The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 599 :Parent-child battle! Dawn Johanna Dawn, is this your hometown?

That's right, Wu You and his party came to Twinleaf Town, which is Dawn's home.

"Well, this is my hometown, Twinleaf Town. Although Twinleaf Town is not big, it is very cozy."

Dawn said happily.

I was a little excited in my heart. After leaving for so long, I finally came home again. I don't know what happened to my mother at home.

"Let's go, follow me home first."

Dawn said.

Next, Dawn led the way and came to Dawn's house. Although Dawn's house is not very big, it is very warmly furnished.

"Strange, why isn't Mom here, Glameow isn't there either."

Dawn was surprised to see no one in the house.

"I'll call and ask."

Dawn took out his cell phone and dialed Johanna's phone.

"Hey, Mom, I'm Dawn, I'm back, why didn't I see you, where did you go?"

"Dawn, you are back"

Johanna was visibly stunned, and then said, "You forgot, this is the time when the Futaba Festival is being held. I was selected as a committee member of the Futaba Festival. I am currently busy holding the festival."

"Oh, so, when will you finish your work, mom?"

Dawn asked.

"It's not easy to say, Dawn, is there anything wrong with you"

"It's's nothing, but it's been a long time since I saw you mom, and I miss you a little bit."

"It's rare that my daughter can still miss my mother, so let's go back when I'm done."

Johanna said with a smile.

"Mom, please go ahead and I will leave you alone."

Dawn hung up.

"I almost forgot. It's now when the Futaba Festival is being held. I didn't expect my mother to be selected as a committee member."

Dawn stuck his tongue out and said.

"Futaba Festival, is it fun?"

Rosa asked Dawn.

"I'll know by attending at that time."

Dawn did not say, but bought a pass.

After staying at Dawn's house until the evening, Dawn's mother Johanna finally returned.

"Mom, long time no see, I miss you so much."

Dawn rushed towards Johanna and into Johanna's arms.

"I'm not afraid of being laughed at if I'm such a big person."

Johanna touched Dawn's head and said.

Dawn was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

"By the way, Dawn, these are your friends on the trip, hello, I am Dawn's mother, thank you for taking care of Dawn."

Johanna said gratefully.

"Aunt Johanna don't need to thank you, we are all Dawn's good friends, and you don't need to thank you for taking care of anything."

Wu You said.

We chatted for a while, and then Johanna personally cooks dinner. I have to say that Johanna's cooking skills are pretty good, at least. . . . . . . . . . . . Rosa is very satisfied with the food.

After dinner, Johanna looked at Dawn and said, "Dawn, I don't know how well your trip is. Come and have a doubles duel with me."

"Ah, I'm going to fight against you mom"

Frozen for a moment.

"Yes, I also want to check it out and see the results of your travels, don't you want to"

Johanna asked.

"No, I do, of course I do."

Dawn didn't want to refuse to fight, on the contrary, she still wanted to fight Johanna.

That way, you can let your mother take a look at your own achievements and see your progress.

Children have improved, and of course they like to show off with adults. Dawn is in this psychology now.

"Then come out."

Johanna took Dawn outside, and Wu You and the others came out to watch.

"Come out, Yue Pokémon, Glameow."

Johanna sent two Pokémon, one Pokémon one month, and the other Glameow.

"I don't know what Pokémon Dawn will use."

Wu You looked at Dawn.

"Piplup, and Pachirisu, this battle is left to the two of you. Come on."

Dawn was a little nervous, feeling that fighting with his mother was even more nervous than during the gorgeous contest.

Dawn's nervousness, Johanna could see it at a glance.

"Dawn, don't be nervous. As a coordination trainer, what you fear most is... nervousness."

Johanna said solemnly.

Not just a coordination trainer, any trainer is very nervous.

As long as you are nervous, you will not be able to exert your true strength, and it is normal to lose.

Dawn calmed down the tension in his heart and looked at Johanna seriously.

"I'm fine, then mom, I'm going to get it first. Pachirisu uses Thunderbolt."

Dawn shouted to Pachirisu.

Dawn didn't say whom Pachirisu would attack, and Johanna didn't know which Pokémon Pachirisu would attack, so he had to be extremely vigilant.

Playing doubles is also considered a tactic.

Pachirisu attacked Glameow, because Dawn knew that Glameow's strength was relatively weak.

If you want to win, defeating Glameow first is the best choice.

After defeating Glameow, you can concentrate on dealing with Pokémon Yue. When the time comes, Pokémon can be played by two.

"Piplup, use Bubble Beam."

Dawn asked Piplup to follow along.

The target of the attack is Glameow, so even if Glameow can dodge Thunderbolt, it cannot dodge Bubble Beam's attack.

"Glameow dodges, Moon Pokémon uses Shadow Ball to attack Piplup."

When Thunderbolt was about to hit Glameow, Glameow successfully avoided the attack, but Bubble Beam couldn't avoid it.

. . . . . . . . . . Glameow was beaten out by Bubble Beam.

However, because Piplup and Pachirisu were both attacking, of course they couldn't take care of their defense. Piplup was hit by Pokémon's shadow ball.

After the first wave of attack, Dawn obviously attacked first, but in the end it was Dawn who suffered.

"Yue Pokémon pays attention to defense, Glameow uses crazy Fury Swipes, to attack Piplup."

In a doubles match, of course, the side that defeats a Pokémon first has the advantage.

Almost everyone knows this, so Johanna is going to defeat Piplup first, and then come to deal with Pachirisu.

"Piplup be careful."

Dawn had just finished reminding him, and Glameow pounced on him, using crazy Fury Swipes towards Piplup.

I was injured before being hit, and it was a bit inconvenient to move. In addition, Glameow was so agile that Piplup couldn't avoid it at all.

The continuous madness of Fury Swipes, caught Piplup's body, and Piplup screamed repeatedly when he was caught by his paws.

"Piplup, are you all right"

Seeing that Piplup was attacked and he seemed to be seriously injured, Dawn was immediately distracted and looked at Piplup distressedly.

"Dawn, in battle, the most taboo thing is... Distraction is dangerous for you."

Johanna reminded Dawn.

Because Dawn was distracted and worried about Piplup's injury, he forgot to command, which caused Pachirisu to be attacked by Pokémon and knocked out by Pokémon.

All of a sudden, Dawn fell into an absolute disadvantage, and it didn't take long for the battle to begin, which also showed that Johanna's strength was not weak.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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