard in the future."

"Camerupt failed, ask Asha to send the next Pokémon."

Rosa said.

Asha took out the last Pokémon, which is Magcargo. Magcargo is from Slugma Evolution and has strong defensive capabilities.

Magcargo has an extra shell on his back than Slugma. The shell is covered with lava, and the body contains a super high temperature. After coming out, the air is a bit hot.

"It deserves to be a fire gym, and the Pokémon used are all fire Pokémon."

"It's easy to be targeted just by using a Pokémon series."

Caitlin said.

Just like herself, the Pokémon used are all Psychic, so when facing Dark's Pokémon, it will become a headache.

"Magcargo, use Flame Burst."

"Milotic uses Aqua Ring."

Wu You said.

Except for Aqua Ring. . . . . . . . In addition to being able to restore himself, he can also block fire attacks. After all, he creates a water curtain to surround himself. . . . . . Magcargo's Flame Burst was completely defended by Milotic's Aqua Ring.

"This trick is so handsome, I don't know when my Feebas will evolve."

May thought of his Feebas.

"Your Feebas is very confident. I believe it won't take long before it will be able to evolve as Milotic. By then, you will have the most powerful helper in the gorgeous contest."

Caitlin said to May.

"Milotic, use Aqua Tail."

"Don't resist Magcargo, go back quickly."

Asha ordered Magcargo to retreat, but Magcargo's speed is too slow, where can the snail go fast.

Attacking like a stormy sea, Pound hit Magcargo's body and knocked Magcargo flying.

"Milotic uses Hyper Beam."

Wu You asked Milotic to use Hyper Beam to attack Magcargo that was shot out. This was a good opportunity. Wu You naturally wanted to seize it and try his best to solve Magcargo.

Seeing Magcargo being bombarded, Wu You knew that it was not enough now. . . , So Milotic continued to attack.

"Milotic uses a high-pressure Hydro Pump, let’s end Magcargo."

"Magcargo, use protection, block it."

Asha shouted to Magcargo.

In the voice of Asha, Magcargo resisted the pain and used the magical skill of protection to resist Milotic's high-pressure Hydro Pump trick.

"This is just a dying struggle, Milotic uses the high-pressure Hydro Pump5 again.

1. "

Even if it is blocked, Milotic can make a second attack.

"High-pressure Hydro Pump can also be used"

Asha was surprised.

Although she is a Pokémon trainer of the fire system and focuses on training the Pokémon of the fire system, she also knows that the high-pressure Hydro Pump is the ultimate skill of the Water Type and is difficult to use continuously.

Now Milotic uses the high-pressure Hydro Pump continuously, and nothing happens.

In this high-pressure Hydro Pump attack, Yasha once again asked Magcargo to use protection. However, to protect this move, it can be used 100% successfully the first time, but not necessarily afterwards.

Magcargo had bad luck and was not used. It was bombarded by the high-pressure Hydro Pump and then lost its combat ability.

"Magcargo lost the ability to fight. In this challenge, challenger Wu You won."

Rosa announced loudly.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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