In Ye Tianxin's eyes, Lin Chen came back to die!

The strength of this monster has reached the level of the peak martial arts, and Lin Chen is only a Nineth Rank Nirvana, the difference in strength between the two is like a world of difference!

Lin Chen must die!

However, Ye Tianxin was still very curious, what was the cyan light that penetrated the monster just now?

Is it just luck, a coincidence?

Ye Tian couldn't figure it out.

Of course, she didn't think too much.

Because at this time, the monster had already attacked Lin Chen!


The blind man sighed.

He knew that Lin Chen was over.

Within a few seconds, Lin Chen will be torn to pieces!

He closed his eyes and couldn't bear to see the **** scene.

At this time.


The monster roared and rushed in front of Lin Chen, his body slammed into Lin Chen's body like a cannonball!

Lin Chen thought about it, and a barrier suddenly appeared around his body, covering him in.

This barrier was sent by a spiritual weapon, and it could withstand the full blow of the lower Wu Zun.

But the next moment, with a muffled "bang", the barrier was directly smashed to pieces!

The strength of the monster is comparable to that of the peak martial artist, and this barrier can't help it at all!

The speed of the monster did not decrease, and it still smashed into Lin Chen like a bamboo!

However, just at the very moment!

"Three inches."

Lin Chen muttered silently.


The monster's body has shifted three inches out of thin air!

Originally, its goal was to hit Lin Chen, but now, because it was offset by three inches, it was hitting the air!


The monster hasn't realized what happened.

"Fearless palm!"

Lin Chen stood beside the monster, and slapped it out!


Cyan light burst!

Lin Chen emptied all the power of the Buddha at once!

One-tenth of the power of the Buddha, combined with the vitality and combat skills, can severely wound the lower martial arts monsters.

A quarter of the power of the Buddha, combined with the original strength and combat skills, can severely wound the monsters of the upper martial arts level.

Three-quarters of the power of the Buddha, combined with the original strength and combat skills, can severely wound the monsters of the Wu Zun Dzogchen level.

But now, with all the power of the Buddha, combined with the vitality and combat skills, can the monsters of the peak martial arts level be severely injured?

The big fearless palm that is several feet in size is like a hill, sweeping towards the monster!

The bright cyan light blooms in this dark night!

The monster sensed the danger and hurriedly avoided.

However, Big Fearless Palm is faster!

Therefore, the monster just dodged a few tens of feet before it was shot in the body by the palm of Da Wu Dao!

However, because of chasing monsters and chasing tens of feet away, Da Fearless Palm also consumed some energy.


The cyan light radiated like a volcanic eruption, bursting out, turning into an endless cyan ocean, submerging the body of the monster in it!

Ye Tianxin and the blind man both opened their mouths wide at this moment, their faces full of incredible!

Lin Chen didn't bother to care about the mood of the two of them, he touched the storm ring, and said in his heart: "Recover!"


The ring of Dingfengbo erupted with powerful suction power, absorbing all the power of heaven and earth within a radius of hundreds of meters, including the black mist demon energy!

The wind blows!

In just three or four seconds, Lin Chen's body was filled with the exhausted vitality and the power of the Buddha!

"Set the storm?"

Ye Tianxin stared.

Of course she knew that the magic weapon used by Lin Chen was a ring named Ding Fengbo.

This Ding Fengbo ring originally belonged to Ye Tianxin.

However, in order to deal with Qingzhu, Ye Tianxin gave the Dingfengbo ring to one of her younger brothers.

Unexpectedly, that person was directly killed by Lin Chen, and his Ding Fengbo ring naturally became Lin Chen's pocket.

Ye Tianxin knew that her little brother was dead.

What she was really surprised was that the Ding Fengbo ring had such a strong suction power?

She also used the Dingfengbo ring before, and I have to say that the Dingfengbo ring is indeed a weapon.

However, every time she uses the Dingfengbo ring, she cannot create such a grand scene!

Even the black mist and magic energy between the heaven and the earth have been absorbed?

Is this still a set storm ring?

Ye Tianxin couldn't speak because of consternation.

at this time.


In the endless cyan ocean, suddenly there was an angry roar!

Lin Chen frowned slightly.

"Sure enough not dead."

He said in his heart: "In that case, then..."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Chen raised his right hand and took another palm!

With this palm, Lin Chen once again emptied the power of the Buddha!


The huge palm print gleamed with bright blue light, like a meteor, falling in the endless blue ocean ahead.


A huge explosion resounded between the world and the earth, shaking the clouds!

A huge mushroom cloud rises above the sea level!

The previous Big Fearless Palm was a large-scale attack, just to envelop the monster.

But this time, the Fearless Palm is a precise attack, and its power is even higher than before!

After taking the time out of the power of the Buddha twice, even the peak martial arts monsters should not be able to hold it, right?

However, having said that, Lin Chen's finger was once again placed on the ring of Ding Fengbo!

If it doesn't work, then three in a row!

Do not believe that monsters can't die!

However, in the overwhelming blue light in front, there was no roar of the monster again.

I do not know how long it has been.

The cyan light finally dimmed gradually.

Everyone can be regarded as seeing the scene inside the cyan light.

A purple-black monster lay motionless on the ground, and its whole body was shrouded in cyan light, which was like thunder and lightning, continuously wandering along the surface of the monster's body.

The monster is still alive, and has his eyes open, not in a coma.

But it can't move.

Lin Chen had already severely injured it, and if it moved a bit now, the bones of its whole body would fall apart!

Lin Chen walked towards the monster step by step, obviously going to make up the knife.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tianxin suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

Do you want to **** this monster?

The strength of this monster is already comparable to the peak martial arts, if you kill this monster, I am afraid you can get hundreds of points at once!

However, Ye Tianxin suddenly felt that an extremely sharp gaze was staring at her, making her uncomfortable.


Ye Tianxin squinted his eyes and turned to look.

Qian Renxue was staring at him blankly, and there was no fluctuation in those beautiful pale red eyes, cold and merciless.

However, Ye Tianxin could feel that once she had a change, Qian Renxue would not hesitate to use a killer move against her!

Ye Tianxin had also suffered serious injuries in the previous battles and was in poor condition. She is probably not an opponent of Qian Renxue of the same level.

Therefore, Ye Tianxin had no choice but to suppress the impulse in his heart and stood still.

At this moment, Lin Chen walked to the monster's face with the three-foot green peak in his hand...

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