The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1545: Sakura Bunny confessed

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In the sky, the silver is shining.

Sakura Bunny was stunned.

This, this, this ... Is this **** hello?

This **** is robbery!

Without any hesitation, Sakura Bunny grabbed Lin Chen's right hand and said, "Brother, let's run!"

"Run? Why run?"

Lin Chen raised his eyes and asked with a crooked head, "I'm not saying hello to them. Will I take this flying boat?"

Sakura Bunny has scolded her mother: How can you say hello?

"Aren't you leaving?"

Sakura Bunny asked fiercely.

"Why go?"

Lin Chen asked.

"You don't go, I go!"

Sakura Bunny said fiercely, turned and left.

However, before she took a step, the two pink rabbit ears were caught by Lin Chen!

It was as if the throat of fate had been contained. In a moment, Sakura Bunny couldn't move!

This pair of rabbit ears is the most vulnerable place on her body. Once caught, she would not dare to move, otherwise her body would become "strange".

Lin Chen dragged the pink rabbit ears of Sakura Bunny and dragged her back stiffly.

Although Sakura Bunny did not dare to move her body, in her mouth, she kept screaming: "You let me go, you let me go! ..."

"With me, what are you afraid of?"

Lin Chen dragged Sakura Bunny in front of her and asked.

Be ambitious.

This gave Sakura Bunny a hint of confidence.

However, Lin Chen said, "It's a big deal to sell you and mortgage them."

The mood of Sakura Bunny instantly sank to the bottom of the valley.

She wanted to cry without tears and said, "Brother, let me go and let me go, okay?"

Lin Chen thought for a moment, and finally shook his head: "Not good."

"Brother! You are my brother! You don't know who is on the boat, so you dare to shoot?"

Sakura Bunny asked with a sad face.

"Yes indeed."

Lin Chen smiled and nodded.

Looking at Lin Chen's gentle smile that was harmless to humans and animals, Sakura Bunny could not help but shouted, "I want to go! You let me go! We have no injustice, you don't bother me ? "

Speaking, Sakura Bunny's body began to struggle.

But as soon as she struggles, her ears will struggle, but her ears are now in Lin Chen's hands, so as soon as she struggles, her rabbit ears will twist in Lin Chen's hands.

Instantly, a crimson color appeared on the face of Sakura Bunny.

Later, she could clearly feel that her body had become "strange".

Sakura Bunny hastily stopped struggling.

She held her hands together, an expression of "old mother has given her fate".

"Don't be so discouraged, the big deal is to mortgage you out. You look so beautiful, and you will definitely be worth a lot of money."

Lin Chen patted Sakura Bunny's shoulder gently with the other palm, smiling and comforting.

Sakura Bunny wants to cry without tears, and she has no love.

at the same time……

call out!

A black figure descended from the sky, speeding like a thunder, with a sound of breaking air, and in the blink of an eye, came to Lin Chen and Sakura Bunny.

With a spear in his hand, he yelled at the two of Lin Chen: "Bold madman, dare to sneak attack on my adult's sit-in, to death?"

After finishing speaking, his body shook, a powerful momentum erupted, straight into the sky!

Feeling this momentum, Lin Chen said, "Five turns to Nirvana."

When Sakura Bunny saw this scene, she sighed sweetly.

It's over!

Just a small tadpole, you have the strength of five turns Nirvana. Obviously, the origin of the other side is not small!

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