The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1146: Wanxianlai Dynasty

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Golden feather flying above the eagle.

Lin Chen closed his eyes and meditated.

People around did not dare to speak, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Lin Chen's strength, they have all seen it, by no means they can compare.

Don't talk about them, even Bai Changqing, whom they rely on most, is not Lin Chen's opponent!

Therefore, they dare not provoke Lin Chen, otherwise, the end of summer is their future!

In silence.


Lin Chen spit out a stale gas slowly, and the white breath turned into a small snake in the air and flew away with the wind.

Lin Chen opened his eyes, which were slightly tired eyes. At this moment, he recovered his brilliance, and looked bright again.

He stretched a lazy waist, stood up, and looked at it, so many mountains and rivers came into his eyes, soaring, towering, and pleasing to the eye.

"How long will it take to reach Vanguard Yaozong?"

Lin Chen looked at Bai Changqing and asked.

"It takes about two hours."

Bai Changqing said.

"Two hours ..."

Lin Chen nodded his head, and then calculated a bit. After the battle with the summer, he began to close his eyes to rest and adjust his state. At that time, there were more than three hours away from the ancient medicine sect.

In other words, it took him more than an hour to adjust his interest rate.

"After the demon knife village rain devours the debris, the power will skyrocket. At that time, I'm afraid I will not accept my discipline. I have to watch out."

Lin Chen touched his chin, thinking secretly.

"We have now reached the jurisdiction of the Vanguard Yaozong?"

After a while, Lin Chen asked again.


Bai Changqing nodded gently: "Although Wangu Yaozong itself is small, it has a very wide radiation. It is under its management. Within this area, it has countless cities and countless gates. , They are sheltered by the Vanguard Medicine Sect, and they have no perennial life. Accordingly, they have to pay taxes to the Vanguard Medicine Sect. "


Lin Chen nodded gently, um, but did not say more.

In the previous life, he once made fun of himself and founded a ancestral gate with a radiation range of thousands of miles.

After the founding of this sectarian gate, he neither managed nor showed up. Instead, he just found a woman to be the suzerain. He just wanted to be happy and didn't expect anything in return.

But he did not expect that after one year, the income of this sectarian door was equivalent to his entire net worth!

This is the reason for the accumulation of sand into a tower and the accumulation of water into the sea.

The same is true of Wangu Yaozong, which is under its jurisdiction. It can be imagined that Wangu Yaozong must be extremely luxurious.


Suddenly, Lin Chen frowned, as if he felt something, looked up to the sky.

There, a colorful streamer flew from the sky like a rainbow, spreading out at a very fast speed, even faster than the flying speed of the Jinyu flying eagle, flying towards the front.

Lin Chen faintly saw several figures standing above the colorful rainbow.

"This is the colorful glacial sect. It is a very powerful sect gate in the forest area. Its status is equivalent to that of the Buddhism sect in our hundred dynasties."

Bai Changqing introduced.

"It turned out to be the first three gates of Sen Luoyu. No wonder such a big pomp."

Lin Chen nodded gently, and they came by the golden feather flying eagle. The golden feather flying eagle not only was huge, its whole body was like casting gold casting, but also the flying speed was very fast. It looked like a comet on the ground, dragging extremely gorgeous The golden tail light is already very publicized.

However, compared to this colorful glazed dzong, it is still one point for the little witch to see the big witch.

"But then again, the third gate of Sun Luoyu is so public, so what does the first gate and the second gate look like? Really curious."

Lin Chen touched his chin and smiled.

At this moment, the sharp sword air swept through like a storm. Although there was no hostility, everyone felt suffocated.


I saw countless sword lights flying over the sky. On each sword, there was a man with long sleeves in Tsing Yi. They came with the sword.

"This is the Wan Jianzong of the Floating Tuyu. Its strength is much stronger than that of the Colorful Glaze Zong."

Bai Changqing introduced.

"Is the floating slaughter field ..."

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed with light, wondering what he was thinking.

The floating slaughter domain is a very powerful main territory, not comparable to the Senluo domain, not to the Baichao domain. Moreover, the floating slaughter domain is not a race for hegemony, but one party is the dominant one. First, the ancient Tutu.

In ancient times, the ancient Tutu ancient clan gave birth to an extremely powerful power. The Futu ancient sky tower was created to absorb the heaven and earth's air transportation. From then on, the ancient Tutu clan became stronger and stronger. It did not hurt the foundation, but became stronger.

Although this Wan Jianzong is very powerful, even stronger than the Seven-Colored Liuli Clan, compared with the ancient people of Futu, I am afraid that ants see elephants, and there is no comparable at all.

"I just don't know, will the ancient people of Futu come here at the refining conference? I think there was some hatred between me and their patriarchs."

Lin Chen's mouth raised slightly, but he was not afraid, but he still had some expectations.

"We at Baichaoyu. Who else is here besides you?"

Returning to God, Lin Chen asked Bai Changqing Road.

"A lot of colleges have been invited, Nuo, that's our Fengming College in Bai Chaoyu."

Bai Changqing pointed at a huge flying boat in the distance and said.

Lin Chen glanced, then withdrew his gaze, but was a little puzzled, and asked, "Why did Wangu Yaozong only invite us to Baizhaoyu's college, but not Baizhaoyu's gate?"

"This old man is unknown, but there have been rumors that there was a great war between Wangu Yaozong and one of the ancestors in Bai Chaoyu. From then on, Wangu Yaozong no longer invited Baizong Yu's ancestors, but Invite the opposite side of Zongmen, which is the Academy. "

Bai Changqing shook his head gently and said.

"Have a war?"

Lin Chen heard the words, can not help but a little curious, the strength of Wangu Yaozong is very strong, and even the strong men above the Emperor of the Emperor have several, which one of the gates of the Bai Chaoyu can be the opponent of Wangu Yaozong?

Lin Chen didn't think much about it, but looked up into the distance.

Because there, he vaguely felt an old and terrible wave.

At the same time, there were more and more people around, all flying in that direction. Some people were riding in Africa, some were driving spirit beasts, some were walking in the air, and some were walking in the air.

It can be said that Wanxian is coming!

"It looks like we're going to Wangu Yaozong soon."

Lin Chen stretched a lazy waist, and his eyes became hot.

Among the ancient medicine sects, there is not only his current lover, but also an old man from a previous life. I just don't know. What kind of spark can he encounter when he comes to this ancient medicine sect?

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