The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1854: Misfortune is not alone

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Nothing can be done, only give up!

Daozong lost two outstanding disciples at once, this is the reality.

The human Taoist sighed long.

Young people are the future, and now there are no two of the best at one time.

In the next forty-five years, I am afraid that the days of Taoism will not be better.

Just then, there was a cry from afar: "Sect Master! Too Elder! Too bad to do! Too bad to do!"

A senior elder from Taozong flew from afar, as fast as lightning.

He hurried to the Taishang elder and said, "The Taishang elder is not good!"

"What's the matter? Panic?"

Taishang elder frowned slightly.

"The Supervision Department has come to ask for people, saying that if we don't hand over Li Dongtian today, they will destroy Daozong!"

The man said.

"Oh, a big tone!"

The elder Taishang smiled angrily: "I want to see, how can they destroy Daozong today!"

The man said: "They brought two high-ranking Wu Zun, and one Wu Zun was perfect!"


Taishang elder changed his face slightly.

Among the entire Taoist sect, there is no Wu Zun Great Consummation!

But the other party has Wu Zun sat down satisfactorily?

Although this is the site of Daozong, even Wu Zun's consummation will not destroy Daozong, but it will make Daozong pay a terrible price!


The elders of Tai Shang are extremely gloomy!

Blessings are not the only thing, and misfortunes are not alone!

A Yang Liuqing, let us be too busy to come, now it's good, inside and outside!

The elder Taishang knew that the more he was at this time, the less anxious he was, so he tried to calm himself and asked in a low voice, "Where are they now? Zongwai?"

The man shook his head immediately: "No! They have broken into the sect, I am afraid it won't take long, they will come here..."

However, before the man had finished speaking, a cold hum suddenly came from afar.


It was just a faint hum, but its penetrating power was extremely strong. Both the **** of the world and the elder of the Taishang were dark and almost fainted.

"Kaka Kaka!..."

It was this swaying **** that the cracks on the energy barrier surged, and the originally hemispherical energy barrier suddenly became irregular, and one after another bulged on the surface.

Explode soon!

Seeing the elder Taishang, his face was angry, and he turned to look.

I saw three people flying in the sky above.

Headed by an old lady, she carried her hands on her back and stood at the forefront, representing her status.

The two stood on both sides behind her, a man and a woman, they all looked young, but their strengths were all superior Wu Zun!

An elder of Taishang sank instantly.

"Good guy, there are only five Wu Zun in the Supervision Department of the Bai Dynasty. One died, three came, but now the director is not here..."

Taishang elder clenched his fists slightly.

Today, I am afraid that this will not end.

"Dao Zong, you are so brave! The person who withdrew the Tianzong Lord did not say, and they dared to deduct me from the Supervision Department. Why, do you want to openly be an enemy of our Supervision Department?!"

The white-haired old lady made a very cold voice, echoed in this world.

"How can I not understand what the elder sister said? The lord Li Dongtian who returned to Tianzong and the old man sent by your supervision department had already left Daozong a few days ago. I dare to guarantee that they left Daozong alive, After that, they were dead or alive. They had nothing to do with my Daozong. Why did the old sister blame us?"

The elder Taizhang narrowed his eyes and asked, lying without blushing.

"Shut up! Old man!"

The white-haired old lady suddenly roared!

Taishang elder said: broken, does she see me lying?

Unexpectedly, the white-haired old lady shouted: "Who is your sister?! My age is obviously younger than you!"

The elder Taizhang froze for a moment, choking without words.

In the end, he could only sigh: "The woman's thinking is really strange, the old man is a good person today..."

"Old man, don't pretend anymore, that day someone obviously saw that you personally took Li Dongtian and Zhong Xu and they were seriously injured. You must not quibble!"

Shouted the old white-haired woman.

As soon as this remark came out, the elder Taizhang's complexion changed slightly.

"It was only a few months after the Department of Supervision was established in Daozong, and I actually inserted a spy among my Daozong. This method is too unpredictable. After this matter is over, we must thoroughly clean up the spy of Daozong, otherwise In this way, Daozong will never have peace."

Taishang elders are cruel.

Then he looked up at the white-haired old lady above the sky and smiled: "Old girl, are you kidding? The strength of both of them is the lower Wu Zun, and the strength of the old man is also the lower Wu Zun. One enemy and two? You must be wrong."

In fact, the reason why Taishang elders say such nonsense is mainly to delay time.

"Shut up! You are the old girl! I am not old at all! I am young!"

The white-haired old lady scolded.


The Taishang elder is speechless.

The white-haired old lady's face was cold and said, "That's the case, but my people will never be wrong! I will give you three numbers and hand them over, otherwise I won't mind evening the road today..."

However, the word "Zong" has not been spoken yet. Elder Taishang suddenly raised his fingers and pointed at the sky, saying: "Sister, the old man can swear to the sky and use your head as a guarantee. On that day, Li Dongtian and Sun Xuzhen It is safe to leave Daozong!"

The white-haired old lady suddenly gave a sneer of disdain: "Whoever swears, but just moves his mouth, he who speaks will swear, nonsense, unbelievable..."

However, speaking of this, the white-haired old lady suddenly stopped abruptly, immediately frowning.

Because she noticed something wrong.

What the old man said just now seems not to be his head, head?

"Old man! You die!:

The white-haired old lady shouted angrily: "Since you are wholeheartedly looking for death, then I don't need to be polite to you, this will satisfy your wish and send you to hell!"

Before the words fell, the white-haired old lady waved her hand, and an energy train flew out like a python, rushing straight toward the Taishang elder!

The elder Taizhang's complexion changed, and he hurried to avoid it.

Not to mention him now, even in his peak period, Wu Zun's great hit cannot be stopped!

Can only escape!

I thought that the energy training would chase him, but I didn't expect that after he ducked to the left, the energy training did not reverse the direction, but went straight ahead, and finally fell on the energy barrier!

Originally, the energy barrier was scarred and was about to crack.

Now, inside and out.


The sound was like a mirror shattered on the ground, and the energy barrier exploded, turning into sky debris.

The face of the elder Tai is suddenly changing!

The white-haired old lady raised an extremely sinister arc at the corner of her mouth...

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