Before Lin Chen turned his head to look, he heard a scream of "Ah".

Immediately afterwards, the porcelain bowl fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Lin Chen turned his head and looked, and what caught his eye was a beautiful girl who was about fifteen or sixteen years old in coarse clothes.

Under her feet, on the muddy ground, was sprinkled with a light brown hot soup.

Lin Chen found that this girl had been watching her lower half...

Look down.

Immediately, Lin Chen understood.

The old face blushed.

He didn't wear anything at the moment, so all the "beautiful" scenery was captured by this little girl in front of him.

"You, are you awake? I, I will find you clothes to wear."

The girl said tremblingly, with a delicate and gentle voice, and then turned and ran out of the room.

Lin Chen asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Xiaoru."

The girl's voice came further and further into Lin Chen's ears.

Lin Chen stood there, touched his chin and thought for a while, and said in his heart: It seems that I was saved by this little Ru.

Lin Chen's clothes were in the storage bag, so he wanted to take out the storage bag from his dantian.

But he can't get it out.

The storage bag is like being sealed in the pubic area!

Three black lines appeared on Lin Chen's forehead.

Of course he knew why he couldn't take out the storage bag.

The Dantian has been damaged, causing many of the Dantian abilities to be temporarily lost.

Including the treasures of Qianfen Sword Spirit and Demon Sword Village Yu, Lin Chen is temporarily out of use!

"Forget it, let's wait for Xiaoru to bring me clothes."

Lin Chen sat down on the bed.

He wants to talk to old man Zhou Qing.

However, the old man Zhou Qing fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Chen's Niwan Palace was also damaged, causing the old man Zhou Qing who was lodged inside the Niwan Palace to be seriously injured. He is now unconscious.

Lin Chen released his soul power and wanted to hold up the tea cup on the table, but he couldn't hold it up.

However, his soul can spread out, covering a few kilometers in the blink of an eye!

Lin Chen squinted his eyes and said in his heart: The soul power temporarily lost the attack ability, but the perception ability can still be used, which is not bad.

Therefore, Lin Chen closed his eyes and began to sense the surrounding environment with his soul force.

He discovered that this is a village with a small area of ​​more than one hundred households. The outside of the village is full of fields, planted with various grains.

Moreover, what surprised Lin Chen was that there was no cultivator in this village.

In other words, here are ordinary people!

Lin Chen's soul power spread to the farthest point, still an empty field, beyond sight.

He withdrew his soul power, secretly suspicious: What is this place? Why are there no cultivators? Forget it, let Xiaoru come back and ask carefully.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, took a deep breath, closed his eyes slowly, and continued to recover.

The immortal power he possesses, although he cannot repair his dantian in a short period of time, but long-term operation is also beneficial to the damaged dantian.

Time passed slowly.

Unknowingly, a quarter of an hour passed.

Suddenly, Lin Chen opened his eyes.

He frowned and turned to look back to the left.

He heard the noise of screams.

Immediately with a thought, the surging soul power rushed out, turning into a wave and swept away in that direction.

In the next moment, Lin Chen knew what was happening there.

Immediately, he stood up and wanted to go out.

But he couldn't go out naked, so he looked around, looking for clothes to wear.

Suddenly, he saw a piece of red cloth.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Chen picked up the piece of cloth, wrapped the most important part, and ran out of the room barefoot.


At the same time, the village is southeast.

"Big guy, go back to the village!"

A fourteen or five-year-old girl stood in front of many villagers and shouted.

In front of the girl, there was a wild boar that was bigger than a human standing, and the sharp fangs reflected the cold light under the sun!

The girl's legs were shaking, presumably she was also very scared. However, compared to the yelling villagers behind her, she was already quite calm.

"The big guy runs quickly, I'll hold this monster!"

The girl shouted.

Although she is only fourteen or five years old, she is the head of this village, and she has an obligation to protect these villagers!

The villagers in their 30s and 40s yelled and ran away like a dog in embarrassment.

Suddenly, the wild boar let out a deafening roar, and its sharp fangs pierced towards the girl!

The girl closed her eyes in fear.

"Brother Fit, where are you, come and save me, Brother Fit..."

She cried and prayed in her heart.

The next moment, with a loud "bang", the wild boar's body, which is bigger than a human, flew out!

I saw in front of the girl, I don't know when there was a young man, he kept the posture of a punch, the red clothing ribbon fluttering at the crotch, the appearance was quite annoying.

"Xiao Ru, are you okay?"

The young and gentle voice entered the girl's ears.

The girl opened her eyes, and what caught her eye was a handsome face.

Xiao Ru's heart jumped, and a string that had been in the dust for a long time was moved quietly.

Her cheeks flushed, and she shook her head quickly and said, "I'm fine! Run! That beast is a beast..."


However, before Xiao Ru finished speaking, the wild boar rushed in angrily, Lin Chen and Xiao Ru covered by a huge shadow.

Lin Chen didn't turn his head, his face was expressionless, and he threw a punch.


A loud noise!

Half of the wild boar's body was directly bombarded with blood!

The other half of the body fell to the ground with a bang, stirring up dust in the sky.

Because Lin Chen has not turned his head, his gaze is always on Xiao Ru, and he asks: "Xiao Ru, what did you just want to say?"

Xiao Ru only felt her heart beating violently, but she didn't know what to answer. Finally, she lowered her head and dared not look directly at Lin Chen, and said in a low voice, "No, nothing."

Lin Chen rubbed Xiaoru's head with a smile.

Immediately he turned his head and looked to the front right, shouting loudly: "Shrink your head tortoise, get out of me."

He seemed to be talking to the air.

However, when his voice fell, a man in a green shirt emerged from the field ten feet ahead of his right.

Seeing the man in the green shirt, Xiao Ru immediately lit up, and asked incrediblely: "Brother Fit, why are you here?"

The man in the green shirt did not pay attention to Xiaoru. His sinister gaze was always on Lin Chen, and he asked, "Who are you? Why come to Fugui Village? Why bother?"

Lin Chen saw that Xiaoru knew the man in the green shirt, so he didn't kill him immediately, and asked coldly: "Why do you want to control the monster to attack the villagers? To be precise, attack Xiaoru?"

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