Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest mad emperor in history!

Before protecting the **** beast, the strength is equivalent to the quasi-Wu Zun.

After taking the Elixir, the combat effectiveness can be comparable to that of the real Wu Zun.

However, Lin Chen restrained the power of the Elixir.

Even the power of Heavenly Demon is like a child's play in front of "Qingdi Futu Jue", not to mention the power of the outcast Heavenly Demon, which is even more vulnerable!

For others, the protector of the country is indeed equivalent to a genuine Wu Zun.

However, for Lin Chen, it is a weak chicken!

Because of restraint, it is only equivalent to an eight-turn nirvana in front of Lin Chen!

Lin Chen can't even handle an eight-turn Nirvana Realm, right?

So, spike!

Just now it is still a destructive and invincible protector of the country, but Lin Chen can't stop the trick!

Then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, Lin Chen began to frustrate.

First burned the protector beast, and then raised its ashes.

Confirming that the guardian **** beast is dead, Lin Chen said nothing, and flicked his sleeves directly, releasing one after another fireball, burning all the blood-clad soldiers in the city into ashes.

After confirming that there is no danger in the Imperial City, Lin Chen flew out of the city and began to deal with the blood-armed soldiers outside the city.

Lin Zhenhuang, Jiang Qiankun, Lin Cang and others were all surprised. They looked at each other and immediately followed Lin Chen.

As for those young people who are escaping their lives, seeing this scene, they have not escaped their lives, and have followed Lin Chen out of the city.

At this time, many soldiers had gathered outside the city.

Each of these soldiers is difficult to deal with.

However, in front of Lin Chen, they are children, no, they are like babies!

Lin Chen is completely slaughtering!

In a blink of an eye, these hundreds of soldiers were all wiped out.

One is not left.

After confirming that there was no problem, Lin Chen stretched a lazy waist, relieved.

He came along the way, non-stop, and his spirit was tense once.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, if not, he couldn't find a place for regret!

The others were stunned.

Lin Chen, too, right?

Has he become a Wu Zun? !

Lin Cang was the first to recover from the shock and said, "Chen Er! There are two white wolves. You must deal with the other one!"


Lin Chen froze: "Where?"

"In another city, your mother is dragging it, you go and save your mother!"

Lin Cang shouted.

His voice did not fall, he flew directly, and flew towards the front at full speed!

Lin Chen smacked his mouth.

"Huh, Jiang Yueru..."

He thought: I said, the father is here, but there is no breath of that woman, it turned out to be in another city.

Zhou Qing's old voice sounded in Lin Chen's mind: "Boy, don't you save her?"

Lin Chen spread his hand: "I don't want to save, but, how dare I? If I don't go, my dad will kill me."

Then he followed Lin Cang.

However, Lin Cang's speed was too slow, so Lin Chen asked directly, "Daddy, which city is in front?"

"Yes, keep going, Ziyue City."

Lin Cang nodded.

"Then hurry up, I will go first, time is not waiting for anyone."

Lin Chen said.

"Okay, you're going to save..."

However, before Lin Cang finished speaking, Lin Chen turned into a storm, and disappeared into the former's field of vision in a blink of an eye!

"Yueru, you must not have an accident!"

Lin Cang prayed silently in his heart.


Ziyue City.

There are 300,000 people in the city.

Today, there are only 20,000 or 20,000 people left in the city.

The others did not die, but were transferred out by a woman.

Today, these 20,000 people are surrounded by a circle of fire.

The ring of fire gradually narrowed.

If it is not with an invisible energy barrier, then these 20,000 people have been burned to death!

However, this layer of energy barrier can only slow down the shrinking speed of the fire ring, and cannot completely resist it.

If you go on like this, it won't take long for everyone to die!

As for this energy barrier, who arranged it?

In the center of the crowd, a woman sat cross-legged, wearing a tulle, wearing a noble and atmospheric chest-length skirt, holding her hands, her eyes closed and maintaining an energy barrier.



The woman trembles and spit out blood!

This is her eleventh blood spray!

The white tulle was already dyed red, and there was a drop of blood flowing down.

The crowd around can no longer watch.

"Madonna, don't leave us alone, go away, our lives are worthless, don't sacrifice yourself for our low lives, we are not worth saving!"

"Sir Lady, we will always remember your kindness. In the next life, we are willing to make cattle and horses for you and repay your kindness!"

"Madonna, you have done enough for us, you have transferred our children out, and you will not do anything for us!"

I don't know when the woman became a saint in the mouth of this group of people.

The woman didn't reply, she just closed her eyes, and her whole body was trembling, supporting the barrier.

In fact, she has already reached the limit.

However, she couldn't bear to see so many innocent people die in vain.

Therefore, what supports her is the invisible faith.

However, she is destined to fail.


The barrier is broken.

The woman fell to the ground.

The flames are like waves, coming from all directions!

Death is coming.

However, the crowd neither cried nor troubled, but kept women in the center.

Seeing death as it is.

Women protect their children and future generations, then they will repay in the most powerful way!

Maybe it doesn’t work, maybe women will still be burned to death, but this is their determination to repay!

The woman didn't know where it came from, she sat up violently, her hands stretched out, and she wanted to apply the barrier again.

But with a snap, the barrier was smashed by the fire as soon as it opened.

The woman sprayed a blood mist and stretched her hands again to open the barrier.

But with a snap, the barrier broke again.

Time and time again, the woman opened the barrier and wanted to block the flame.

Time and time again, the flames broke like bamboo, breaking her barrier.

No one knows where her strength comes from.

Very unreasonable.

The woman has shed blood.

"Enough is enough, Ma'am, really enough, don't do anything for us!"

Even in the face of death, there was no crying crowd, at this time, even weeping.

Sorrow rushed to the sky.

The woman tried her last energy, no, she had no energy, she tried her last faith and opened her hands.


A layer of invisible barrier slowly opened, and enveloped the 20,000 people.

But this time, the barrier was not broken.

Does it block the flame? !

actually not.

Just because there was a circle of blue flame outside the barrier, and this circle of blue flame spread outward!

Fire to fire!

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