Palkia nodded after receiving Wu You's order, and then cautiously used Yakong to cut off.

Yakong cut off with one move, and he struck straight towards Zekrom. The speed did not give Zekrom a chance to react at all.

And this trick, even the space can be opened, so this power can already be imagined.

With super powerful attacks and super fast speed, Zekrom can only choose to defend.

A protective cover appeared around him, protecting Zekrom in it, and Palkia needed some effort to break this protection.

Although it was unable to completely block Yakong from cutting off, it was able to block part of the power, and most of the power was resisted.

Zekrom only took a small part of the force, so it was able to resist it.

But this is also very good, after all, Zekrom is not as strong as Palkia, and it is already very good to be able to block this blow.

Wu You clearly found that Zekrom had suffered some injuries after blocking the blow, and it seemed that the injuries were not minor.

"Palkia, take advantage of the victory and pursue it."

Wu You shouted to Palkia.

In fact, without Wu You's reminder, Palkia will definitely take advantage of the victory and kill him directly towards Zekrom.

With a fierce aura, Palkia used Dragon Rage towards Zekrom, and the super shock wave hit Zekrom.

A Light Screen was suddenly erected in front of Zekrom. Helping Hand Zekrom blocked Dragon Rage. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zekrom disappeared instantly.

After Zekrom's figure disappeared, Dragon Rage broke the Light Screen, but it was useless now. Zekrom had now avoided the attack.

"The strength of the black dragon is still very strong. I don't know what the strength of the white dragon Lexi Ram is."

Wu You said involuntarily.

Being able to hold on to Palkia, who is stronger than himself, for such a long time shows the strength of Zekrom.

And Lexi Ram's strength should be similar to Zekrom's strength, but Wu You is. . . . . . . . . . . . Especially look forward to Resh Ram.

"Resh Ram looks more beautiful than Zekrom."

Rosa said.

Rosa said yes. . . . . . . . . . . . Yes, in terms of appearance, Reich Ram is definitely better than Zekrom.

But Wu You is not a member of the Appearance Association, and Zekrom, although it is extremely dark, looks quite mighty, at least more mighty than Lexi Ram.

Wu You thinks Zekrom is not bad, but Rosa and Wu You have different opinions. She thinks that Zekrom is so dark that it doesn't look good.

In the next battle, Wu You didn't pay much attention either. Although Zekrom's strength was good, it was not as good as Palkia.

Although I can still deal with it now, it's too early.

Zekrom evaded Palkia's Dragon Rage, then attacked and counterattacked against Palkia.

However, Palkia who rushed to Palkia suddenly escaped into the space and disappeared, leaving Zekrom's attack on Smack Down empty.

Palkia is the god of space. If you don't want to be hit, Zekrom really can't help Palkia.

Even Pokémon, who is stronger than Palkia, cannot defeat Palkia without the means to restrict Palkia.

Zekrom's strength is obviously not stronger than Palkia, and there is no way to restrict Palkia.

So at the beginning of the battle, the result is doomed, and Zekrom will definitely lose.

"It looks like a Zekrom is about to be taken over."

Wu You smiled faintly, feeling happy in his heart.

But to subdue Zekrom, for. . Wu You's strength hasn't grown much. Don't look at Zekrom as a Pokémon at the pinnacle of the first-level god.

But Wu You's other sacred beasts are quite powerful. There are not many more sacred beasts, and it does not matter if there is one missing sacred beast.

But Wu You is right. . Divine beasts, what can be subdued, of course, must be subdued, after all, this is like a collecting psychology, in general.

So in Wu You's heart, of course, he wanted to subdue Zekrom, not because of Zekrom's strength, but the meaning of Zekrom.

Palkia suddenly emerged from the space, and then Sucker Punch towards Zekrom.

Dragon Rush hit Zekrom's body. The dragon had restrained Zekrom, and Zekrom screamed involuntarily when he was hit.

The body Tackle came down, and Tackle made a huge deep pit on the ground again, and then Palkia used the water from the Hydro Pump to pour it in, forming a lake again.

"I wonder now whether all the lakes and seas in this world were fought by sacred beasts."

Caitlin couldn't help but said.

And Caitlin also has reasons for suspicion. Looking at this battle, even if he tried not to affect the ground, he still played two big lakes.

If this is fighting desperately, will the entire Unova Region be affected? In fact, this is really true. If you really fight desperately, with the strength of the beast, I am afraid that the entire region will really be greatly affected. .

Zekrom hadn't lost his combat ability yet, Palkia threw Zekrom directly into the air, and then bombarded Zekrom with a Dragon Rage.

This time Zekrom was completely incapable of defending, and was hit by a Dragon Rage move, directly hitting the sky.

Zekrom was hit into the sky, and then fell down after a long time. Wu You immediately asked Palkia to catch Zekrom.

Because Palkia caught Zekrom, it didn't make Zekrom fall, and then suffered a second damage.

"Has Zekrom lost the ability to fight?"

Elesa couldn't believe it.

"Hina, I'm sorry to trouble you. Let's treat Zekrom for his injuries."

Wu You said to Hina.

Zekrom's injury is very serious, so let Hina treat it, otherwise, Zekrom himself, I don't know when it will recover.

Palkia was not injured, but did not need treatment.

After treating Zekrom, Zekrom opened his eyes.

"Since I am defeated by you, I will become your Pokémon."

Zekrom said very seriously.

for. . For Pokémon, whether it is a sacred beast or a non-sacred beast, he is very concerned about promises.

Since I told Wu You that as long as he is defeated, he will become his Pokémon, then Zekrom will really become his Pokémon.

Wu You smiled faintly, then took out a Master Ball, put Zekrom away, and finally accepted Zekrom! "Palkia, you have worked hard this time, come back."

Wu You took Palkia's Master Ball back and took Palkia back. In fact, for Palkia, this battle was not hard work.

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