The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 597 : Brother Wu You, you bully people what do these guys do?

Serena pointed at the captured man in the Milky Way.

"I notified Officer Jenny and asked her to take someone to take these guys back and put them in jail for a lifetime."

Cynthia took out the phone and said.

In the Pokémon world, there is no so-called death penalty, but members of the Galaxy, members of this evil organization are caught, but they will be imprisoned for a lifetime.

And no matter whether you have committed any crime or not, as long as you join an evil organization, it is life imprisonment.

Of course, if you behave well while serving your sentence, you can also be released.

Waiting here for a while, not long after Officer Jenny came here with police officers, and captured these guys from Yinhe back.

"Brother Wu You, I am going to subdue Shellos, and Shellos agrees."

Rosa hugged Shellos and said.

Maybe it's a good reason to get along with Rosa, Shellos doesn't want to leave, but wants to follow Wu You.

"Since Shellos agrees to be your Pokémon, then you accept it."

Wu You said to Rosa.

Rosa nodded, then took out an empty Pokémon ball, and took Shellos in.

Because Shellos has recognized Rosa, the Pokémon ball didn't move at all after taking it in.

"Yeah, I subdued Shellos."

Rosa jumped up and made a gesture.

"Rosa, you are so stupid now."

Cynthia couldn't help but said.

"Brother Wu You, Cynthia slandered me stupid, so angry, Brother Wu You hurry up and help me out."

Rosa glared at Cynthia angrily, and grabbed Wu You by the hand, trying to get Wu You to help her out.

Wu You knocked Rosa's head with his hands irritably.

"What's the matter with you, I also think that you were so stupid just now, so let's continue on our way if you leave."

Rosa pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction, and asked Dawn on the side: "Dawn, am I really stupid?"

Dawn nodded seriously, and suddenly Rosa's heart was hurt by 100,000 points, and the whole person sank.


Wu You couldn't help laughing.

"Ah, you still laugh at me, watch me kill you."

Rosa stomped her foot, then rushed towards Wu You.

"Rosa, pay attention to your image, you are embarrassing now."

Wu You pushed Rosa's head and said.

"Cut, I'm not afraid of being ashamed, biting you."

Rosa took a bite at Wu You's arm.

"Stop, if you really want to bite, then at night, I will definitely let you bite enough. Let me relax now."

After Wu You stopped, he whispered in Rosa's ear.

"Brother Wu You, you villain."

Rosa's cheeks suddenly turned red.

Seeing Rosa running to the front shyly, Wu You chuckled twice.

"Wu You, you just told Rosa that Rosa is very shy."

Serena asked Wu You curiously.

"Want to know"

Serena nodded, of course she was curious to know, otherwise she wouldn't ask.

"Then you get in there first, I will whisper to you."

Wu You motioned to Serena.

Serena immediately leaned over and looked at Sha's face, Wu You lowered his head and kissed Serena's smooth cheek.

Serena, who was caught off guard by Wu You's sudden attack, was taken aback for a moment, and then ran away with a flushed face like Rosa.

"Good or bad: ."

Dawn lowered his head and said in a voice that only he could hear.

Well, this is just what Dawn thought himself, but Wu You actually heard it all.

"Dawn, were you talking about me just now?"

Wu You came to Dawn and asked.

"Ah you heard it"

Dawn looked at Wu You dumbly, clearly his own voice was very small, how could he still hear "Of course I heard it, my ears are very smart, I actually said I was bad, you said how I would punish you"

Wu You squeezed a hand on Dawn's face.

Dawn's cheeks are extremely soft and smooth, and Wu You is a little bit reluctant to let go.

"Brother Wu You, you bully people."

Dawn whimpered like a small animal.

"Yeah, I like to bully girls like Dawn."

Wu You rubbed Dawn's cheek with both hands.


Touch! Sabrina said something abnormal, then punched Wu You on the top of the head, looking at Wu You jealously.

"Little worry, I found out that you should be killed."

Cynthia's fist clicked.

Dawn saw this scene and immediately gave Wu You a self-seeking look, and then ran forward.

The current sister Cynthia is terrible, and sister Sabrina is terrible, so she shouldn't stay here.

As for Wu You, whoever let him bully himself deserves to be cleaned up.


Hina, who was sitting on Wu You's shoulders, smiled, obviously schadenfreude, this is mocking Wu You.

Wu You glared at Hina, and if he didn't clean up Hina for a while, he would not be called Wu You.

"Huh, I want to put my anger on me, big bad guy."

Kina snorted softly.

"Um..., let's hurry up, it will get dark in a while."

Wu You didn't settle accounts with Hina for the time being, but first passed this level before talking. Seeing Cynthia's appearance, it seemed that he was really going to beat him.

"You guy, you like to molest girls when you have nothing to do. Do you want me to be a sister, do you want to clean up your meal?"

"Don't, I know it was wrong, my sister, I will only molested you in the future, okay."

Wu You said quickly.

Cynthia's cheeks flushed when he heard that, and he glared at Wu You with shame, but Wu You clearly saw that Cynthia was not angry at all, and felt sweet.

Sabrina on the side was jealous. She put her little hand on Wu You's waist and twisted it towards Wu You.


Sabrina snorted coldly, and then walked forward. Wu You hurriedly chased Sabrina after seeing this. Sabrina seemed to be really jealous.

"Sabrina, are you jealous?"

Wu You ran to Sabrina's side, and after catching up with Sabrina, she stretched out her hand and embraced Sabrina in Wilderno's.

"This guy left me in a blink of an eye."

Cynthia said angrily.

After Wu You's comfort, the jealous Sabrina finally didn't get angry and asked Wu You to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead.

But immediately Wu You greeted Cynthia's nuclear-sounding gaze, and Wu You couldn't help but give a wry smile.

But this is what Wu You asked for himself. The Rosa in front of them looked back, and they were gloating.

Wu You gritted his teeth, and must clean them up another day: Let them all be honest, Cynthia and Sabrina are no exception.

"Wu You, are you thinking of something bad?"

Cynthia looked at Wu You instantly.

A cold sweat broke out on Wu You's forehead, isn't it, is a woman's sixth sense so accurate? He just thought about it, Cynthia seemed to know it already.

"I didn't think of anything bad, let's go quickly."

Wu You quickly fooled Gan.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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