The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1840: He is Lin Chen

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In the sky, Lin Chen walked out slowly and came to Zhang Yue.

"Do you have any last words? I can bring that old general."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"you you……"

Zhang Yue was speechless and stuttered.

Lin Chen's strength is completely beyond her estimated range!

At first, she looked down on Lin Chen and felt that Lin Chen was only a seven-turn Nirvana. It was a breeze to kill him.

But in the course of the battle, she found that Lin Chen was not simple, and she had to use her full strength to deal with it.

But now, she has used her full strength, but still can't beat Lin Chen? !

Where is this man?

Why is it so strong?

Moreover, since he is so strong, then General Zhang should have seen it for a long time!

In this case, why did General Zhang send us?

Could it be, Could he... really want to change the forward guard?

At this moment, Zhang Yue, who was originally loyal to General Zhang, suddenly had a trace of doubt!

Seeing Zhang Yue not speaking, Lin Chen raised his dagger in his hand and said, "Since you have no last words, then I will give you peace of mind, rest assured, I am very gentle and will not make you feel pain..."

However, the word "bitter" has not been spoken, and a layer of black mist suddenly appeared in Lin Chen's body!


Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen's eyes were also covered with a layer of black gas!

Lin Chen's movement stopped, his body stiffened.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yue froze.

How is this going?

Why didn't you move suddenly?

However, Zhang Yue did not hesitate, immediately took a panacea, and then turned to escape.

Keep your life small!

However, she just ran five feet away, Lin Chen suddenly roared: "Get out of my mind!"


With a roar, Lin Chen's body surface burst into a blue light!

In an instant, the black mist lingering around Lin Chen's body was evaporated by blue light, and the black gas in his eyes was also replaced by blue light.

The stiff body regained its freedom, and Lin Chen looked at Yaodao Cunyu in his hand and fell into contemplation.

Just now, he was almost taken away by the rain of the demon knife village!

Of course, not to mention the ruined Yaodao Village Rain, even if it is a complete body of Yaodao Village Rain, Lin Chen can't take it away.

However, Lin Chen shook God for this reason.

If Zhang Yue did not choose to escape, but chose to kill Lin Chen, then one can imagine Lin Chen's end now!

"Existing things will happen again, so you must find the sword spirit of Yuyao Cunyu as soon as possible, otherwise Lao Tzu may die."

Lin Chen thought.

We must put the matter of finding the village rain knife spirit on the agenda, and then drag it on, it will not be of any benefit to Lin Chen!

However, Lin Chen has no clue about the sword spirit of Yudao Village.

"It's time to go back to Daozong. The staff of Daozong will help me find the demon sword village rain. As long as the sword spirit of the village rain is in the domain of the 100 dynasties, then the power of Daozong will definitely be found."

Lin Chen made a decision in his heart.

No more thinking, looking up forward.

Zhang Yue has run out of sight.

"Do you think you can run away?"

Lin Chen smiled, put away Yao Dao Cun Yu, and then flashed forward, rushing straight ahead.

Although Zhang Yue took the panacea to restore her strength temporarily, after all, she was seriously injured and could not run fast, so she was quickly caught up by Lin Chen. After a fight, she was brought back.

Zhang Yue has a swollen nose and blue face, which was pretty beautiful, but now he has become a pig's head.

"Why is your child so pity for Xiangxiyu?"

Looking at Zhang Yue who was dying on the ground, Jiang Yueru asked.

"I only have pity for my woman."

Lin Chen answered with a smile.

"Oh? When will you bring your woman back?"

Jiang Yueru asked curiously.

"depend on mood."

Lin Chen shrugged, and no longer took Li Jiangyueru.

Although the relationship between the two is not as stiff as before, it is not harmonious.

However, Lin Chen could clearly feel that his body was much easier than before.

Obviously, what he did during this time made the original owner very satisfied.

"Lin Chen, you must not die, my dragon and tiger dynasty will send an army to crush your Wanwu dynasty!"

Zhang Yue spit blood scolding.

"Really? It's a pity you never see that scene."

Lin Chen smiled faintly, raised a sword, ready to kill Zhang Yue.

But at this moment, in the sky, an old voice suddenly sounded: "Lin Chen Xiaoyou stays under the sword."


An old figure came down from the sky and landed straight on the ground.

He was the general of the Dragon and Tiger dynasty, standing two feet away in front of Lin Chen, carrying his hands, white clothes fluttering.


Zhang Yue's eyes lit up and shouted hoarsely.

The old man did not take care of Zhang Yue, but looked at Lin Chen and said: "The old man never thought that you are a little hero Lin. If the old man knew you were already, he would never do something stupid to test you."

After he finished speaking, he sighed, a sad expression.

Lin Chen smiled and said nothing.

This old fox said so on his mouth, but who knows what he thinks in his heart?

"Zhang Yue, haven't you always admired the hero who killed Ten Thousand Demons, he was the hero and Lin Chen."

General Zhang finally put his eyes on Zhang Yue and said.

Zhang Yue stared!

He is Lin Chen?

how can that be?

Isn't Lin Chen already dead?

How could he be Lin Chen?

In the Hundred Dynasties, most people think that Lin Chen is dead, so even if Lin Chen reported his name, Zhang Yue did not associate him with the hero of the Ten Thousand Demons.

But think about it now, that hero is Lin Chen, he is also called Lin Chen, that hero is from the Wanwu Dynasty, he is also from the Wanwu Dynasty, that hero is a disciple of Daozong, and he...

"Elder Daozong is here!"

At this moment, a naive shout suddenly came from the sky.

I saw a great light above the sky, and a red lotus platform appeared out of thin air, slowly descending from the sky.

A woman sitting on the lotus stand glowed all over, holding a jade bottle in her hand, with a willow stick in it, like a female bodhisattva.

On the two sides in front of the woman, the golden boy and girl were standing, and the voice just made by the golden boy.

"Dao Zong..."

At this moment, even if Zhang Yue is stupid, she has to believe that the man in black is the hero she admires!

No wonder his strength is so strong!

It turned out that he was Lin Chen!

"Lin Chen, it seems that the crisis of the Wanwu Dynasty has been lifted by you."

The lotus platform was suspended in mid-air, and the woman on it spoke, making a clear voice.

Then she asked, "What about the old thing in Litan County?"

"already dead."

Lin Chen spread his hands and said, "I was trampled to death by the guardian beast of the War Beast Dynasty."

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