The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 387 :Remains of Misty Mountain This is what happened here, so it's all fog

Rosa looked at the fog and frowned slightly.

"This is called Misty Mountain. Isn't it normal to have mist? Follow behind me, don't get lost."

Wu You took May's hand.

"It is rumored that there is a ruin in this Misty Mountain, the ruins of Baltoy, with the greatest invention of the Baltoy civilization."

Wu You said.

"What's so powerful about the invention in ancient times."

May shook his head.

"No, the inventions in ancient times are not inferior. Don't underestimate the ancient people, they will not be worse than the current people."

Wu You knows that in this unusual world, there were many great inventions in ancient times, and they couldn't be done even now.

These. . . . . . . . . . . . It should be considered a black technology, but I don’t know how the ancients made the "Ninety Nine Zero"


"Ah, Wu You, did you hear a singing voice?"

"I did hear singing."

Wu You followed the singing curiously and came to a tree hole. They saw a woman sitting in the tree hole singing a beautiful song.

"Why Sing is such a weird person here."

Rosa whispered.

Caitlin looked at this woman a little wary, and when he met such a strange person in this Misty Mountain, it felt a little weird! "Lord Tianping puppet's path! It's simple when you come, and terrible when you go back..."

"Hello, what song is this sung?"

May interrupted the opponent aloud.

The woman raised her head when she heard the words, her eyes were wrapped in a red coat, and she also wore a pair of sunglasses so that others could not see her appearance.

After raising his head to look at Wu You and them for a while, he lowered his head again and gently Sing.

"It's weird to ignore us at all, let's go."

Rosa saw this weirdo ignore them and wanted to leave.

Wu You nodded, and then left here, while the singing still kept coming.

"Wu You, this woman, shouldn't it be Pokémon from the ghost type pretending to be"

Caitlin asked Wu You.

Because in the Misty Region, Pokémon of the ghost system is often haunted, Caitlin suspects that this woman is a Pokémon of the ghost system.

"No, she is a real human."

Wu You shook his head, this woman did not have the unique breath of the ghost Pokémon.

"Lala, Lala!"

"what is this"

May squinted at the strange noise in front of him.

"It's Pokémon, Baltoy."

"This Pokémon, that's... Baltoy, he turned around in a circle, isn't he afraid of turning dizzy?"

Baltoy is small in size and is made of brown-brown outer clay.

The eyebrows are red arched stripes, and the eyes are usually closed in a line.

The red stripes form one on the belly and waist.

The hands are flat and long, with a spike on the top and bottom of the head.

The spikes on the lower end are like the same, used to move, rotate, and even stay standing while sleeping.

Behind Baltoy, a little girl with red hair followed.

"Hey, don't go this way anymore, the front is."

Rosa kindly reminded him.

That's right, this road is nowhere. Wu You and the others are ready to make a detour. When they saw this little girl moving toward this side, they reminded her.

"Ah, there is a cliff ahead."

The little girl was a little panicked when she heard it, and if she continued to move forward, she might not pay attention to falling off the cliff. Now the fog is thick and the visibility is too low.

"Thank you for reminding me, I am the next generation."

"My name is Wu You, a trainer passing by, are you too"

"No, I'm not a Pokémon trainer. I'm here to find ancient ruins."

I took out a book on my behalf, pointed to the book and said: "I saw it in this book. The most important treasure in the universe may be hidden in the ruins."

"What is the most important baby in the universe"

Rosa's curiosity was completely raised:.

"I don't know this either."

The next generation shook his head, but since it is the most important treasure in the universe, it must be a very powerful thing.

"In the ancient ruins, there is still lost wisdom and civilization."

Wu You nodded when he heard this. His grandma Carolina is. . . For those who study history and civilization, how much Wu You knows about these. . . Also understand some.

I don't know how many years this planet has existed, and all the civilizations in it have appeared, but I don't know why it disappeared.

But there are also things that have been handed down, and the current Poké Ball was also made based on the technology found in the remains of civilization.

"My dream is to become an archaeologist, but it's probably impossible..."

The coming generation lowered his head and said.

"Impossible, why is this"

Rosa asked curiously.

"Because my parents are very verbose, they ask girls to be like girls. I can't speak to them and tell them that I want to be an archaeologist."

"In the next generation, it is actually very dangerous to become an archaeologist."

Wu You said cautiously to the next generation.

There are treasures left in the ancient ruins, and there are also traps, which may cost your lives if you are not careful.

Cheap parents in Wu You's life, yes. . . Archaeologists, the remains of his last death.

"I also know that there will be danger, but I just like archeology, but my parents don't understand, all the materials I prepared are thrown away, only this book is left."

"And one day, I suddenly received a call asking Baltoy and I to come to the remains of the Misty Mountain, and told me that the records in the book are all facts."

"That's how you came here"

Wu You and the others looked at the coming generation weirdly, not afraid of danger, and really dare to come! "Well, I ran here secretly without telling my parents."

The next generation nodded.

"In the next generation, you are not afraid that the person calling you is a bad person"

"I don't think she is a bad person, I can feel it."

"Then do you have any clues to find the ruins?"

Rosa asked the next generation that she was very curious about which ruins.

"Yes, there is a song recorded in this book, pass it, pass it, where is the path?"


"It's Master Baltoy's path!"

Rosa couldn't help but sing along.


The next generation couldn't help but look at Rosa in surprise.

"This is what we heard before. Someone has been: Sing, one of the lyrics is like this."

Rosa stuck out her tongue and said.

"This song is an important key to entering the Misty Mountain Ruins. The person from Sing probably knows some secrets. Can you tell me where he is"

The next generation looks forward to Wu You and them.

"It's in the tree hole not far away, can we go with you"

Rosa asked her on behalf of her.

"Okay, you can come with me."

The next generation nodded.

Seeing her promise, Rosa looked at Wu You. If Wu You disagrees, she can't find the ruin.

Wu You did not refuse, he was also curious about the remains of Misty Mountain.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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