The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 763 : Chandelure Lampent, attack with big letters.

Wu You said to Lampent.

Now Vanillish has been knocked to the ground, it is a good opportunity to attack, as long as a move, a big-character attack, can make Vanillish lose the ability to fight.

But the prerequisite is that you can hit Vanillish. If you can't hit Vanillish, it's no use.

Vanillish was knocked to the ground now, and it was impossible to avoid it.

Seeing this scene, Brycen, as the Gym Leader, was also very decisive and directly let Vanillish use the protection trick.

There is no other way without the protection, because if you don't use the protection to block, you will definitely be killed in a flash.

After he lost his combat power and could continue to fight for a while, Brycen would of course choose the second one.

As long as the battle can continue, it means there is still a chance. Brycen will seize any opportunity and will never give up any chance that might be won.

Protection can indeed block the attack, after all, it protects a magic trick, except. . . . . . . . Apart from the attack of the divine beast, there are other attacks that can't be stopped.

"Vanillish, use Blizzard."

"You have no chance."

Wu You shook his head slightly. In fact, Vanillish was only dying to struggle with protection.

At the end of Vanillish's protection and use, the big character burst had fallen on Vanillish's body, and Vanillish instantly lost the ability to fight.

Blizzard was not used, and he lost his fighting ability.

This is equivalent to letting Wu You's Lampent use one more big-character attack. Of course, this is not without effect at all.

After all, it was an attack that exploded with big characters, right. . For Wu You's Lampent, it is also a big consumption, which can consume Wu You Lampent's physical strength.

Brycen felt better in an instant when he thought about it, which should be regarded as Brycen's self-comfort.

"Go, Beartic."

Brycen sent a Mega bear that looked like a polar bear. It was definitely close to three meters in height and was already very tall.

"My Beartic is very strong, you have to be careful."

Brycen toward Wu You warned.

Wu You looked at this Beartic, and indeed, the strength of this Beartic was better than Wu You's Lampent.

But Wu You is not afraid. Being strong is not terrible. Through command and attribute restraint, the gap in strength can be smoothed out.

for. . This tall Beartic, Wu You's Lampent is not afraid, looking at Beartic, waiting for Wu You's command.

"Lampent, use Night Shade."

Wu You said to Lampent.

Lampent's Night Shade is a ghost style move. After Lampent's move, Beartic's expression is a bit painful.

There was a roar, and then Beartic suddenly rushed towards the lamp, and then used an icicle to crash.

Lampent floated and floated into the air, just to avoid the attack of the original bear.

Then Lampent didn't hesitate to start a counterattack, using Flamethrower to attack the Beartic, and against the ice Pokémon, it was better to use the fire style.

Fire attacks keep falling. Even if Beartic's defensive capabilities are good, they can only evade in embarrassment and avoid Lampent's attacks.

Beartic's speed is actually not slow. The seemingly tall body is very quick to move, and after continuous dodge, it quickly separated from Wu You's Lampent.

"The speed is... fast, but my Lampent is not too slow. Let's pursue the victory, Lampent."

Wu You also let Lampent pursue it, anyway. . . The current form is very beneficial to Wu You.

The fire system's attack made Beartic dare not get close at all, and Beartic's offensive power is very strong, and only after getting close can its strength be fully utilized.

In this way, Wu You's Lampent suppressed the stronger Beartic.

Looking at this scene, Brycen felt very helpless in his heart. Every time he encountered a challenger, his opponent would basically come up with a Pokémon that restrained him.

This is basically true of every Gym.

The challengers are already aware of the attributes of each Gym. At this time, in order to get the badge, they will come up with restrained Pokémon.

If there is an advantage in the attribute, it means that the advantage is great.

Some examples of relying on attributes to defeat the strong by the weak are not without them.

And now, Brycen is about to become one of the examples, and it is really uncomfortable in my heart.

"No, absolutely can't let Beartic lose so easily."

Brycen didn't want his Beartic to be defeated so easily by the opponent.

"Beartic, come on, rush up against the flames, and you must make Lampent pay the price."

Even if he really loses in the end, Brycen definitely doesn't want the opponent to win this easy.

Even if I lose, it won't make you easy to win.

When Wu You was about to order Lampent, a white light appeared on Lampent's body.

"this is"

Wu You all froze for a moment, and then a happy smile appeared on Wu You's face.

This white light is the light of Evolution, which means that Lampent is going to Evolution.

"Lampent Evolution is so fast."

Wu You said with a slight smile.

But in the future, I can no longer call Lampent, but Chandelure.

This is also the final Evolution of Lampent. After Evolution, Chandelure's strength has surpassed Beartic.

The attributes originally restrained Beartic, but now that after Evolution, it is impossible to restrain Beartic and suppress its strength even if it wants to lose.

"At this time your Pokémon actually evolved."

Brycen felt like he was lying in his heart. It was already difficult to fight, but now that after Evolution, Brycen feels that he has no hope anymore.

But even so, Brycen didn't mean to give up. It is absolutely impossible to give up. Even after Evolution, Brycen will have to fight his Beartic and Lampent.

"Beartic, use Hyper Beam."

The moves of the ice system, yes. . Wu You's Chandelure is not so easy to use, it can reduce ice damage.

So Brycen has already thought about it, using the general system of attacks, Hyper Beam should be one of the most powerful moves of the general system.

The terrifying Hyper Beam hit Wu You's Chandelure. This move was so powerful that the dust was lifted up.

Wu You knew the power of this trick just by looking at it, so after thinking about it, he still didn't let Chandelure come.

After all, Chandelure's strength is. . . It has become stronger, but it is not much stronger than Beartic. If it is bombarded by Hyper Beam, it will cause a lot of damage to Chandelure.

"Chandelure, use protection."

Because Beartic's move was too fast, there was no time to dodge, so he could only use protection to block it.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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