The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1599: Lin Chen's Reward

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

So, in front of Lin Chen, there was only one person left.

The man was stunned!

He did not expect that Lin Chen's strength was so powerful!

Simply inhuman!

However, their elder brothers and sisters are iron golems, so the next moment, he roared, jumped up from the ground, and rushed to Lin Chen!

"I want you to die!"

He wants to use his own body to blast Lin Chen!

However, just at the very moment of the attack, Lin Chen suddenly stretched out his right hand and slammed his neck!

Lock the throat!


In an instant, the man could not move, his body was suspended in the air, and because of the power of Lin Chen,

His eyes are almost pinched!

Lin Chen extended his left hand again, fisted, and slammed on the man's stomach!


With a muffled sound, the man spewed a mist of blood, and his stomach became stunned instantly!

Although Lin Chen stood in front of the man, there was an invisible barrier around Lin Chen's body, like a wall, blocking this mouthful of blood mist.

For the first time in men's eyes, there was a horror!

Although he is an iron golem, straight-headed, two hundred and fifty, but he is not stupid!

Until now, how can he not see that he is not Lin Chen's opponent at all!

Not to mention that he is alone, even if his brother-in-law is united, I am afraid that he can't resist the blow of the black man in front of him!

Lin Chen stood in front of the man, clutching the man's neck, looking indifferent and expressionless, calmly speaking, "You are not my opponent."

The voice did not fall, Lin Chen fanned out with a slap!


With a crisp explosion, Lin Chen's left hand fanned over the man's right face!

The teeth on the right face of the man were all exploded, and flew out with drool and blood!

The severe pain makes the man twitch!

He wanted to shout loudly, but Lin Chen was choked by his neck, and he couldn't make any noise!

Lin Chen slaps another backhand, hitting the man's left face!


So, the neat and white teeth in the man's mouth are all gone!

Blood gushed from the man's mouth, making people look sick.

Lin Chen said faintly, "Your brother and sister want to kill me. According to the truth, I should also kill you. This is called Li Shang exchanges."

As soon as this word came out, two lines of tears flowed out of the man's eyes!

Obviously, he was scared!


However, because Lin Chen was holding his neck, he was having trouble breathing, and he couldn't even ask for mercy!

Suddenly, Lin Chen turned again: "However, I'm in a good mood today and I don't intend to kill you."

The man's eyes brightened, and the wishful light erupted deep in his eyes!

"You go back and tell the old dog. Soon, Lao Tzu will return to Qingfeng City to find your account. Old dog, wash my neck and wait!"

Lin Chen said indifferently.

The man nodded hurriedly.

"What is my original word? Repeat it."

Before the words fell, Lin Chen slightly loosened his right hand's strength.

The man felt his neck loose and was able to speak, and hurriedly repeated what Lin Chen had just said.

However, he ignored the word "old dog".

Lin Chen punched the man's lower abdomen without mercy!


"Kaka Kaka! ..."

A few crisp sounds came from the man's body.

Obviously, Lin Chen's fist interrupted his ribs!


The man squirted blood again, his face became extremely pale and breathless!

"Repeat it again."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

The man hurried to repeat.

This time, he never dared to think carefully, repeating what Lin Chen had just said.

Lin Chen then nodded with satisfaction: "Well, very good."

After speaking, Lin Chen threw the man and flew out!


With a scream, the man flew to the rear and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Lin Chen clapped his hands.

Sakura Bunny came over and asked, "Are you a bit cruel?"

"Not cruel."

Lin Chen shook his head.

"Anyway, they can help us, but you are so cruel."

Sakura Bunny sighed.

Although she is a scheming woman, she is very kind and cannot bear to see this cruel scene.

Lin Chen said, "That's why I didn't kill all three of them."


Sakura Bunny froze and did not respond.

what reason?

What do you mean?

The next moment, Sakura Bunny suddenly realized!

The three of them want to kill Lin Chen, and with Lin Chen's temperament, as a "return", Lin Chen will kill them all!

But now, Lin Chen only killed two people, leaving one dead.

This is Lin Chen's "reward"!

Lin Chen walked towards the huge pit ahead.

In the giant pit, a silver robe figure was lying on the ground, like a dog shit, and fell into a coma without awareness.

Lin Chen kicked him over.

Into the field of vision is a face that is even more handsome than a woman.

"Is this a man or a woman?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly, suspiciously in his heart.

Sakura Bunny came over and looked at the face that was more beautiful than a woman on the ground, and said, "This should be a woman, but her × is too small, so she looks like a man ..."

However, before Sakura Bunny finished speaking, Lin Chen took off the man on the ground!

At the same time, Lin Chen said: "Light guessing is useless, only practice can yield true knowledge."

Just after finishing talking, Sakura Bunny suddenly made a "yes", hurriedly covered her eyes and turned her head.

Because the man on the ground is not a woman, but a man!

"What are you so shy? Haven't you seen this thing before?"

Lin Chen smiled and asked.

"How could I have seen this thing? I'm a woman, woman!"

Sakura Bunny shouted!

Lin Chen smiled and put on the men's pants again.

Afterwards, Lin Chen squatted down and started groping on the man.

Sakura Bunny opened one eye and saw that the man had been dressed. Then she dropped her hands and looked at Lin Chen and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Govern his body in his own way."

Lin Chen faintly answered.


Sakura Bunny nodded.

Before, this silver robe man wanted to grab Lin Chen's things.

Now, as a "return", Lin Chen naturally wants to grab his stuff!

There is nothing good about the man. There is only a silver token with the word "North Liang" written on the surface of the token.

Lin Chen put away the token, and then took off the man's ring. Holding the ring with his thumb and forefinger, he put it under the sun and said, "This should be his storage ring."

"What power are you going to use to invade the ring? Do you have soul power?"

Sakura Bunny asked.

"Do you have soul power?"

Lin Chen asked.

"I don't. Our family is not suitable for spiritual training."

Sakura Bunny shook her head.

Lin Chen grinned, exposing two rows of white and neat teeth, pointing his thumb at himself and saying, "I have."

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