The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1808: Has Zhang Lao rebelled?

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In front of me is a lake.

It is not so much a lake as a large, deep puddle.

There are a few lotus leaves on the surface of the puddle, and there are a few toads on the lotus leaves, croaking.

There are neither forests nor buildings around, only a few scattered flowers and trees.

Moreover, there are other puddles in the distance, and the area is almost the same as the puddle in front of us.

In this case, this scene looks very ordinary, not conspicuous at all.

Zhang Xuanyang took out a red gem, put it in the palm of his hand, supported it with his hands, and then chanted a spell in his mouth.

At the next moment, the gemstone shone bright red light, the light was like a sword, splitting the lake in front of it, revealing a gully.


After speaking, Zhang Xuanyang jumped directly.

Lin Chen hugged and followed.

After both of them disappeared, the gully was refilled with water, and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, the term used to describe Zhang Xuanyang, can't be more suitable.

There was a door at the bottom of the water. Lin Chen and Zhang Xuanyang came to the bottom of the puddle and swam in.

There are three doors in the door, Zhang Xuanyang entered the middle door,

Then three more doors appeared, Zhang Xuanyang entered the door on the left,

Then three doors appeared...

This cycle is repeated eight times, plus the door at the bottom of the puddle, a total of twenty-five doors.

Zhang Xuanyang explained with a smile: "The twenty-five doors are connected. There is only one road from the entrance to the exit, but there are countless roads from the exit to the entrance."

Although Zhang Xuanyang said something awkward, but with Lin Chen's IQ, he can naturally understand it.

Zhang Xuanyang thought that Lin Chen didn’t understand, so he continued to explain: “I’ll give you an analogy. We want to enter the stronghold, we can only choose the right door, and we have to choose the right one every eight times. We will be passed to the previous door, whichever one it may be, and we may be sent directly to the bottom of the lake and start all over again."

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "It's almost the same as Ye Liuqing's inheritance..."

Although the two are slightly different, the principle should be the same.


After going back and forth eight times, after seeing 25 doors in total, there was another door in front of Lin Chen and Zhang Xuanyang.

"Lao Zhang is behind this door."

Zhang Xuanyang said that he stopped and his tone suddenly became a little serious: "Brother Chen Lin, you know, there is a monster in the domain of the 100 dynasties. The power of this monster can make the strength of martial arts surge in a short time. But, once he accepts his power, will he become his puppet sooner or later and serve as his master for life?"

"That group of animals in the Demon Continent?"

Lin Chen asked lightly.

Zhang Xuanyang passed a look of surprise in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen even knew the existence of the Devil Continent.

Then Zhang Xuanyang nodded and said, "Since Brother Chen Lin knows, then I won't explain much. I will only say that Zhang Lao's daughter was eroded by the power of Heavenly Demon. Zhang Lao killed his daughter for the sake of justice. The mainland hates the bones, so after meeting with Mr. Zhang, try not to mention the word "Tian Mo" as much as possible."

"Well, okay."

Lin Chen nodded.

Then asked: "What kind of panacea is formed by the power of Heavenly Demon?"


Zhang Xuanyang shook his head: "However, I think that the medicine and the power of the demon seem to be not the same thing, so I have been investigating without convicting them."


Lin Chen nodded slightly.

As the next successor to the super dynasty, Zhang Xuanyang knows, to a certain extent, more than the core disciples of many Da Zong Men.

Therefore, he understands the power of Heavenly Demon and even saw the power of Heavenly Demon, which is reasonable.

"But this is him, but he is not sure whether the power of the elixir and the power of the heavenly demon are the same thing? Things have become a bit interesting."

Lin Chen's mouth slightly ticked.

"Actually, fortunately, I'm still not sure. If not, Zhang Lao's violent temper will disregard anyone's opposition, directly destroy the Elixir, and break into the war beast dynasty. His hatred of the Heavenly Demon Continent cannot be expressed in words. describe."

After that, Zhang Xuanyang walked into the entrance.

"If the panacea is formed by the power of the heavenly demon, then even if the temptation is great, it will definitely not affect Zhang Lao. Gee, let an old man who hates the power of the heavenly demon protect the panacea. This decision is very wise. "

Lin Chen teased and then walked into the door.


After a dozen or so.

With a loud bang, I saw a dry hand, pinched Zhang Xuanyang's neck, and smashed his back against the wall!


Zhang Xuanyang spouted a sip of blood, and the whole person's breath instantly became languid!

The hard wall was smashed into gaps, and countless dust spilled down, as if this secret room would collapse in the next moment!

You should know that this secret room is not only made of special stone, but also has a prohibition in the stone wall. Unless the strong power of the Wuzun level makes full efforts, it cannot be broken.

But now, one crack after another appears on the wall, and one can imagine how powerful the opponent is!

Attacking Zhang Xuanyang is a white-haired old man, but the old man is like a mad dog with crazy eyes, his eyes are red, his white hair is all floating, and the whole body has blue and white tendons raised and raised, giving an extremely terrible The sense of sight.

Who is this person?

Zhang Xuanyang's personal guard-Zhang Hai!

He pinched Zhang Xuanyang's neck, causing the latter to be unable to breathe, his eyes turned white, and foam appeared in his mouth, as if he was about to shock!

This is a secret room that is not small in size, with all kinds of furniture, food and drink.

Before, Zhang Xuanyang had just entered the door and hadn't reacted yet, his neck was pinched by Zhang Hai, and then he was seriously injured by a blow!

Zhang Xuanyang only felt that his internal organs and organs seemed to be jumping out, and an indescribable pain enveloped his heart.

It hurts, it's surprised, it's uncomfortable, it's desperate, it's powerless...

Various complex emotions interweave in his mind, making him forget to fight back for a while.

However, he does not fight back, which does not mean that Zhang Hai does not take the initiative to attack.

I saw Zhang Hai slowly raised his fist.

If this punch is implemented, then Zhang Xuanyang will definitely die!

But at this moment, a loud dragon chant sounded deafeningly!


I saw a huge golden dragon, rushing towards Zhang Hai as fast as lightning!

Of course, a golden dragon flew out of Zhang Hai's body!

The two golden dragons collided together, making a loud bang, and suddenly the wind screamed, tearing all the furniture around to pieces!

The sky sawdust soared, blocking Zhang Hai's eyes.

Lin Chen took the opportunity to rescue Zhang Xuanyang from Zhang Hai...

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