The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1587: Improved exercises

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The wind is rising!

"Roar! Roar!"

Two completely different roars resounded between this world!

The source of these two sounds is the body of Lin Chen and Zhang Hai!

Around the two men's bodies, a golden dragon hovered around each other, their teeth dancing claws!

With the right palms colliding together, the two golden dragons collided!

The two dragons collided without making any sound or causing any energy fluctuations.

However, whether it is Lin Chen or the floor at the foot of Zhang Hai, they are all shattered!

The height of the entire flying boat is instantly lowered, as if to fall!

Fortunately, at the next moment, the right palms of the two were separated, and their bodies were involuntarily receding towards the rear.

Lin Chen stepped back five or six steps before he could barely hold his body.

Zhang Hai just took a step back.

In one blow, stand down!

But even so, Zhang Hai's old face was still full of shock!

"how can that be?!"

He swallowed a spit, stared at Lin Chen, and said, "Why is your" Jiulong Pajujue "different from your husband's" Jiulong Pajuju "?"

The two golden dragons have already returned to their bodies, so the surrounding world has begun to restore peace.

Zhang Xuanyang came over and asked, "Zhang Lao, what are you talking about? What's different?"

"My son, Lin Chen's friends don't seem to practice" Kowloon Overlord "."

Zhang Hai looked at Lin Chen, his eyes narrowed gradually, and he lowered his voice.

"Oh? What does this mean?"

Zhang Xuanyang asked, "Aren't they all one-stop? What's different?"

"My son, you haven't practiced" Jiulong Ba Ti Jue ", so you don't understand."

Zhang Hai shook his head: "The Jiulong **** was initially completed. There is only one dragon. This dragon is extremely fragile. It is just a young dragon. It does not have much power. But just now, Lin Xiaoyou's one dragon has the power of three dragons! This is simply counterintuitive! "

Having said that, Zhang Hai looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Lin Xiaoyou, can you tell me, what happened when you practiced the" Jiulong Ba Ti Jue "?"

Lin Chen first spit out a white cloud of gas, removed his power, and then shook his head and said, "Nothing has happened."

Zhang Hai was dubious.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Since Lin Chen's "Jiulong Ba Ti Jue" is so abnormal, there must be a demon among them!

However, Zhang Hai was not sure.

Because when Lin Chen cultivates, he is always by his side.

If Lin Chen behaves strangely, he can't notice it.

"The" Kowloon Overlord Technique "he practiced is too fierce! A dragon is so powerful that it is comparable to the three dragons! After he has trained the three dragons, wouldn't it be comparable to the five dragons, six dragons or even Is it a higher level? This is too abnormal! "

Zhang Hai's eyes flickered violently, thinking wildly in his mind!

"What is the reason for this? Is it because his constitution is particularly suitable for practicing" Jiulong Ba Tijue ", so that he can exert more than the normal number of times?"

"Still, there is a trace of true dragon spirit in his body, so is this the case? Impossible, even with a trace of true dragon spirit, it is impossible to cause such a huge increase in power!"

"What is the reason ..."

Zhang Hai thought of countless possibilities.

However, there is a possibility that he didn't think about it and did not dare to think about it!

That is: Improved exercises!

That's right! Lin Chen has improved the "Kowloon Overlord Technique"!

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