The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1813: Internal strategy

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Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Hai snorted and left.

The onlookers all hurriedly gave way to a passage, and did not dare to approach Zhang Hai at all.


Among the guest rooms.

Lin Chen put Zhang Xuanyang on the bed and healed him.

Zhang Xuanyang's injury is very serious. If he can't get effective treatment, he will die in a few days!

It can be seen how heavy the hand Zhang Hai is!

If you want to cure Zhang Xuanyang by ordinary means, it will take at least half a month.

However, with Lin Chen's immortal power, he wants to heal Zhang Xuanyang, at most one or two hours.

Moreover, Zhang Xuanyang seemed to be seriously injured, but Dan Tian was not damaged, so he did not hurt the foundation.

Therefore, Lin Chen was sure that Zhang Hai did not mutiny.

If Zhang Hai betrayed, then in the acting just now, he will take the countermeasures and directly explode Zhang Xuanyang's Dan Tian!

At that time, both trauma and internal injuries will be fatal, even if Da Luo fairy comes, Zhang Xuanyang will not be saved!

Lin Chen healed Zhang Xuanyang.

Lie on top of Lin Chen's head, watching this scene quietly.

Time flows slowly.

Unconsciously, more than an hour passed.

Zhang Xuanyang's injuries were basically healed, and all the broken ribs in the body were also connected. The original breathlessness was gradually restored to stability.

He sat naked on the bed, Lin Chen sitting behind him, palms resting on his back, a cyan light flashing under his palm.

Feeling that Zhang Xuanyang's injury was no longer a problem, Lin Chen slowly exhaled a turbid breath, opened his eyes, and at the same time retracted his hands.


He wiped the sweat from his forehead and got out of bed.

His strength is slightly higher than that of Zhang Xuanyang, so it is not difficult to heal Zhang Xuanyang's injuries, and only consumes a quarter of the strength.

Zhang Xuanyang was sitting on the bed and still did not wake up.

Before the injury was too serious, when Lin Chen took him back, he was already in a coma.

Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Xuanyang's complexion and said: The trauma has basically healed, and the internal injury has only recovered 50 to 60%, but Dantian Zhongyuan's force will slowly recover all his injuries. Bell, he should wake up.

Sure enough, after a quarter of an hour, Zhang Xuanyang's eyelids jumped slightly and opened his eyes immediately.

However, the first thing he woke up was not to observe the surrounding environment, but to touch his own life!

Feeling that his life was not abnormal, he was relieved, and the tight nerves in his body gradually relaxed.

so far so good……

Turn around and look.

I saw Lin Chen sitting in a chair, looking at himself up and down with his teasing eyes.

Zhang Xuanyang's old face turned slightly red, and then he coughed slightly to hide his embarrassment, and finally said in a serious tone: "Brother, I feel that Zhang Lao has rebelled."

"Haha, just because he was so cruel to you?"

Lin Chen asked with a smile.

"if not?"

Zhang Xuanyang glared slightly: "He almost ruined my happiness for the rest of my life, you don't know, his foot almost scared me out of my soul!"

Lin Chen smiled and shook his head: "The old guy started with a very decent way. You just touched it. Your life is fine, so the old guy didn't betray."

"That's what I said, but, just now, I really thought I was going to die."

Zhang Xuanyang said with palpitations.

Lin Chen also sighed: "That old guy's acting is really good. Even you and I were almost cheated by him, not to mention other uninformed people, and he will definitely be tricked by him."


Zhang Xuanyang also nodded with emotion, and then asked: "How long have I been in a coma?"

Lin Chen replied: "More than one hour."

"Is it so long?"

Zhang Xuanyang was surprised: "I thought I woke up as soon as I was in a coma."

Then the words turned: "Since it has been so long, the old man should have taken action, I wonder if he has mixed into the mysterious space?"

Lin Chen said: "We can just wait for his signal with peace of mind. Once his signal comes, we will start."

Any place, even if the defense is tight, but if there is an internal response, it is easy to dive into it.

"Take advantage of this time and you will recover from your injury."

Lin Chen reminded.


Zhang Xuanyang nodded and sensed his body. After understanding the general situation, he took out a green pill and took it.

Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, meditated cross-legged, and began to recover the injuries in his body by the power of the Elixir.


Another hour passed.

Suddenly, a jade pendant flew out of Zhang Xuanyang's pocket. The surface of the jade pendant shimmered with a faint purple light, suddenly bright and dark.

Zhang Xuanyang immediately opened his eyes, then stood up and said, "Old Zhang has signaled, let's go."


Lin Chen nodded.

The two put on masks and left the room together.


Xuan space is a fortress, built on the back hill outside the imperial city. It has been guarded by heavy soldiers all year round, the defense is extremely strict, and a mosquito does not want to fly in.

The two came to the front of the fortress and hid among the trees.

Zhang Xuanyang lay on the ground, looked at the huge fortress in front, and whispered: "This kind of strong space fluctuation is right. Inside the fortress is the mysterious space created by man."

Unlike Zhang Xuanyang’s focus, Lin Chen’s focus was on teams of soldiers around the fort.

These soldiers are patrolling, because there are so many people, so there are no dead ends. Once Lin Chen and Zhang Xuanyang appear, they will be found by them.

Fortunately, the internal countermeasures were formulated. If not, Lin Chen wanted to go in, only to break through, but I am afraid that there will be a lot of troubles, and it may even hit the grass and scare the snake, attracting unnecessary enemies.

Therefore, only wisdom is the most wise.

There are many insects in the grass, and Zhang Xuanyang has been bitten by one after another on the body of the body. It is very itchy. He scratched the pimples and said impatiently: "Why doesn't Zhang Lao come out? We are still here. How long to wait? Logically speaking, should he come out soon?"

Zhang Xuanyang did not expect that his mouth seemed to be open, what to say.

After ten or more breaths, the fort door suddenly opened, and a pale old man with white hair and white beard came out.

Zhang Hai!

"Master Zhang."

The patrol soldiers saluted immediately.

Because these patrol soldiers did not take medicine, they were sober and normal.

Zhang Hai nodded lightly, expressionless, and said in a cold voice: "The old man recommended two masters to the prince. The prince also agreed to meet them, and the two will arrive immediately. The old man comes out to pick them up."

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