The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1833: big trouble

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Jiang Yueru's mouth suddenly bleeds blood!

Her breath also became extremely chaotic in an instant, and directed at Lin Chen, showing a miserable smile.

Lin Cang's face changed greatly and exclaimed: "Spontaneously explode?"

"It's not self-explosive."

Lin Chen sullenly shook his head slightly.

It is indeed not self-explosive.

It is more terrible suicide than self-destruction!

Self-explosion is saved, as long as it suppresses the violent Yuanli before Yuanli explodes.

However, Jiang Yueru's behavior cannot be saved!

Her body and soul will be torn apart!

"Damn it!"

Lin Chen scolded secretly.

"Fate, I gave it to you, don't blame your father."

Jiang Yueru's voice became weaker and weaker.

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes with a smile.

Life is gradually cut off.

"Yueru! Yueru!"

Lin Cang roared back to the sky, crying with blood and tears!


Lin Chen sighed suddenly.

Somehow, he crouched in front of Jiang Yueru, holding her neck with his right hand.

"Dad, straighten her body, don't let her fall."

Lin Chen said.

Lin Cang hurriedly recovered from his grief and nodded.

"Kirin, lend me strength."

Lin Chen said silently.


A strange roar, like a dragon, a dragon, and a tiger, suddenly sounded from Lin Chen's body!

Lin Chen's eyes were instantly covered with a layer of green light, and a trace of green light emerged from his body, forming a strange-looking four-legged beast above his head!

Lin Chen's power burst into Jiang Yueru's body without reservation.

At the same time, the green beast above Lin Chen's head rushed into Jiang Yueru's body!

In an instant, Jiang Yueru had stopped breathing and recovered.

Then, her breath began to climb at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The heart is beating back, the pulse is getting stronger and stronger, and everything is going in the good direction.

Lin Cang smiled.

However, Lin Chen's brow gradually wrinkled.

Because Jiang Yueru was not really saved.

Her suicide method was beyond Lin Chen's expectations. Even if Lin Chen used her immortal power and Qilin's immortal power, the two forces could not save her!

Now because Lin Chen has been providing power, Jiang Yueru's breath is becoming more and more stable, and his vital signs are gradually returning to normal.

However, once Lin Chen stopped providing power, Jiang Yueru would once again become a dead person!

Jiang Yueru's suicide method caused her body and soul to be shattered!

Although Lin Chen forcibly put her body and soul together again, but because Jiang Yue was holding her heart to die, she didn't want to live, so Lin Chen couldn't save her.

"His mother, you are in big trouble."

Lin Chen scolded inwardly.

The biggest problem now is Jiang Yueru's own beliefs.

If she wants to survive, then she has a chance to survive.

But she didn't want to survive, then no one could save her!

Therefore, to save her, he must change his beliefs.

But now, no one can communicate with her, how does this change his belief?

Lin Chen frowned and thought.

Lin Cang also realized the seriousness of the problem, and the smile on his face gradually solidified.

But instead of disturbing Lin Chen out loud, he chose to remain silent.

He can't help now, let alone help!

Just as Lin Chen was thinking hard, the old voice of Zhou Qing's old man suddenly sounded in Lin Chen's mind: "Boy, the old man thinks, you can use your blood to change her mind."


Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, the two of you are mother and son. As the mother and son are connected, you can use your blood to communicate with her and change her beliefs."

Old man Zhou Qing said.

"good idea!"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up.

The old man Zhou Qing deserved to be someone who had been pointed out by Ye Qingtian. He really had unique and profound insights into the method of resurrection.

Just do it.

Lin Chen cut his finger and dripped blood into Jiang Yueru's mouth.

The blood runs down her throat and flows into her stomach.

However, it is useless.

Jiang Yueru had "swallowed" more than ten drops of blood, but he still showed no signs of waking up.

Lin Chen frowned again.

If this is useless, then Jiang Yueru may be mortal this time.

"Ah, I don't know if Dad will kill me."

Lin Chen sighed in his heart.

"Let your dad try too."

At this time, old man Zhou Qing said suddenly.

"My biological son is useless, is he useful?"

Lin Chen asked.

Old man Zhou Qing said: "Parents are true love, children are just incidentals, and your status in your mother's heart may not be as high as your father."

"is it?"

Although Lin Chen didn't believe it, but the dead horse became a living horse doctor, so Lin Cang did it.

Lin Cang immediately cut his finger and dripped blood into Jiang Yueru's mouth.

Only a drop.

It's really just a drop.

Jiang Yueru's fingers shook slightly.

In an instant, three black lines appeared on Lin Chen's forehead!

The old man Zhou Qing's laughter sounded in Lin Chen's mind: "Ha ha ha! Sure enough!"

Seeing Jiang Yueru's fingers trembling, Lin Cang blinked his eyes and asked, "Will there be more blood?"

"No, she is alive."

Lin Chen shook his head.

Then the words changed: "However, Dad, you need to be mentally prepared. She may wake up, or she may not wake up in a lifetime, so you..."

However, Lin Chen was able to finish his speech. Jiang Yueru, who was covered with a layer of green light all over the body, suddenly opened his mouth, and his tone was very surprised: "How did you save me?"


Lin Chen's words stopped abruptly.

"Hahaha! Laughing! Laughing old man!"

Old man Zhou Qing laughed wildly.

"Don't speak first, your injury is still unstable."

Lin Chen reminded coldly.

In fact, Lin Chen was relieved when he heard Jiang Yueru's speech.


Jiang Yueru shut up.

After that, Lin Chen continued to use his own immortal power to cooperate with Kirin's indelible power to continue to treat Jiang Yueru.

Time gradually flows.

After half an hour.


Lin Chen sat down on the ground, sweating all over.

Among Dan Tian, ​​Yuan Li is empty!

Not only that, in order to repair Jiang Yueru's body and soul, Lin Chen's spirit has always been highly concentrated, afraid of missing a crack.

So he is physically and mentally tired, and now he is quite tired.

Lin Cang didn't care about Lin Chen at all. He supported Jiang Yueru and asked with concern: "How do you feel, Yueru?"

Jiang Yueru opened his eyes, moved his limbs and joints, and said curiously: "It's amazing, I actually survived."

Lin Cang hugged Jiang Yueru tightly.

Jiang Yueru also hugged him around.

Very loving...

Lin Chen rolled his eyes and wanted to leave, but he didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers at this time, so he had to close his eyes and pretend to see nothing.

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