The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1859: Yang Liuqing's method

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Yang Liuqing was originally wearing pajamas.

Feeling excited at this time, she began to pick up her clothes.

A large white skin was exposed to the air.

Lin Chen quickly reached out to stop, grabbed Yang Liuqing's wrist and said: "You have not become Wu Zun. Doing this now will leave you with sequelae. It will be too late to regret it later."

"I won't regret it."

Yang Liuqing shook his head firmly.

"You don't regret it, but I will regret it."

Lin Chen said: "Do you want me to regret it forever?"

Hearing this, Yang Liuqing stopped struggling.

However, among her beautiful eyes, there were tears rising again, saying, "I can't wait any longer, I want to be your fourth woman."

Suddenly the words turned: "That girl, doesn't seem to be a person?"

Lin Chen was shocked.

She can even detect this matter?

This ability is too strong, right?

Lin Chen did not hide, and nodded gently and said, "Well, rabbit ears."

"Rabbit tribe? One of the eight rare birds and monsters in the war martial continent? Have you gone to the Ten Thousand Demon Realm?"

Yangliuqingliu frowned slightly and asked with concern: "Did you encounter any danger?"

"If I am in danger, can I still stand in front of you now?"

Lin Chen asked with a smile.

"That's good."

Yang Liuqing was relieved.

Relative to her grievances, she is more concerned about Lin Chen's safety.

"Lin Chen, you want me tonight."

Yang Liuqing fell in Lin Chen's arms, begging again.

"Wait until you become Wu Zun."

Lin Chen shook his head, firm attitude.

"But even if I practice day and night, it takes at least two months to become Wu Zun." Yang Liuqing said slightly with a small mouth.

"It's only two months, not long. The blink of an eye is over."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"No, you are so good, there are so many women who like you, maybe there will be a fourth woman in these two months, I don't want to be your fifth woman."

Yang Liuqing was wronged.

"I don't have that kind of stallion, too?"

Lin Chen touched his nose and said, "Moreover, you are better than me. In front of you, I dare not claim to be excellent."

"Even if I am excellent, I am your woman."

Speaking of which, Yang Liuqing suddenly looked up at Lin Chen with a hint of grudge in his eyes: "No, I haven't become your woman yet. I want to be, then you won't let me be."

"I am also for you."

Lin Chen was uncomfortable with Yang Liuqing's fierce eyes, and shifted her eyes subconsciously.

Yang Liuqing suddenly kissed Lin Chen's lips and threw it down.

Her breath was very heavy and her eyes were already blurred.

Everyone says that a man is an animal who thinks about himself, because Yang Liuqing wants to "seduce" Lin Chen to make him want him all the time.

However, after Lin Chen and Yang Liuqing kissed for a while, they actively pushed away the latter and said, "Okay Qing'er, stop it, wait until you Wu Zun talks."

"You do not care about me!"

Yang Liuqing's beautiful eyes instantly filled with tears and tears.

"Why don't I care about you? Because I care about you, I can be so restrained. If I don't care about you, do you think I need to restrain?"

Lin Chen said deliberately angrily.

"But, but..."

Yang Liuqing is speechless and can only grieve with a beautiful face, silently.

Lin Chen did not say much, just looked at Yang Liuqing and asked her to reflect on herself.

Yang Liuqing said with a small mouth: "They just want to be your fourth woman."

"I said, after you become Wu Zun."

Lin Chen said, holding his arms.

"But people can't wait."

Yang Liuqing was wronged.

"You can't wait, it's for you, it's for me."

Lin Chen's tone command.


Yang Liuqing finally served softly, murmured and did not speak.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, as if she had thought of a good idea. Her left fist fell on the palm of her right hand and said, "Yes."

"What is there?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly.

Yang Liuqing smiled playfully at Lin Chen, with a six in the left hand and a nine in the right hand.

In an instant, three black lines appeared on Lin Chen's forehead.

"Where did you learn?"

He knocked **** Yang Liuqing's head and asked angrily.

"You told me over a thousand years ago."

Yang Liuqing covered her head with both hands and looked innocent.

"Will it work~"

Afterwards, Yang Liuqing gently shook Lin Chen's arm and said coquettishly.

If you let others see that Yang Liuqing, the famous snow beauty of Daozong, would have such a small woman's side, then the dream in the hearts of many men would be completely broken.

"No, you just recovered, wait a few days."

Lin Chen pondered for a moment, but finally shook his head.

Yang Liuqing screamed: "But people want it now~"

"What do you want?"

At this moment, Youyou got out of Lin Chen's arms, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and asked diligently.

"Yuyo, my sister wants to do something private with Lin Chen. Would you like to go out for a night? Okay, tomorrow, my sister will take you to have fun."

Yang Liuqing even cheated.

"Um, so good~"

Long and simple in mind, fart fart ran out.

In this boudoir, there are only two living creatures, Lin Chen and Yang Liuqing.


Yang Liuqing was very overbearing and pushed Lin Chen directly onto the bed, her glamorous red lips kissed wildly.

Lin Chen wanted to resist, but, after a while, he "succumbed".

Yang Liuqing's proposal was indeed harmless to her, and Lin Chen had no reason to refuse.


Time flies by.

All night passed in the blink of an eye.

Early the next morning.

Yang Liuqing glowed all over her face, with a happy smile on her face, and walked out of the room.

Youyou is looking at the cricket in the distance.

Seeing Yang Liuqing coming out, you leaped into her arms and asked, "Sister Yang, what kind of kung fu did you and Eun Gong practiced last night, is it painful?"

Yang Liuqing's face turned slightly red, and she stuttered, "It's just a way to open the meridians. During the cultivation process, it will stress the nerves, so that the throat and mouth will not be controlled by yourself."


"Oh I got it."

Youyou nodded her head, suddenly realized.

Immediately asked: "What about Grace?"

"He is still sleeping."

Yang Liuqing replied: "He was very tired in practicing last night. Let's not disturb him. Let him sleep well. You will take you to visit Daozong."

"Sister Yang~"

Youyou nodded cleverly.

"You are so good."

Yang Liuqing gently stroked the long pink hair.

"Sister Yang, you discovered that you are more beautiful than yesterday."

With a long grin.

"Really? Thank you Yoyo."

Yang Liuqing smiled softly, bright and moving, and nothing could be done.

One person and one animal left.

Lin Chen was still asleep.

As everyone knows, a monstrous crisis is gradually approaching them!

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