The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1820: Actually exploded

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"That is the research achievement of the first school."

The soldier said: "The power they developed on the basis of Yuanli, although they cannot improve the strength of the users, but they can bring people back to life, and in a short period of time get infinitely close to the peak power."

"Short time? How long?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Not necessarily, some can only be resurrected for a quarter of an hour, while others can be resurrected for twelve hours."

Said the soldier.

"What's the difference?"

Lin Chen asked.

"How much power is used and pure or not."

The soldier said: "The more and purer the power used, the longer the dead will be resurrected and the stronger the strength they will gain."

"So far, what is the longest time for the dead to be resurrected?"

Lin Chen asked.

"I don't know...Ahhhh!"

However, before the soldiers finished speaking, the voice was replaced by screams!

Because of the pain, his facial expression has been distorted, and he took a breath and said: "I really don’t know, our second faction is deeply in conflict with the first faction, and now it’s old and dead, and the longest I have heard It’s sixteen hours, but there must be a longer one. I don’t really know how much."

Lin Chen narrowed her eyes and said: It seems that this guy really doesn't know...

"In this way, the research results of the first faction are better than those of your second faction."

Lin Chen smiled and said.

"No, the research achievements of the first faction have a big drawback. That is, when the time is up, the dead will turn into a pool of thick water, and the bones will not be saved, so they can only be used once. The dead are completely consumables."

The soldier said: "They are now in trouble and want to reuse the deceased, but they can't find the direction of the research, so they also put their ideas on the group immunization."

Lin Chen did not reply, but touched his chin, thoughtfully.

Before, Lin Chen was still curious, what means did the hidden door use to bring the dead back to life and regain the power that is infinitely close to the peak period?

Unexpectedly, it was actually the power of the devil!

Moreover, the deceased cannot be reused, it is indeed a bruise.

However, whether it is the first faction or the second faction, the overall strength of Hidden Gate has grown by leaps and bounds!

If the first faction unites with the second faction, then even the Holy Sect, I am afraid it is not its opponent!

This is the case in this world. It is brave and timid. Although Hidden Door is playing with fire, Hidden Door will become the biggest beneficiary before the fire is burned!

Lin Chen thought, how to deal with the hidden door?

On the surface, all the experiments conducted by Hidden Gate are under control; but in fact, Hidden Gate is already full of loopholes!

Sooner or later, this hidden plan of the hidden door will definitely collapse!

By then, there will be tens of millions, oh no, hundreds of millions of innocent creatures will die in vain because of their ambitions!

So, how can we avoid this disaster?

Was the fire cut off before the fire had burned?

Or to store water, when the flame burns, the amount of water is large enough to extinguish the fire?

Of course, while Lin Chen was contemplating, Zhang Xuanyang suddenly said, "Brother Chen Lin, there are strange troops in the distance, which seem to be out of control."

As soon as the words came out, the soldiers in front of Lin Chen shrank their pupils and shouted loudly: "Heroes, please let me go and let me recover. If not, they will run wild, and they will be charred!"

Today, the power of the devil in the soldiers is very few.

Therefore, many soldiers are gradually getting rid of his control!

The soldier's tone was very anxious.

However, Lin Chen did not let go, but looked up at Zhang Xuanyang and Zhang Hai above the sky, and asked, "This is what happened, what are you going to do?"

Now that you know the ins and outs of things, it's time to make a decision!

Zhang Xuanyang said: "These soldiers remain a scourge, and I suggest a fire to burn them all to ash."

This suggestion sounds cruel, but it is the most pertinent!

For the lives of tens of millions of innocent people, they can only be sacrificed!

"The war beast dynasty arbitrarily used taboo power and violated the treaty of the 100 dynasties. It would never become a super dynasty, so the old man also suggested that we wipe them out without leaving trouble, and weed out the roots!"

Zhang Hai said with a heavy tone.

Lin Chen had originally intended to destroy the entire War Beast Dynasty, so he did not care what method was used to destroy the War Beast Dynasty.

The preacher's pupil has been reduced to the extreme!

He worked so hard to get so many people to take the panacea!

Seeing that there will be results, maybe someone will be immune to the power of the panacea, but these three people want to completely disrupt his plan?

No way!

Absolutely not!

I don't allow it!

Zhang Xuanyang took out a jade pendant and prepared to crush it.

But at this moment, a full voice suddenly sounded not far away: "Three, what are you doing?"

Looking for the sound, the person who spoke was the war beast prince!

He wore a golden dragon robe and flew from afar, looking at the three people, frowning slightly and asked, "Why is Li Shiwei, why is he not here?"

Li Weiwei is the guy who was just killed by Zhang Hai.

However, the answer to the war beast prince was a snapping sound!

I saw Zhang Xuanyang crushed Huang Yuyu Pei in his hand!


An invisible energy wave emanates and disappears into the void.

The sky above shook suddenly.

The power in the jade pendant is the power of space, and the power that constitutes this mysterious space is also the power of space. The two spatial forces interfere with each other, so the sky of mysterious space will shake!

Prince Beacon's face changed slightly, staring at Zhang Xuanyang and asked, "What are you doing..."

However, he hadn't finished his words. Suddenly, the soldier in front of Lin Chen shouted, "I don't allow it!"

Shout broke his throat!

The war beast prince was startled and shuddered.

He just wanted to blame the other party for not being so scary.

However, the next moment, a scene that made him even more terrified happened!

Because the soldier exploded!

A series of cracks appeared on the surface of his skin, and he was inflated violently as if he were a rapidly inflating balloon, and eventually exploded!


A loud noise!

A huge amount of black air swept through like a wave, raging the world!

Zhang Xuanyang and Zhang Hai, even without direct contact with the soldiers, were forced to fly out in an instant, and they could not stop walking backwards.

Lin Chen was the first to bear the brunt, and the damage he suffered was naturally imaginable!


He fell on the ground three hundred feet away and smashed the ground into a pit. His clothes were ragged, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and the internal organs of his body seemed to be broken, so painful that he couldn't even dare to breathe!

Who would have thought that the apostle who was always afraid of death, his mother, blew himself up? !

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