The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 784 : Won the first round of the preliminary round Brother Wu You, did you win?

After Wu You returned, Rosa couldn't wait to ask Wu You.

"Does this still need to be said, it must have been won."

Wu You nodded. Not only did he win, he also beat the opponent to autism, and he didn't know if Trip could recover.

However, it was indeed too miserable for Trip to lose. Not to mention that Trip's mentality is not good at all. Even if it is to be a Champion, it is estimated that he will doubt life.

"Wu You, what do you use Pokémon"

Serena asked Wu You.


After hearing that Wu You was using Slaking, the girls were silent.

If it is said that the person who knows the strength of Slaking best, then except. . . . . . . . Except Wu You, yes. . . The girls are gone, so when they heard Wu You use Slaking, they probably guessed how badly the other party had lost.

"I don't know who your opponent is, but I sympathize with him very much now, which is really unlucky."

Cynthia said.

It was unlucky enough to meet Wu You, but Wu You still uses Slaking, which is simply unlucky to get home.

The progress of the Higaki Conference was a bit slow. It took three days to complete the qualifiers and then the preliminary rounds.

The preliminary round is divided into three rounds. The first round is a one-on-one match. The trainer can only use two Pokémon. The top 32 players will advance to the next round.

In the first round of the preliminary round, Wu You's opponent was a man named A Xun. Wu You did not investigate and didn't know his strength, but it didn't matter.

Anyway. . . No matter who the opponent is, Wu You will not be afraid.

Coming to the competition venue, all the women came to cheer for Wu You this time. Seeing so many beauties cheering for Wu You, some people couldn't help but feel sour.

"Go, Scolipede, knock me down: this damn thing."

After Axun released Scolipede, Rage said incomparably.

There are so many beauties who come to support, A Xun is jealous, so she desperately wants to knock Wu You down.

"Scolipede, by coincidence I also have a Scolipede."

Wu You looked at this Scolipede and said.

Just when A Xun thought Wu You would also send Scolipede, Wu You said lightly: "Go Volcarona, defeat this Scolipede."

Wu You's Larvesta, after his hard training, has evolved for Volcarona, and his strength is quite good.

Ah Xun couldn't help but vomit blood. Why is it Volcarona? You must know that Volcarona is right. . Scolipede is very restrained.

All Pokémon of the insect type were restrained by Volcarona. Facing attribute restraint, this Axun had nothing to do.

Surrender is definitely impossible, so I can only bite the bullet and fight.

"Scolipede, use Mega corner: hit."

Axun yelled to Scolipede, letting Scolipede's moves try to knock Wu You's Volcarona down first.

But Volcarona can fly. No matter how fast the king is, it cannot fly as fast as Volcarona. After flying into the air, Scolipede can hardly hit Volcarona.

"Scolipede, use poison soon"

Axun called to Scolipede.

Poison Sting fired toward the sky, and the dense Poison Sting struck Volcarona mercilessly.

"Volcarona avoids, then uses Flamethrower."

Wu You shouted to Volcarona.

Volcarona's movements are very agile, and he is still in the air, which makes it easy to dodge. After dodge the attack of Poison Sting, Flamethrower is released.

Instantly Flamethrower hit Scolipede's body, and Scolipede couldn't help but let out a miserable Growl, slightly miserable.

The fire type is Pokémon, which restrains the insect type. Although the Scolipede is very large, it is also an insect type, and its physical strength is relatively weak.

Wu You also owns Scolipede, so he also knows the weakness of Scolipede, a trick Flamethrower has already made Scolipede unable to hold it.

Obviously, Wu You would not be merciful and let Volcarona launch another attack. The big character blasted Scolipede's body and Scolipede fell to the ground.

"Scolipede lost his fighting ability and Volcarona won."

The referee announced.

"You can see it, Axun's first Pokémon has fallen down now. I don't know how his other Pokémon will be. Let's wait and see."

The narrator shouted loudly.

"Go, Ivysaur."

After seeing Ivysaur, Wu You's expression was a little weird. It turned out to be Ivysaur. It seems that the two Pokémon registered by the other party, that's right. . . Scolipede and Ivysaur.

Ivysaur faced Wu You's Volcarona, and his disadvantage was greater than the previous Scolipede.

Knowing the attribute restraint, he also took out a restrained Pokémon. It was obvious that the Pokémon registered by the other party, that is. . . Very unfortunately restrained.

You need to know what Pokémon you use when you register, and what Pokémon you must use when you play.

"Ivysaur, use Razor Leaf."

Axun shouted to his Ivysaur.

Razor Leaf hit Volcarona in the air, but Volcarona immediately used the flame vortex, a simple flame vortex, to make Ivysaur's attack useless.

All the leaves were burned, and Ivysaur could only look at Volcarona flying in the sky.

Because you can't fly, and you can't reach Volcarona, this round is actually gone, and the referee knows the result.

As long as Wu You doesn't release water, Ivysaur will never win anyway.

Of course Wu You won't release water. He won't do anything like water release. Let Volcarona use Flamethrower.

"Volcarona is worthy of being a Pokémon comparable to the quasi-god. This strength is really strong. Ivysaur is not an opponent at all. Maybe even Ivysaur's Evolution, Venusaur is coming, and it is probably not an opponent. If nothing else, the game should be over immediately. ."

The narrator shouted.

The audience also watched, if it ends so soon, then the game will end too soon.

However, they felt that it was worthwhile to see Volcarona, who is showing great power.

Because Volcarona is not only powerful, but also very rare, it is hard to see than the quasi-god.

"Ivysaur, avoid it."

Although Axun felt that he couldn't avoid it, he still wanted to struggle a bit, in case he could avoid it.

It's a pity that A Xun thinks too much, just can't avoid it. . . Can't avoid it.

Ivysaur's speed is not fast, yet Bulbasaur is not as flexible as Bulbasaur. How to avoid this trick.

So even though Ivysaur has worked hard, but still can't change the ending of being hit, Ivysaur miserably loses the ability to fight.

"Sorry Ivysaur, I really worked hard for you this time."

Axun took Ivysaur back and said.

Let Ivysaur fight Volcarona, this is really a last resort, knowing that Ivysaur can't be an opponent, but I have to bite the bullet.

Of course, this is mainly because Axun doesn't want to admit defeat. If he is defeated, he still has a bit of face. If he admits defeat, he may be put on a cowardly name.

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