The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1806: The only remaining thoughts

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest mad emperor in history!

As a result, in the end, the old man did not know Lin Chen's identity.

Of course, if the old man knew Lin Chen's identity, then he would be dead.

Lin Chen asked many questions again.

The old man answered one by one.

After half an hour.

Lin Chen has left.

The old man sat on the ground, looking at the erhu in front of him, his face was a little complicated.

"I thought this time was dead, but I didn't expect to meet a good person."

The old man was glad.

His injury has recovered 30% to 40%, so he wanted to try this quasi-territorial spirit weapon.

Manipulate Yuanli to pull Erhu.

"Ooooooo~ squeak~"

Erhu made a deep or sharp voice.

At first, the old man's eyebrows continued to wrinkle because the voice was difficult to hear.

However, with the passage of time, the old man even thought that this sound was very beautiful!

Moreover, he unknowingly fell into this beautiful voice, unable to extricate himself, and his eyes gradually became godless.

The erhu echoed throughout the family.

After a long time.

Everyone in the family was attracted by the sound and came to the back garden.

Hundreds of people, with no eyes, just like a puppet controlled by people, sitting around and watching.

The old man sat in the middle of the crowd and "played" the erhu.

The erhu sound seems to have a special magic power, even the insects, fishes and beasts in the garden are enchanted, and they do not move anymore.

Therefore, there is only erhu between heaven and earth.

The song is over.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Everyone present fell to the ground, including the old man, as if dead.


Lin Chen had already left.

Walking on the road.

Old man Zhou Qing said with emotion: "Your kid is also ruthless. That erhu is a magic weapon. The sound of erhu will make people lose their memories. After waking up, it will be unconscious, and if you rest for a few days, you will be healed. Then it becomes a lunatic directly, madness and lunacy all my life. I say you are as good as it is to deal with a group of weak people so hard?"

"It is because they are weak, so I did not directly deal with them."

Lin Chen shrugged and replied: "Actually, I have enough compassion for them. If they report my whereabouts to the royal family, it may cause unnecessary trouble for me."

"Your whereabouts have long been exposed, and the former gatekeepers must have sent a letter to the royal family."

Zhou Qing said.

"That doesn't matter, they only know that a traveler who is too vain Lingzong does not know that I came to the royal family."

Lin Chen smiled.

"What are your plans? Back to Wanwu Dynasty?"

Zhou Qing asked suddenly.

After spending so long with Lin Chen, he also knows one or two about Lin Chen's earlier life.

In order to verify whether the person who took the crown prince was his own father, Lin Chen had to return to the Wanwu Dynasty.

However, Lin Chen smiled and shook his head: "Do not go back, go directly to the royal family."


The unexpected answer made Zhou Qing quite puzzled.

Lin Chen explained: "The old guy said, the royal family is gathering troops. If I go by accident, the war beast dynasty has launched a war against the Wanwu dynasty, then their rear must be very weak, and then I will directly attack their Huang Long, give them a kill in one blow."

"What if it doesn't happen?"

Zhou Qing asked.

Lin Chen grinned and replied: "Then they will be exterminated, and I just want to try my true level now."


Suddenly Zhou Qing realized, and suddenly he suddenly turned around: "No, you feel wrong to me."

"What's wrong?"

Lin Chen blinked.

"How do I feel that your kid went to the War Beast Royal Family without going back to the Wanwu Dynasty, but just wanted to verify, verify that the war prince prince, is that kind of perfectionist?"

Zhou Qing said.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.

When was the old man's intuition so accurate?

He was right, Lin Chen went to the battle royal family, the main reason is to verify!

Although he didn't want to care about it, he couldn't do it!

He just cares about it!

Lin Chen is quite sure that this feeling is the instinctive response of this body.

That is the reaction of the original owner!

There is still a trace of remnant in this body, but it is usually not shown. Now we have encountered a suitable opportunity, so this remnant broke out!

If he doesn't verify it, he will be uncomfortable!

"This should be the last remaining trace of this body. After verifying this matter, and then destroying the royal family of the War Beast Dynasty, this body should be able to fit me perfectly..."

Lin Chen meditated.

On the day of his rebirth, Lin Chen only made a promise and had a goal in his heart, so he suppressed the original master's remnants.

But it was only temporarily suppressed, not eliminated.

Now, if this matter can be dealt with properly, then all the remnants can be eliminated.

"Then do it!"

Lin Chen stretched a lazy waist.

Immediately, covering the heart with his right palm, he said: "Lao Tzu promised you to take revenge on your behalf, then I will never go back on my words, rest assured, and soon, I will give you a most satisfactory result."


The area of ​​the War Beast Dynasty is more than a little larger than the Wanwu Dynasty.

It stands to reason that, with Lin Chen's current strength, if you go all out, you can reach the Imperial City from the border in a little more than a day.

However, in order to be unobtrusive, Lin Chen chose to act in a low-key manner, so the speed of rushing was not fast.

After three and a half days, he crossed over a dozen cities and came to the Imperial City of War Beasts.

In these three and a half days, Lin Chen also understood the national conditions of the War Beast Dynasty.

The number density of warriors in the war beast dynasty is much greater than that of the Wanwu dynasty, and there are many beast masters in each city.

The founder of the war beast dynasty was a powerful beast master. At that time, one person and one beast led many partners to lay down this river and mountain.

As the people of the War Beast Dynasty, of course, I adore this pioneer, so the number of Beast Masters of the War Beast Dynasty is naturally innumerable.

This phenomenon is determined by the history of the beast dynasty.

And now, according to Lin Chen's observation, the war beast dynasty, everyone is a little uneasy.

To exaggerate: people panic!

Almost everyone can feel that the war beast dynasty is about to change, so the entire dynasty is shrouded in a repressive atmosphere. No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

The root cause of the panic is the reforms carried out by the crown prince. The reforms are too intensive and have planted seeds of restlessness in everyone's hearts.

What really made this seed take root was that the prince was forcibly disrupted by strangers on the day of his throne.

All in all, the original War Beast Dynasty is booming, but today the War Beast Dynasty has a tendency to go downhill.


Came to the Imperial City.

Lin Chen did not enter.

He wants to contact Zhang Xuanyang...

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