The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1601: Mud can't help the wall

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Lin Chen's plan is very simple, to squeeze all the use value of the man!

Therefore, facing the man's begging for mercy, Lin Chen remained indifferent. He said blankly, "It is actually very simple to let me let you go. It depends on what price you buy."

The man was seriously injured at this time, not even having the strength to move his fingers, let alone stand up against Lin Chen.

When he heard what Lin Chen said, the man said immediately, "Uncle! I'll give you all the treasures on me! It's in my storage ring ..."

However, before the man finished speaking, Lin Chen interrupted: "Everything in your storage ring has been taken out by me. Although those things are not of low value, they are not enough to buy your life."

"So, uncle, what else do you want? That's all for me!"

The man wanted to cry without tears, with a crying voice in his voice, said tremblingly.

He just planned to swallow the elixir in the storage ring to restore his strength and fight back or escape.

However, he never expected that his storage ring would have been stripped by the man in black!

God will die for me!

At this moment, in the heart of the man, suddenly a feeling of "grief" rose up!

In his life, he has experienced all kinds of strong winds and waves, even the martial arts practitioners who have turned nirvana in the past, he has killed!

But I did not expect that, now, he was planted in the hands of this little cricket in front of him!

It's really being bullied by dogs!

"Speak out all the information you know. I will evaluate your information. If your information is useful to me, I will consider letting you go. If what you said is useless, hahaha ..."

In the end, Lin Chen sneered, smiling like a demon, making people shudder!

The man took a sip and swallowed, saying, "Sir and uncle, where do you want to know the information? I might have the information you want."

"You don't understand what I say?"


With a muffled sound, Lin Chen kicked the man on the man's body, kicked the man out three or five feet, and rolled his body on the ground for seven or eight laps, ashamed!

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch ..."

The man lay on the ground and kept groaning.

Lin Chen walked in front of him, looking indifferent, and said, "I repeat again, tell me all the information you know!"

"OK, OK."

The man never dared to speculate, and had to put all the information he knew, to be precise, from his childhood to his experience, hearing, what he could say and what he couldn't say, all said!

It turned out that the man was originally named Huang Mingxiu, who was a senior dynasty of the Guangming dynasty. His father was the pillar of one of the five families of the Guangming dynasty, and his mother was an accidental encounter when his father travelled early Aunt Yamano.

Yes, Huang Mingxiu is an illegitimate child!

However, perhaps he inherited the excellent blood of his father, and his talent was excellent!

In his childhood, he showed extraordinary talent and strength, and was amazing.

In his youth, he became famous in the nearby cities and was known as a little tiger!

In his youth, he won the second place in the Youth Championship of the Ming Dynasty, but he lost a move to the first genius of the Ming Dynasty, which is now the emperor of the Ming Dynasty-Xiang Guangming!

Originally, Huang Mingxiu was a very patriotic person. For the sake of the country, he was even willing to give everything, including life!

However, I wonder if it was inadvertent, Huang Mingxiu knew the identity of his biological father.

He lacked his father's love at an early age and ignored anyone's opposition and came to admit his relatives.

But he was ruthlessly rejected!

Moreover, his father killed his mother in order to take the position of the Huang family's head!

At that time, his father had a wife's room, and that wife's room was the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, which was the princess of the Ming Dynasty!

With the power of the princess, his father could naturally rise to power. At this time, Huang Mingxiu suddenly recognized his relatives. How could he agree?

Therefore, in order to quell the princess's anger and to make his future frank, Huang Mingxiu's father killed Huang Mingxiu's mother with his own hands!

Huang Mingxiu is so angry and wants revenge!

However, after all, he is only a leader among the younger generation.

Among the older generation, his strength, just like an ant, is nothing at all!

Therefore, Huang Mingxiu not only failed to kill his father, but was also wanted by his father and was charged with treason!

In desperation, Huang Mingxiu fled from the Ming Dynasty and began a wandering journey.

However, Huang Mingxiu desperately wanted revenge, so he set up a mercenary regiment, assembled the world's heroes, and finally named the "North Liang Army" and began to fight the Quartet!

At that time, Huang Mingxiu was only 23 years old!

Ten years later, the year before, Huang Mingxiu's mercenary regiment has grown to a huge scale, and Huang Mingxiu's strength has also reached three turns Nirvana!

Huang Mingxiu felt that it was time to avenge his revenge. Even if he could not avenge his revenge, his father would have to pay the price of blood!

So, Huang Mingxiu began to gather troops, wanting to ignite the Guangming dynasty!

But I did not expect that there was a spy in the Beiliang Army!

Zhang Zilong, deputy head of the Beiliang Army!

The day before the Northern Liang Army attacked the Bright Dynasty, Zhang Zilong secretly reported.

The bright dynasty is prepared!

When the 300,000 Beiliang army rushed into the Ming Dynasty and were full of confidence to launch a killing ring, they found that they had fallen into the trap that the enemy had already prepared!

And the leader of the Ming Dynasty was his father!

In the end, the Beiliang Army wounded 100,000 and died 50,000. Under the persecution of his father, they surrendered one after another!

Huang Mingxiu was like a bereavement dog, fleeing the army.

To describe Huang Mingxiu as a dog at the time was simply insulting the dog!

Bei Liangjun, Huang Mingxiu's ten years of hard work, did a dowry for others!

Since then, Huang Mingxiu has been stunned and started a gangster in order to rob a living.

Today Huang Mingxiu, who is 37 or 8 years old, is powerless and has no confidence to continue to resist the injustice of fate.

Huang Mingxiu gave out all the news of the Bright Dynasty he knew, the news of the Beiliang Army, the news of mercenary regiments in various places, and so on.

Lin Chen heard the words and taunted: "You are really an iron golem. All your failures are your own fault, no wonder others. You are so stupid and scolded you are light."

Huang Mingxiu originally thought that Lin Chen would sympathize with him, but did not expect that Lin Chen would mock him?

And scold him? !!

Is his heart made of iron? !!

There is almost no human touch!

I've been so miserable! But you not only mock me, you even want to scold me?

Huang Mingxiu only felt a sore nose!

Men do not cry easily.

However, tears were already in his eyes!

The two big ups and downs have long lost his faith in life and his goal of living!

"Your information is useless to me."

Lin Chen said suddenly.

Huang Mingxiu shivered suddenly!

Information useless?

Doesn't that mean that I'm finished? !!

"But I won't kill you, because killing mud will stain my hands."

After speaking, Lin Chen turned around and left, not staying at all, at the same time cursing: "How many silly rotten mud can't help the wall, how many in this world? Congratulations, you have become one of them!"

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