The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 2028: Change heart

The white-haired old man was lost in thought.

The coffin of the gods, the supreme magic weapon of heaven, and its ability is beyond doubt.

If it is true, as the girl in front of me said, that the coffin of the gods can hide Qingzhu's identity, then even Qingzhu's awakened sun **** body is not impossible.

Originally, the white-haired old man wanted Lin Chen to take action to protect Qingzhu's safety.

However, Lin Chen was determined not to take action, which made the gray-haired old man very embarrassed.

Now, with a new method, the white-haired old man can't help being trapped.

Suddenly, the white-haired old man looked up, looked at Qian Renxue from a distance, and asked: "Little girl, how sure are you?"

"Above eight points."

Qian Renxue replied with a smile.

"The perfect score is one hundred?"

The white-haired old man suddenly asked such a sentence.

Qian Renxue was taken aback when she heard the words.

Then he laughed out loud, covered his mouth and chuckled softly: "Senior, don't joke with me. The full score is only 10."

"The perfect score is ten, can you be sure of eight..."

The white-haired old man squinted his eyes and murmured, "Humans are subjective creatures. It is said to be eight points, but in reality... only six points are certain."

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue did not reply.

Because the gray-haired old man's analysis makes sense.

Afterwards, the white-haired old man looked at Qian Renxue again and asked: "The God of God's Coffin is one of the magic weapons of your Demon Cult, but you carry it with you?"


Qian Renxue first lightly said, "It's true that the coffin of the **** of the town has been used by me not long ago, so I have always carried it."

"Used it once?"

The white-haired old man frowned and asked: "The old man heard that the coffin can only be used once in a few hundred years. Once it is used, it will fall into a sleeping period of hundreds of years. , Doesn’t it mean that the God-Staining Coffin is not available now?"

Qian Renxue replied: "I don't hide it from the predecessors. Some time ago, the user of the God of God Coffin was just an ordinary person with no cultivation level. Therefore, the energy of the God of God Coffin was not consumed much. The person replenished the lost energy, so now he can use the God-Shen Coffin again."

"Is that so..."

The white-haired old man nodded thoughtfully.

Of course he knows the strength of the Demon Cult is very strong, and there are countless Wuhuang and Wudi strong, and even the Wusheng level strong, I am afraid it is no less than one hand!

Therefore, it is not impossible to forcibly replenish the energy of the coffin.

However, the gray-haired old man still did not make a decision.

He worries that the coffin of the gods will cause some harm to Qingzhu?

Qingzhu is the future of their Jing'an Temple, but also the future of the entire wilderness!

Once Qingzhu had something wrong, how could he explain to Jing'an Temple, how to explain to the entire wilderness area?

Qian Renxue understood the hardships of the white-haired old man very well, so instead of persuading, she waited quietly.

However, at this moment!


As if the silk was torn apart, the bodies of Lin Chen and Qian Renxue suddenly became violent and illusory!

The volcanic magma below also rolled over without warning, as if it had been hit by something!

Qian Renxue's expression changed, and she exclaimed: "No, we have been attacked again! I am afraid that the breath of the three of us has leaked out, and this will attract countless monsters!"

Qian Renxue hurriedly looked at the white-haired old man and said, "Senior, we don't have time to continue struggling. So, let Qingzhu have a try first. If it doesn't work, we will find another way. What do you think?"

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