The war between the Supervision Department and Daozong will break out sooner or later.

To be precise, it was a war between the Supervision Department and Lin Chen.

And now, the Supervision Department has sent people.

Two Wu Zun.

One upper rank Wu Zun and one lower rank Wu Zun.

They floated high in the sky and did not attack.

However, the murderous aura emanating from their bodies is as real as it is, making people frightened!

Murderous like rain, ignoring the Dao Sect's protective array, infiltrating and covering the entire Dao Sect.

At this moment, Dao Zong went up and down, almost everyone was shocked.

The animals in the Taoist school were lying motionless on the ground at this moment.

An atmosphere of fear enveloped the entire Taoist school.

Just now.

call out!

A figure rose into the sky, as fast as lightning, and suddenly came to the two of them.

God of the world.


He snorted coldly, his body shook slightly, and an aura that did not belong to the two of them swept out of his body, turned into a storm, and raged towards them.

The two of them were also unwilling to show weakness, and the two auras merged together, and they collided with the aura of the human Taoist god.

There was no sound of impact.

However, where the two auras intersect, the space there seems to have been distorted.

Because of the resistance of the Taoist God, the murderous aura shrouded in Taoism gradually disappeared.

Almost everyone was relieved.

"The two came to my Dao Sect, why?"

The Taoist **** of the world has sharp eyes like a falcon, staring at the two people in front and asking.

The two of them are a man and a woman. The woman is a high-ranking martial artist. There is no smile on her face. She is indifferent and lonely. She speaks indifferently: "The Supervision Department will give you one last chance to hand over Lin Chen, otherwise you will not be able to live in Daozong for three days , Is bound to perish."

The voice is cold and emotionless.

The Taoist God in the world asked with a smile: "You two dare to threaten me? Overpowering."

The woman shook her head slightly: "We are just messengers. Several adults from the Supervision Department will be back soon. Now is your Dao Sect's last chance."

As soon as she finished speaking, the man next to her spoke loudly: "Human Taoism, we are for the good of you Dao Sect. Dao Sect has been passed down for hundreds of years in the Hundred Dynasties, and it can be regarded as the symbol of the Hundred Dynasties. One, we don’t want Dao Sect to go to extinction, so don’t be ignorant of good and bad."

"Whether it is good or bad, I have my own judgment in my heart, and you don't need to say anything."

The human Taoist waved his hand, domineering.

The man snorted coldly.

"Huh, toast without fine wine."

"Human Taoism, we are here today, there are two main things, the first thing, I have just told you."

"Remember, you only have three days to consider. After three days, if you don't give us a reply, we will default to you and the Supervision Department as enemies, and Dao Sect will surely perish at that time."

The man's voice was cold.

Hearing this, the Taoist God of the world asked directly: "What about the second thing? If you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart, I don't like to grind harp."


The man shook his hands!

Outburst of anger!

But in the end, he didn't make a move. Instead, he turned to look at the woman beside him and said, "Sister, please tell me."


The woman nodded indifferently and said, "I will give you a gift."

Before the voice fell, the woman flipped her right hand, palm facing up.


As the mysterious energy fluctuations spread, the void in the woman's palm suddenly twisted, and then a light pill emitting a fiery red light gradually appeared.


The Taoist God on earth has a puzzled expression.

What is this?

But the next moment, his pupils shrank!

I saw the woman raised her right hand high, palm facing up.

Immediately after.


The fire-red light pill, which was originally only the size of a baby's fist, suddenly became bigger!

It expanded to a hundred feet in diameter in the blink of an eye!

A fiery red sun hangs high above the sky, covering the sky!

"This is our gift to you Dao Sect."

"Please put it away."

The voice did not fall.

The huge flaming red light pill descended from the sky and landed on Daozong below.

Wherever he passed, the air was annihilated.

A black mark also appeared on the surface of the void.

The face of the Taoist God on Earth suddenly became ugly!

He can't resist!

The power of this fiery red light pill has surpassed the limit of Wu Zun!

Therefore, the Taoist God in the world directly uses to open the guardian formation!

He quickly formed seals with both hands and shouted: "Enlighten!"


A looming energy barrier, in the shape of an inverted bowl, buckled the entire Dao Zong in.

The barrier is not thick, but rather thin, and it looks like it breaks with the touch.

The huge fiery red sun slowly descended from the sky and landed on this thin barrier.


Almost at the same time, the void at the impact suddenly distorted.

Originally, the two had collided.

However, with the distortion of the void, the distance between the two was suddenly opened!

Suddenly, a huge gap appeared between the two.

The surface of the formation flashed with light, and the streamer was brilliant.

"Boom boom boom..."

Layers of formations appeared out of thin air in that gap!

The number of formations, tens of thousands, separates the fiery sun from the guardian formation.

However, the power of the blazing sun is too great.

Therefore, the formation began to shatter one after another, one layer after another.

With the fragmentation of the formation, the fiery red sun is getting closer and closer to the guardian formation.

The human Taoist **** had a cold sweat on his forehead.

At the same time, everyone in Dao Sect, including Lin Chen, felt that their power was being absorbed out of thin air.

Who absorbed it?

Of course it is the guardian formation!

In Dao Sect, one flower, one tree, one insect and one beast, every creature is drawing power!

This is the Dao Zong's guardian array!

Its sturdiness, even if the Emperor Wu is strong, it may not be able to break!

However, the power of this red hot sun is really too strong.

Therefore, in a short period of time, all formations are broken!

Not one left!

However, the blazing sun has also become bleak.

Obviously, its energy has been exhausted.

Now, the human Taoist **** can resist it.

However, the human Taoist **** has collapsed at this moment. It is very difficult to just stand on the sky. What can I resist?

Therefore, the blazing sun fell on the energy barrier in the shape of an inverted bowl.

The energy barrier has no resistance at all.


Explode directly.

Turned into fragments in the sky, dissipated with the wind.

The guardian formation that had guarded Dao Sect for hundreds of years was destroyed.

However, the blazing sun also exploded, exhausted its energy and disappeared out of thin air.

"Hahaha, I thought how strong it was, it turned out to be so vulnerable! It was a waste of my eldest sister to look up to your hearts!"

At this moment, the man floating above the sky laughed.

There was a deep disdain in the tone.

The woman waved her sleeves.

With this action, behind her, the hundreds of fiery red light pills that had just appeared, gradually disappeared into nothingness...

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