The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1901: not interested

Daozong, the big square.

Yang Liuqing's delicate body trembled slightly, and she was about to sit on the ground.

But at this moment, Lin Chen suddenly stretched out his hand to embrace her small waist.

Therefore, Yang Liuqing did not sit on the ground, but lay in Lin Chen's arms.

She looked sleepy, she looked very tired, her breathing was very light, and she was dripping with cold sweat.

Lin Chen put his hand on Yang Liuqing's pulse, felt the beating of her pulse, and sensed her breath again. After confirming that she was just overworked and nothing serious, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said : "Let's rest for a while."

For Lin Chen's words, Yang Liuqing always obeyed unconditionally.

Therefore, she lightly tapped her head and closed her eyes, and within a few breaths, she fell asleep in Lin Chen's arms.

At the same time, the woman in yellow shirt stood up from the ground, moved her limbs, and said, "Thank you, I will definitely keep my promise."

Lin Chen glanced up at the woman in the yellow shirt.

At this time, the distortion plane that "divided the yellow jersey into two" has disappeared.

She has restored freedom of movement and freedom of power.

Lin Chen said: "It's useless for you to thank me. You should thank her and wait until she wakes up."

The woman in the yellow shirt shook her head: "I never speak twice."

Lin Chen didn't reply, shrugged noncommittal.

"What are your plans next?"

The woman in the yellow shirt suddenly looked at Lin Chen and asked.

"I will give you this question too."

Lin Chen smiled gently at the woman in the yellow shirt.

"My goal is very clear. I want to deal with the Supervision Department secretly."

The woman in the yellow shirt said, suddenly looking at Lin Chen with a smile, and asked, "Lin Chen, would you like to help me?"

"What's good?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Your enemy is the Supervisory Department. Destroying them is good for you?"

The woman in the yellow shirt asked.

Lin Chen blinked his eyes thoughtfully.

The woman in the yellow shirt said again: "You take your time to think about it, and I am not in a hurry. I will stay in Dao Sect for a few days. When you think about it, it is not too late to tell me when you come back."

Lin Chen frowned slightly and asked, "The shackles on your body have been broken. What use is there to stay in Dao Sect?"

"You don't need to worry about it. I stay here, naturally I have my own ideas. Anyway, you only need to know a little bit. I never do anything meaningless."

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled proudly, stiffening her chest.

Lin Chen laughed but said nothing.

At this time, the Taoist God in the world spoke, looked at the woman in the yellow shirt and asked, "How many days are you going to stay in Taoist school?"

"As little as five days, as many as not necessarily."

The woman in the yellow shirt replied, and then added: "As for what I am doing here, you don't need to know, you only need to know one thing, that is, I will never harm you Dao Sect, that's enough."

"Hehe, in this case, it is naturally good."

The Taoist God nodded with a smile.

Zhong Lingyu also spoke, looking at the woman in the yellow shirt and asking: "Little sister, can I stay by your side? You are not familiar with Taoism. I stay by your side and can be your guide..."

However, before Zhong Lingyu had finished speaking, the woman in the yellow shirt shook her head and refused: "No, my understanding of Daozong is far more profound than you think."

"OK then."

Although Zhong Lingyu wanted to stay with the woman in the yellow shirt to monitor her, the woman in the yellow shirt had already expressed her attitude so clearly, so Zhong Lingyu did not force it, so he nodded.

In fact, the main reason why the Taoist gods and Zhong Lingyu let the yellow shirt women stay in the Taoist school is because of the yellow shirt women's grandfather.

They have all heard of the name of the grandfather in the yellow shirt, and as her granddaughter, she is affected by the halo of her grandfather. Therefore, as long as her request is not unreasonable, most people in Bai Chaoyu will agree.

Just like the Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu on earth now.

However, Lin Chen is a counterexample.

He was unhappy, looking at Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu in the world, and asked: "This is the site of Taoism. You are the master of Taoism. It is so easy for you to allow an outsider to enter Taoism..."

"Hey! Lin Chen! Who do you say is an outsider? I am not an outsider!"

Before Lin Chen finished speaking, the woman in the yellow shirt immediately ran in front of him, angrily pointed to his nose and asked, "Do you hate me so much? Do you not want to stay with me so much? How is the big beauty?"

After speaking, the woman in the yellow shirt struck her chest again, squeamish and arrogant.

Lin Chen shrugged, noncommittal.

The girl in the yellow shirt knew Lin Chen's mouth skills and wanted to quarrel with him, so she would definitely end up miserably.

Therefore, the woman in the yellow shirt snorted vigorously with her Qiong nose at Lin Chen, and then turned around to look at the human Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu and said, "What are you guys doing? Go ahead, I want to walk in Dao Sect."

As soon as he said this, Lin Chen said nothing, holding Yang Liuqing who was sleeping, and turned to leave.


However, just a few steps after he walked out, the woman in the yellow shirt suddenly shouted: "Lin Chen, after putting this Yang Liuqing down, you will come to me immediately, and I will tell you a few things alone."

"Can you say no now?"

Lin Chen didn't turn his head, but stopped and asked.

Upon hearing this, the woman in the yellow shirt first glanced at the sky, and then said: "The time is not yet ripe. I can't say it yet."

"You still need to look at the time to say something?"

Lin Chen smiled.

"Of course, words are divided into time, what time to say what kind of words, this is the rule of Bai Chaoyu since ancient times."

The woman in yellow shirt should nod her head as expected.

"Useless old habits."

Lin Chen mocked.

"No matter what, it is you Lin Chen who brought me here. You have to be responsible to me, at least during the few days I stayed in Daozong, you have to be responsible to me."

The yellow shirt woman's tone is domineering and calm, which can not be rebutted!

Lin Chen lowered his head and glanced at Yang Liuqing first.

Yang Liuqing was already asleep at this time, unaware, so he did not hear the words of the woman in the yellow shirt.

If not, with her vinegar-pot character, it would have broken out long ago!

Lin Chen raised his head, looked at the woman in the yellow shirt, and said, "I am also very busy. I will come to you if I have time. I don't have time to say anything else."

"Time is like water in a sponge. There will always be a squeeze. You will definitely have time."

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled sweetly at Lin Chen's back.

Lin Chen didn't say much, and walked away holding Yang Liuqing.

After watching Lin Chen leave, the woman in the yellow shirt suddenly looked at the Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu on earth, and asked: "Do I remember that he is not a rascal? Why is he suddenly such a gentleman? And, is he usually so cold?"

The Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu were startled when they heard this, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

They can't say: Lin Chen's attitude towards other women is really gentle and considerate, if he can take advantage, he will take advantage, and the rascal is rascal; but he seems to have no interest in you at all!

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