The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1873: Carrying mountain

I saw not far behind, standing a woman in a red dress all over her body, bright and charming, she was suspended above the air, and now she was holding her arms, looking at the two people below with a smile.

Daoli asked: "You don't seem to be a Taoist, who are you?"

"Of course I am not a Taoist sect. How can I accommodate my Buddha as a sect that cultivates wastes?"

The woman in red giggled and laughed disdainfully.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "I thought it was a running dog in the Demon Continent. I didn't expect it to be a war martial continent. It seems that the owner of the peak without shadow is not as bad as I thought."

"Sky Demon Continent? Bah, how could I be the group of bed bugs in Sky Demon Continent? Who do you look down upon?"

The woman in red raised her neck and said proudly.

"Then you introduce yourself, who are you?"

Daoli rolled his eyes and said angrily.

The woman in red shook her head and said, "You don't deserve to know my name."

"Oh, I don't want to know yet."

Daoli rolled his eyes again.

However, at the same time, he sent a message to Lin Chen's faith, saying: "Little brother, I feel this woman is not very easy to mess with, let's run quickly."

Lin Chen shook his head and said: "We can't go."


Dao Li froze.

"Oh, it's Lin Chen. He understands his situation."

The woman in red smiled softly.

Daoli placed his eyes on Lin Chen's inquiry.

Lin Chen pointed at the woman in red and explained: "She was talking nonsense with us, but she didn't take action against us, just waiting for an opportunity."


Daoli still didn't understand and tilted his head with doubts.

However, before Lin Chen explained, the woman in red smiled and said, "In order not to let the old fellows of Daozong influence me, I am moving the whole mountain away."

Move the mountain? !

Hearing this, Daoli was slightly stunned and immediately looked around, but found that the ground in the distance was shaking slightly, and the dense forest fell into pieces.

"What exactly is going on?"

Daoli didn't understand.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "If I am not wrong, we have left Daozong now."


Daoli's eyes widened.

"Cough, it's Lin Chen, and I can see the clue at a glance.

The woman in red stood above the sky and applauded.

As Lin Chen said, today, the entire mountain has been pulled up one after another and flew away from Daozong!

However, no one saw this scene!

Even the human Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu did not notice the clue!

On the light curtain of the 36th peak of Daozong, everything is normal, "Lin Chen" and "Dao Li" are slowly walking out of the mountain.

In other words, Lin Chen and Daoli were transferred away silently!

The reason why the woman in red doesn't take action against Lin Chen and Daoli is that most of her power is used to set up the barrier method and shift the mountain, so there is no extra strength to deal with the two.

Daoli was not stupid. Soon, he thought of this, and immediately his face was ruthless, and said: "Little brother, let someone die while we are sick.

Before the words fell, Daoli clasped his hands, releasing the tumultuous energy, turning into a huge handprint, and whistling towards the woman in red!

Seeing this scene, the woman in red did not hide at all. Instead, she raised a very disdainful arc on her bright lips.

The next moment, a huge red net appeared in front of her, the grid was extremely dense.

The huge Yuanli fingerprint was like a broken bamboo, hit the red net, but was instantly divided into countless pieces by the red net, just like tofu encountered a knife, fragile.

In the end, Daoli's full blow didn't hurt the woman in red at all.

Dao Li saw his pupils shrink slightly.

The woman in red laughed softly: "Don't waste your energy in vain. Under the blood sacrifice, you can't escape, and you can't hurt me.

"Blood sacrifice..."

Hearing these two words, Daoli's complexion had become extremely gloomy.

It turned out that the sudden death of nearly a thousand disciples at Wuyingfeng was just for this blood sacrifice!

"Cough, blood sacrifices for hundreds of people at the cost of life, soul, and even eternal life, will never be broken by you."

The woman in red laughed softly, full of confidence in her tone.

Daoli clenched his fists, angry and helpless, turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and asked, "Little Brother, do you have any way?"

Lin Chen shook his head.

The moment he turned to see the woman in red, he noticed the clue, but it was already too late.

"This girl doesn't know where to take us. We can't just accept our lives like this!"

Daoli said, clenching his fists.

"Fat fat man, close your stinky mouth, my main purpose this time is for Lin Chen, and you are worthless, talk nonsense again, be careful I will tear your mouth!"

The woman in red scolded force.

Daoli is also burning with anger.

Lin Chen asked lightly: "I don't know you, why do you want to catch me?"

The woman in red just said: "You will know in a moment, although you who died are worth a lot, but you are far worse than you who are alive. If not, you are now wiped out by me."

Lin Chen smiled and asked: "Anyway, I will know everything right away. It would be better if you explain it to me now. Anyway, idle is also idle, how?"

The woman in red laughs without speaking.

Her mouth is very strict and never reveals secrets.

"This woman's mouth is not easy to pry..."

Seeing this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then stared at the woman and asked, "You are from the Supervision Department, right?"

The woman in red glanced.

"It seems I guessed right."

Lin Chen teased.

"I have guessed your identity. If you don't answer me again, it will be meaningless."

Lin Chen encouraged: "So, tell me everything."

The woman in red hesitated for a moment, and then sneered, "Well, anyway, you are going to die soon, let you be a ghost. I do come from the Supervision Department, our Supervision Department has only one goal since its establishment. , Destroy Daozong."

Speaking of which, the woman in red suddenly changed her head: "However, your resurrection is not correct. Your reappearance has changed the goal of our supervision department. That is to capture you back to the supervision department, no matter life or death, but alive. You are more valuable than you who are dead."

All that the woman in red said was within Lin Chen's expectations, but Lin Chen also had a question, that is:

"Why should the Inspectorate target me?"

"Where do I know? This issue, the entire Supervision Department, I am afraid that only the Director of the Master knows."

Said the woman in red.

Lin Chen nodded and immediately asked:

"Because of me, you only targeted Daozong, and my reappearance made you put your spearhead on me. Therefore, as long as I die, you will no longer target Daozong, right?"

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