The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 427 : Garchomp Salamence Your Snorlax face my Altaria, but there is not the slightest advant

Drake said.

Yes, Snorlax's weight is destined to not be an agile Pokémon, and Altaria has the advantage of flying in the air.

Altaria flies in the sky, and Snorlax might only be for watching, Drake's Altaria is not weak.

But Wu You didn't panic at all. Although Snorlax is not fast, Snorlax also has its own advantages.

"Snorlax, use Yawn."

Wu You shouted to Snorlax.

Snorlax hit a big Yawn, and this Yawn caused Altaria's drowsiness, causing Altaria to fall down from mid-air.

"No, Altaria is sober."

Drake also felt bad.

"Snorlax, use Hyper Beam."

Wu You seizes the opportunity to "one nine zero"

The attack did not give Altaria a chance to wake up.

You must seize the opportunity, because if you can't seize this opportunity, it will be difficult to attack next time.

Altaria does not move slowly in the air, it is difficult to hit Altaria.

This time Altaria did not evade Hyper Beam's attack because of sleepiness, and was bombarded by Hyper Beam on her body.

Snorlax, as a Pokémon of the general system, uses the moves of the general system, and its power is self-evident.

Altaria was severely wounded by Snorlax with a single blow. As soon as the battle began, Altaria was severely injured by Snorlax.

Seeing that Altaria was hit hard, Wu You felt relieved, and there was absolutely no problem with confronting Altaria.

"Sure enough, I am a trainer who owns a beast. I originally wanted to meet your beast."

Drake said.

The reason why Drake wants to challenge Wu You is that. . . I want to see the strength of the beast, but now it seems that Wu You's other Pokémon are also very strong.

"Altaria flies up and uses Dragon Breath."

Drake called to Altaria.

Altaria, who almost fell to the ground, quickly flew high up again, and then used Dragon Breath to attack Snorlax.

Wu You did not order Snorlax to evade, because Wu You also knew that it was impossible for Snorlax to evade this attack.

Snorlax is too slow, as a big fat man, it can't run at all.

However, being fat is also good, that is, the fat is thick, and Wu You, the Snorlax, is characterized by thick fat, so ordinary moves really can't hurt Snorlax.

Altaria's Dragon Breath, Snorlax was not harmed at all.

"It looks like it's going to be a little bit ridiculous. Snorlax uses Reflect."

Next, Wu You is not ready to let Snorlax attack, so delay it! Anyway. . . Snorlax is resistant to attacks.

Altaria had just been severely injured by Snorlax's Hyper Beam, and now it was serious and painful, and if he continued to fight, he would really not be able to survive Snorlax.

After Snorlax used Reflect, he didn't evade the attack he faced, and resisted it motionlessly.

Let Altaria attack, Wu You tells Snorlax to attack everything. If Altaria doesn't attack and wants to regain strength, Snorlax will attack and harass.

"This kind of tactic is really shabby."

May said with a weird expression.

"There's no way, I guess Wu You is the same. The point is that Snorlax is a little hard to fight against the flying Pokémon."

Caitlin said.

Ten minutes later, Altaria couldn't hold on anymore, and his body just stopped:, Wu You's eyes flashed brightly.

"Snorlax, use Rock Slide."

Obtained by Wu You's order, a lazy Snorlax moved in an instant, and a big rock was thrown out, smashing Altaria down in the sky.

"Snorlax, well done, use Body Slam."

Wu You said with a smile.

After receiving the order, Snorlax jumped up, and then a swoop hit Altaria's body, and Altaria who was hit below fainted.

"Altaria lost the ability to fight. Snorlax won the game."

Caitlin the provisional referee announced.

"Snorlax, come back."

Wu You took Snorlax back.

Next, Wu You is not going to use Snorlax, because Snorlax is really difficult to play. If it weren't for Drake's unpreparedness and the first to damage Altaria, then Snorlax would be really difficult to win.

"Come back, Altaria."

Drake took back Altaria, who had lost his combat effectiveness.

"Wu You, I underestimated you just now."

Drake said.

Yes, Drake did underestimate Wu You at the beginning. After all, compared to his own words, Wu You is just a young trainer, so he didn't pay the most attention to him in the beginning. . . . . . By the time Drake took it seriously, it was too late, and his Altaria was already at a disadvantage.

"Looking down at others, anyone will make mistakes."

Wu You said with a faint smile.

"Wu You, what you said is right, next I will be completely serious, I will send my trump card Pokémon."

Drake said very seriously.

"Come out, Salamence."

"Both Pokémon have dragons, is he an Elite of the dragons"

Rosa asked Caitlin curiously.

"Yes, it is indeed an Elite of the Dragon Element."

Salamence's eyes are a bit fierce, and the aura on his body is very strong, Pokémon of Champion strength.

Wu You knows that this Salamence is a Pokémon of Champion.

"This is my partner who has followed me for decades, my old partner."

Drake patted Salamence's body.

"Do you use Salamence? Then I can only use Garchomp."

Wu You released Garchomp.

After Garchomp came out, he was very excited. Wu You hadn't let it out to fight for a long time.

Wu You's Garchomp, who followed Wu You's Pokémon a long time ago, has reached the Champion's pinnacle in strength, and was almost able to enter the third-level god and become a sacred beast.

Unlike Salamence, whose aura is exposed, Garchomp puts all his aura into his body.

"Salamence, don't despise Garchomp on the opposite side. I think this Garchomp is very dangerous."

Drake said to Salamence.

Salamence seriously 5.

Nodding of 1, in fact, Salamence's feeling is more sensitive than Drake's. It really feels the crisis.

This Garchomp's momentum is not obvious, but it gives Salamence a strong sense of crisis and is the strongest opponent Salamence has encountered.

"Salamence, first make a tentative attack and use Dragon Pulse."

Drake didn't hesitate to let Salamence take the lead.

"Garchomp, take Dragon Pulse Slash."

Garchomp raised his arm, the fins on his arm aimed at the Dragon Pulse that had hit him, and then split the Dragon Pulse all at once.

Garchomp didn't take any damage, and Drake's pupils shrank sharply.

Sure enough, this Garchomp was really powerful, and it dispelled Salamence's attack lightly. Although this attack was only a tentative attack, its power was not small.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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