"No, like you, I can hit a hundred."

The faint voice of the blind man echoed between the world.

His tone was full of disdain and mockery of Lin Chen.

Obviously, he didn't pay attention to Lin Chen at all.

Lin Chen smiled.

However, Lin Chen hadn't replied yet, Qingzhu suddenly spoke, and said dissatisfied: "You are too arrogant. My eldest brother is not a vegetarian. I will ask you, what are your points?"

Hearing this, Ye Tianxin sneered directly: "It's a mere waste, dare you ask us questions? It really makes people laugh out of their teeth."

Qingzhu's face turned red and green, and gritted his teeth and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, my elder brother's strength is not what you can compare! My elder brother's points are more than 3,400!"

Hearing the number of 3400, Ye Tianxin was taken aback for a while.

And the next moment, Ye Tian cursed directly: "Fart! Do you think we are idiots? Qingzhu, I originally thought you were just a rubbish, but I didn’t expect you to be so shameless and speak big words without logic. Not as good as waste!"

Qingzhu immediately retorted, "I didn't speak big words, if you don't believe it..."

However, before Qingzhu had finished speaking, Ye Tianxin suddenly interrupted, sneered and said: "Our team is among the best in the fourth sequence, and Yang Ge's strength is also one of the best in the fourth sequence. , Even Brother Yang is only 2000 points, why, is this guy better than Brother Yang?"

Ye Tianxin pointed at Lin Chen with an extremely disdainful expression.

The blind man did not speak.

The other two men laughed and laughed.

They have seen bragging, but they have never seen such bragging without drafting!

Ye Tianxin continued to mock Qingzhu: "For him, how can he have more than 3400 points in the Nirvana Realm of Rank Nine? Kill me, I don't believe it! The three of you are waste, and the three wastes together cannot have 3400. More points..."

Ye Tianxin's words became more and more awkward, mocking Lin Chen and Qian Renxue!

However, when Ye Tianxin was still chattering, Lin Chen suddenly spoke, interrupting Ye Tianxin's words, and said:

"My points are indeed not more than 3400. I am sorry that Qingzhu lied to you."

Lin Chen's faint voice flowed between the world.


Qingzhu suddenly opened his mouth.

Why did the elder brother say that I was lying

Big brother's points are obviously more than 3400!

Could it be that the eldest brother is deliberately low-key, preparing to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

At this thought, Qingzhu suddenly became excited.

"It seems that Big Brother is making a long-term plan to deal with these people slowly!"

Qing Zhuxindao.

However, when this idea flashed through Qingzhu's mind...

"Actually, my points are..."

While talking, Lin Chen took out his own Demon Slaying Order.

At this moment, Ye Tianxin waved his hand suddenly, and said impatiently: "It's OK, you have three or four hundred points at most. We are not interested in looking at your points, so don't be embarrassed."

The blind man did not speak, but kept a faint smile, with a bit of disdain, as if he was also saying: Don't use your points in front of Laozi!

The other two men sneered: "Hurry up and put your Demon Slayer Order away. With just a few points, you dare to show it in front of us?"

The voices of the four were full of contempt for Lin Chen!

However, even after being mocked in this way, Lin Chen still took out the Demon Slayer Order and faced the four people.

Ye Tianxin glanced indifferently.

Of course, it was this look, but it directly made her dumbfounded!

She hurriedly rubbed her eyes and looked closely at the Demon Tu Ling in Lin Chen's hand.

Not only her, but the other two men also rubbed their eyes, their expressions gradually shocked!

Lin Chen spoke at this moment and said faintly: "My points are indeed not more than 3,400, but more than 4,000."

Although Lin Chen's voice was not loud, it was so clear that it spread to the ears of the four.

That's right! The number on Lin Chen's Demon Slaying Order is 4088!

The bodies of Ye Tianxin and the other two men trembled slightly at this moment!

However, the blind man laughed directly.

"Ha ha."

There was a lot of contempt in his laughter.

Because he couldn't see Lin Chen's Demon Slaying Order and didn't know the number above, he didn't believe what Lin Chen said.

"That, Yang, Brother Yang..."

Ye Tianxin spoke suddenly, stammering.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

The blind man asked.

"Brother Yang, Yang, his Demon Slaying Order does show more than 4000 points."

Ye Tianxin's voice was very small, lacking confidence.


The blind man frowned, and then asked, "Dawu Xiaowu, what Miss Ye said, is it true?"

"No, that's right."

"Big Brother Yang, I don't know if he used some kind of blindfold or some other means. The number on his Demon Slayer Order is indeed more than 4,000."

The two men replied.

The blind man did not speak.

After a short silence.

He suddenly turned his head and "stared" towards Lin Chen!

"Boy, how many people did you kill to get such a high point?"

The blind man asked.

Before Lin Chen answered the question, the blind man's face suddenly showed a touch of greed, "staring" Lin Chen said, "For justice and to avenge those who died, boy, you will die today!"

The blind man speaks righteously, full of sense of justice.

However, all fools could see that the blind man wanted to **** Lin Chen's points!


A powerful murderous intent erupted from the body of the blind man, turned into a storm, raging between the world!

Lin Chen faced the pressure brought by the wind, but didn't panic at all. Instead, he said with a faint smile: "Hehe, just say that you want to grab my points. Why do you say it so high-sounding? So hypocritical, is it interesting? "

"I'm never hypocritical!"

The blind man yelled!

His murderous aura has reached its extreme!

He roared: "You will die for me..."

However, before this roar was finished, a monster suddenly sprang out of the black mist not far away!


The monster was as fast as lightning, rushing straight towards the blind man!

The strength of this monster has already reached the level of a superior martial artist!

The blind man only felt a chill behind his back, and a sense of death-like crisis broke out in his mind!


The blind man's face changed, he shouted, without any hesitation, he held his hands and opened the Supreme Dharma directly!

A golden body of thirty feet high, stepping on the golden lotus, burst into bloom!

The monster at the upper martial arts level was directly flew out by the Supreme Faxiang!

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