The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 852 : I gave up in this game The first Pokémon loses the ability to fight.

Kerni took Mienshao back in a depressed manner.

I originally thought that Mienfoo Evolution was Mienshao and should be able to win, but I didn't expect to say it, which made this cheerful roller skating girl feel a little depressed.

But Kerni quickly recovered. It was not the first time she was a Gym Leader. Even if she failed, Kerni was used to it.

"Machamp, it's up to you."

Kerni sent the second Pokémon Machamp, a Digimon with four hands, and she is a good helper when she does work.

Well, in the Pokémon world, it seems that some architectural work is assisted by Machoke and Machamp.

Of course, Machamp's combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. Machamp has four hands and a terrifying Machamp.

Therefore, although Machamp is a relatively common Pokémon, it is suitable for combat trainers. . Machamp liked it very much.

"Machamp, use Brick Break."

The four 44-handed knives smashed towards Wu You's croaking frog. If this move is really hit, the croaking frog will definitely not be far away even if it does not lose its combat effectiveness.

"Quathead frog, don't try hard, use Bounce."

Wu You said to the croaking frog, fighting against Pokémon from the fighting department, that's exactly it. . . Thinking too much, Pokémon from the fighting department will teach you how to be a man in minutes.

The croaking frog that was going to rush to fight with Machamp directly jumped up after receiving Wu You's order.

At this time, the croaking frog showed amazing Bounce ability, as if it had been installed with a spring, it jumped several floors high.

Jumping up naturally avoided Machamp's attack. Fortunately, Wu You and Korni were fighting outdoors. If they were indoors, they would limit the Bounce of the croaking frog.


Kerni lowered her head, a little depressed.

"Crack the head frog, use..."

Wu You's words have not yet finished, and I found that my Pokémon is also covered with white light. This is the light of Evolution. The croaking frog wants to Evolution. Wu You, the croaking frog, Evolution is faster, and then Evolution is croaking. It didn't take long for the frog to actually want to Evolution again.

However, Wu You didn't find any lack of foundation in the croaking frog, so he didn't worry so much.

After the croaking frog Evolution. . . Greninja, Greninja is a Pokémon in the form of a bipedal frog.

The body and legs are dark blue, each limb has a large white bubble, and each leg has a four-pointed star mark, which looks like a shuriken.

The lower part of the face and pointed ears are Olivine color, with white spots above the eyes, and a pink "scarf" around the neck

It's its tongue.

"Greninja, use Feishui Shuriken."

Wu You said to Greninja.

In an instant, several water shurikens were thrown at Machamp.

All hit Machamp's body, knocking Machamp back and forth.

"Use Night Slash:."

Wu You didn't mean to give Machamp a reaction time. Greninja has the most advantage. . . Speed, there are really few as Greninja in terms of speed.

He quickly appeared by Machamp's side, and then attacked Machamp's vitals:.

After the attack, Wu You immediately told Greninja to retreat. In Wu You's eyes, Greninja was actually. . . Assassin-type Pokémon.

Seize the opportunity to give your opponent a hit and kill. It is best not to collide head-on, especially with Pokémon like Machamp.

In a head-on collision, Machamp is really not afraid of anyone, even Greninja, who has already evolved, will definitely not take advantage.

"Greninja, use Extrasensory."

Extrasensory is a Psychic move, but some non-Psychic Pokémon will also use this move, but it's not that powerful.

Wu You doesn't need to be strong either. What he needs is interference. Greninja uses Extrasensory to interfere with the opponent's movements.

This extrasensory trick really affected Machamp a lot, and Machamp didn't know how it was attacked. Sometimes the tricks of the Psychic department are. . . So no trace to be found.

Machamp shook his head, but in that moment, Greninja came up again, using a shadow surprise attack.

Machamp, who was beaten again, couldn't hold it anymore. Not only was Greninja fast enough, but its attack power was also very powerful.

Greninja's attack power must not be underestimated.

"Wu You, you are too shabby."

Kerni couldn't help but said.

"No way, I can't let Greninja go up and fight with your Machamp."

Wu You spread out his hands. Although Wu You's style of play is a bit ridiculous now, this is how Greninja fights.

Release the water shuriken attack from a long distance, and when you seize the opportunity, you will rush to use the shadow surprise attack, and there are some other moves.

As for Machamp's desire to attack Greninja, it is easier to solve, so how fast Greninja could be attacked by Machamp.

As long as Machamp shot, Greninja would avoid it. Machamp didn't even touch Greninja now.

"I admit defeat in this round."

Kerni said immediately, she said that she didn't want to go on like this, and if she continued to fight, Machamp would also be defeated.

It's better to admit defeat, and it's mainly the battle between Machamp and Greninja. There really is no chance. Machamp's attack is powerful, but the speed is too slow.

Pokémon, who is fast, likes to fight against Pokémon who is powerful but slow.

Of course, Machamp's speed is not particularly slow, but compared to Greninja, the speed is a bit slow.

"If it were me, I would definitely be blown up."

Rosa said to Hilda.

"Yes, the style of play just now was really ridiculous. I can't afford it because of the speed."

Hilda nodded, saying that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Wu You turned his head and glanced at them. Sorry, speed is amazing.

"Come out, Lucario."

Lucario is a very rare Pokémon, and its scarcity is almost comparable to that of the quasi-god Pokémon.

And Lucario's strength is not weak, the most important thing is that the speed is not slow, but also able to use extreme speed such tricks.

"I don't believe you will be kite flying by your Greninja this time."

Kerni gritted her teeth and said.

Obviously, the previous battle also made Kerni angry. Wu You shrugged and said that it was not my fault either.

You can't let me be an assassin and fight your warriors head-on. Wouldn't it make me stupid?

But this time the opponent is Lucario, Wu You is a little surprised, especially there is a 1 gem in front of Lucario.

Wu You knows what this is, super Evolutionary stone/ite, can make Lucario super Evolutionary stone/ite, it seems that this battle is a bit troublesome.

It's Lucario alone, which is okay to solve, but if Lucario surpasses Evolution, the final result is hard to say, Wu You can only do his best.

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