The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 825 : Win Hilda, you have to cheer for us.

Rosa said to Hilda.

A very ordinary sentence, but it made Hilda's heart a little uncomfortable, and it felt that Rosa was deliberately mocking her.

Especially with the smile on Rosa's face, it makes Hilda feel extremely hateful.

"Don't worry, I will definitely cheer you on."

Hilda gritted her teeth and said.

At this time, it was the final finals, and I competed for the final first place. There is only Champion in this competition, and there is no such thing as runner-up.

In fact, no matter what the game, except. . . . . . . . Apart from Champion, everything else is just a foil.

"This game means that we are also opponents."

Wu You said to Rosa and Serena that all three of them had advanced, and of course they were opponents in the final game.

"Brother Wu You, I won't let you, Champion, I'm going to make a decision."

Rosa called to Wu You.

Wu You glanced at Rosa in amazement. Why Rosa can be so confident? She is really confident that she can beat him. Okay. Actually Rosa doesn't have much confidence, but it doesn’t matter whether she has confidence or not. This doesn’t affect what Rosa chants. of.

If Wu You knows, I am afraid I don't know what kind of expression to use.

Soon, all the contestants were in place, and the game officially began.

As soon as the gunfire sounded, Wu You's one-horned rhino rushed out. Wu You's speed was very fast, but the speed of some people was even faster.

After all, Wu You still has a disadvantage compared with others. His one-horned rhino is rented, so it is naturally impossible to compare with the one-horned rhino that some people have carefully trained.

But even so, Wu You didn't worry at all. It's just the beginning. A momentary lead doesn't have much effect at all, and he will catch up later.

Slowly, Wu You began to surpass one by one opponents. Originally, the gap between Wu You and them was not big.

After reaching the obstacle course, everyone else subconsciously slowed down, but Wu You didn't slow down at all.

Originally, those people were still thinking about watching Wu You's jokes, but seeing Wu You's steady appearance, those people started to panic.

They also urged their one-horned rhinos to speed up, but they couldn't bear this speeding up.

After all, they are not... Wu You, the speed is fast, and the one-horned rhino has to avoid obstacles, so some people accidentally fall from the top.

It’s not a big deal to fall. This kind of game protection is still very good. Even if others don’t cherish his life, he will cherish it.

In the end, Wu You won the Champion, and Serena followed close behind. As for Rosa, she didn't even reach the finish line.

There were more obstacles in the final finals than the previous ones. Rosa did not break through and was stopped by the obstacles.

However, Rosa was not discouraged either. He didn't win a Champion. As the saying goes, there is no expectation, so naturally there is no disappointment.

"Rosa, you even reached the end point, I'm embarrassed."

Hilda walked over and said to Rosa.

"Oh, but I think even this is better than not reaching the finals."

Rosa looked at Hilda's smiling cheeks and started to fight back, making Hilda's smile stiff.

Kina was watching them next to them, and seeing that they were about to fight, Kina wanted to cheer them on.

For fear that the world will not be in chaos. . . Hina.

Wu You won the Champion and is participating in the award ceremony. Only the first place will have a prize. It is just an ordinary commemorative trophy.

After the award ceremony, Wu You finally came back.

"Congratulations Wu You, I didn't expect you to be a Champion."

Serena looked at Wu You with a surprised look.

I have to be surprised, only Serena knows how hard it is to win because it hasn’t been a long training and the Pokémon used is not his own rider.

"In other words, why is there no flame horse competition? I feel that the flame horse is more suitable."

Rosa said.

"Who said there is no flame horse race, it's just that this race is relatively niche, you haven't heard of it."

Wu You said to Rosa.

In fact, there are many kinds of competitions in the Pokémon world, but most of them are very niche. In fact, the one-horned rhino competition is also a very niche competition.

"Let's go, let's return the one-horned rhino."

Wu You said to Rosa and the others that the rented one-horned rhino would also be returned.

When they came to the rental shop, the boss greeted Wu You with a smile, and directly returned the deposit to Wu You, and also gave Wu You a sum of money.

"Boss, you are"

Wu You looked at the large sum of money in his hand and looked at her puzzled.

"This is a little bit of my heart, and I must accept it."

The boss said.

"I didn't expect you to win Champions. It seems that my small shop will become popular in the future, these... It's just a little bit of care."

Wu You rented her one-horned rhinoceros and won the Champion. I believe that more people will come here to rent one-horned rhinoceros. This is the Champion effect.

Although Wu You didn't want to accept it, his boss insisted and accepted the money.

"Not only did we not spend money, we also made money."

After leaving the store, Rosa said to Wu You with a grin.

"Yes, not only did we not spend money, we also made a lot of money."

Wu You also smiled, there is such a good thing.

But it doesn't matter whether you make money or not, anyway. . . Wu You is not short of money, after all, Wu You is the young master of the Sinnoh Family, and he will never be short of money.

"Go back and have a rest, and we will continue to set off tomorrow."

Wu You said.

Afterwards, Wu You and the others went back to rest, because they participated in the one-horned rhinoceros competition, so they have stayed in this place for a long time.

Should also leave here, continue to travel.

After returning, Rosa ran to Wu You's room and said to Wu You, "Brother Wu You, can you show me the trophy?"

"Uh, what's so good about this trophy."

Wu You didn't understand what was so good about this trophy.

After all, it's just a trophy for a small competition, so this trophy is of course not very good.

"Let me see, can't it?"

Rosa said to Wu You Charm.

"All right."

Wu You handed the trophy to Rosa, and Rosa reached out to take the trophy and looked at the trophy carefully.

"Is this trophy gold?"

"Gold-plated, only a layer of gold dust on the outside."

Wu You shook his head and said.

The trophy of this kind of ordinary competition looks like this, after all, it is impossible for a small town to come up with a pure gold trophy as a prize.

"It turned out to be only gilded."

Suddenly Rosa was a little disappointed. Rosa thought it would be pure gold. It seemed that she was thinking too much.

"Rosa don't leave today, stay in my room and rest."

Wu You smiled suddenly and said to Rosa.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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