Lin Chen appeared out of thin air.

Let the black robe man look surprised!

"How could it be him?!"

The black-robed man couldn't help but exclaimed.

Very gaffe.

He wanted to adjust the direction of the little sun.

However, it was too late.

The little sun was like a broken bamboo, directly falling on Lin Chen's body.


The black robe man yelled!

However, no matter how loud his voice is, it will not help.

Incompetent barking.

The light flashed.

Lin Chen disappeared out of thin air.

Even the breath is gone.

Little Sun swallowed Lin Chen in.

This scene came out.

The pupils of the woman in the yellow shirt shrank suddenly.

She thought Lin Chen had the ability to fight against Little Sun.

But she never expected Lin Chen to die!

He has no ability to fight against Little Sun!

However, the yellow jersey women can't think about so much now.

One to die is better than these two.

Therefore, the yellow shirt woman must continue to escape.

But at this moment.


A strange energy wave suddenly radiated from the little sun.

The volatility spreads extremely fast, covering the world in the blink of an eye!


The birds in the sky stopped flapping their wings.

The worm on the ground lay motionless on the ground.

The water droplets that had just splashed in the lake were suspended in the air.

Thousands of miles, time is still!

The woman in the yellow shirt stopped motionless in the air, her expression gloomy.

The face of the black-robed man was full of panic and regret.

Everything stopped.

However, only the little sun still exudes a light that flickers.

The little sun can swallow everything in the world.

Lin Chen was swallowed by the little sun.

However, Lin Chen did not die immediately.

After he was swallowed into the little sun, his consciousness quickly lost.

I am afraid that only three or four breaths time, he will completely die!

However, during these three or four breaths, Lin Chen called out a name.

"Shi Hao!"

"Shi Hao!"

"Shi Hao!"

Shouted three times.


After three times, Lin Chen's consciousness that was about to disappear, suddenly stopped losing.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen regained consciousness.

Before, after being swallowed by the little sun, Lin Chen lost his vision.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen regained his vision.

He looked around and found himself on a mountain peak.

White clouds float on the top of the mountain, and the cool breeze is dry.

There was no one around.

The heights are very cold.

Lin Chen hugged his arms.

It's **** cold.

At this moment, above the sky, there was a sissy voice:

"Who are you? Why do you know the name of this seat?"

Lin Chen looked up to the sky.

However, there was no one above the blue sky.

Lin Chen rolled his eyes.

This Shi Hao likes to be mysterious.

Lin Chen said angrily: "Not only do I know you, but I also know your master, who is called Fairy Ziyuan."

"who are you?"

A sissy came from the sky again.

It's obviously a male voice.

But so slender.

Very oozing.

Lin Chen still did not answer.

Instead, he smiled and asked, "You haven't recognized me yet?"

He just finished speaking.

The void in front of him suddenly twisted.

Immediately, a figure in a red dress slowly condensed out.

Just looking at the back, I thought it was a woman.

Slender figure, fluttering black hair, bright red clothes...

But when he turned around, he was a man with a beard!

There is no other killer than this.

"You have a breath, I am familiar with it, what is your relationship with that man?"

The man pinched Lanhua, pointed at Lin Chen, and asked in a sissy voice.

There was scrutiny in his eyes.

Lin Chen smiled upon hearing this.

"What do you think is the relationship? Lao Tzu is the man!"

Domineering words.

"Impossible! That man is completely destroyed, how could he be reincarnated? Junior, dare to talk nonsense, this seat will leave you dead without a place to bury you!"

Before he finished his words, Shi Hao raised his right hand and pointed his palm at Lin Chen.


Suddenly, the space around Lin Chen twisted.

An invisible pressure came from all directions, squeezing Lin Chen's body!

Lin Chen felt as if his body would be squeezed into meat sauce in the next moment!

"Damn it! Do you dare to shoot at me?"

"If it weren't for Laozi, you would have died when you became the emperor!"

"If it hadn't been for Lao Tzu, your sister would have been utterly destroyed because she could not bear the Nine Yin Evil Body!"

"Do you dare to try on me?"

Lin Chen yelled!

When the man heard this, his face was shocked.

He looked at Lin Chen with an uncertain expression.

How did he know these things?

Is he really that man?

But how is it possible?

That man is already dead!

The soul is gone!

How could he reincarnate?

See the complex color on the man's face.

Lin Chen smiled proudly and said:

"Qin Changkong, just a small thief! Give him a hundred abilities and can't kill Lao Tzu, don't forget who gave him his cultivation base!"

The man groaned first.

Immediately he said: "This matter is not a trivial matter, I have to verify it."

After speaking, he knotted his hands, not knowing what to do.

However, he just finished his first seal.

"Verify a fart! I hate chirps and chirps the most!"

The voice did not fall.

Lin Chenhu's body was shocked!


The invisible force oppressing his body was immediately dispersed!

Turned into nothingness, disappeared.

The power that oppressed Lin Chen was not Yuan Li, but a man's holy way.

The way of the holy, as the name suggests, the power of the way of the martial sage is the same as the way of the emperor and belongs to the way of heaven.

Although Lin Chen is not a martial sage, he also has the power of heaven!

Therefore, a man's holy way cannot restrain Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen just broke free of the imprisonment.

"The mouth is unproven, I must verify it!"

Before the words fell, the man's heart moved.

Lin Chen was imprisoned again.

This time it was pure power.

Lin Chen couldn't break free.

"Damn it."

Lin Chen scolded.

This Shi Hao, although he is a man, is a woman.

His elder sister Shi Mei, although she is a daughter, has a male character.

Shi Hao always wanted to be a woman, but couldn't.

Shi Mei always wanted to be a man, but she couldn't.

This is because the two exchanged souls when they were pregnant.

Because of this, Shi Hao is not decisive at all, he is more feminine than a woman.

I do not know how long it has been.

Shi Hao verified it.

I don't know what method was used.

After verification.

Shi Hao swallowed his saliva and stared at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen felt cold behind him.

He felt "danger".

"I knew you were definitely not dead!"

Shi Hao suddenly yelled, and his whole body rushed towards Lin Chen!

Lin Chen dodged immediately.

Shi Hao jumped for nothing.

But he still looked at Lin Chen happily.

His eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

Lin Chen felt a furry in his heart.

"Cough! Cough!"

"Talk about business, talk about business."

Lin Chen hurriedly coughed and changed the subject.

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