Lin Chen knew very well that if Qingzhu wanted to awaken the sun's divine body, then the old man in front of him was the only obstacle.

As long as the old man in front of him is persuaded, Qingzhu's ability will be awakened.

However, it is not easy to persuade the white-haired old man.

It's even as difficult as climbing!

Therefore, Lin Chen also fell into entanglement.

The death of Qingzhu's parents must have brought a huge blow to the gray-haired old man.

The white-haired old man had long vowed to not reveal the identity of the sun **** body before Qingzhu had no absolute strength.

This is a dead end, no matter what Lin Chen says, the white-haired old man will not change his mind.

Lin Chen knew this too, so he stopped talking, but changed the subject and asked, "How much strength can you exert in this state?"

"The old man is just a spirit body, which can only suppress the sun **** body, but cannot cause any harm to the outside world."

The white-haired old man replied lightly.

"If we are in crisis, then you will watch Qingzhu die?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Qingzhu will not die because you are there."

The white-haired old man said leisurely.

Hearing this, Lin Chen rolled his eyes and asked angrily: "Did Qing Zhu ever encounter danger when he was alone before? How did Qing Zhu get out of danger at that time?"

"Before, there was a Taoist protector beside Qingzhu, so Qingzhu would not be in danger during the day or night."

The white-haired old man replied.

"Where is the protector?"

Lin Chen asked.

"Qing Zhu wanted to work hard alone, so he managed to get rid of him. Now in Jing'an Temple, no one knows where Qing Zhu is."

After speaking, the white-haired old man sighed.

Obviously, he was very helpless to Qingzhu's wayward approach.

"Could it be that since Qingzhu was born, she has never used the power of the sun **** body?"

Lin Chen asked.

The white-haired old man was silent for a moment, and then replied: "I used it once, when she was seven years old, nothing else, saying that these past events are useless, it's better..."

However, before the white-haired old man finished speaking, Lin Chen suddenly interrupted and asked, "How did you deal with it at that time?"

"Kill all the people present, but don't keep the dogs."

The white-haired old man replied indifferently.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes when he heard the words.

The white-haired old man said: "Boy, you also know that there are many emperors and powerful men on Tianji Island. Once Qingzhu's sun divine body is exposed, then, do you want our Jing'an Temple to kill all these people?"

Lin Chen did not speak.

In fact, Lin Chen understood the feelings of the gray-haired old man.

For thousands of years, looking at the entire Zhanwu Continent, there will be no more than one hundred people with divine bodies.

These people, if they grow up, then each of them will be a world-renowned powerhouse!

However, more than half of them died!

After all, human beings are creatures that like infighting.

If Qingzhu is not well protected, then the next divine body that will die is most likely the sun divine body!

The two of them couldn't convince anyone, so they fell silent.

Speechless to each other.

However, at this moment, the space beside Lin Chen suddenly surged.

Immediately, a beautiful and refined figure appeared beside Lin Chen.

Qian Renxue!

"Why are you here too?"

Lin Chen blinked and asked.

However, Qian Renxue did not answer Lin Chen's question, instead, she opened her mouth to blame Lin Chen!

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