The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 2031: Awakening of the Sun God Body

At the same time, in the cozy pink room.

Lin Chen and Qian Renxue stood side by side.

Both of them looked at the woman lying on the ground in front of them-Qingzhu.

At this moment, Qingzhu's whole body is blocked by a layer of white mist, and the surface of Qingzhu's body is also distorted. Even Lin Chen and Qian Renxue cannot see the truth of Qingzhu. face.

At this moment, Qingzhu is not like a person at all, but a whirlpool, a human-shaped whirlpool.

"Is this the ability of the coffin to calm the gods..."

Lin Chen squinted his eyes and muttered.

Qian Renxue said: "It's time for Qingzhu to wake up."

With that, she looked up at the top.

There, a huge hole appeared on the roof of the room.

This is a sign of the broken spirit orb!


At this moment, Qing Zhu wailed and woke up.

She rubbed her eyes, sat up from the ground, and turned to look at Lin Chen and Qian Renxue.

"I had a good night's sleep, brother, it's already night?"

Qingzhu asked.

Lin Chen shook his head and replied, "No, it's daytime now."


Qingzhu glared his eyes suddenly, and asked incredulously, "Really? How could I be awake during the day?"

Lin Chen didn't answer Qingzhu, but frowned and asked Qian Renxue: "When is it?"

Qian Renxue replied: "It's almost noon when it's time."

"Huh? It's almost noon?"

Qingzhu opened his mouth wide, his face full of panic.

She touched her face and murmured: "What's the matter? What's the matter? Why am I waking up? Am I dead?"

Lin Chen didn't say a word, his eyes gradually narrowed.

Now that the time has passed, logically speaking, the sun **** body should be awakened.

However, Qingzhu showed no signs of awakening.

"Does that old fellow still suppress Qingzhu's sun **** body?"

Lin Chen muttered in his heart.

However, at this moment, Qingzhu suddenly let out a scream.


She looked at her hands and screamed: "What the **** is going on? Why does my body become like this?"

Qing Zhu at this moment was like a human-shaped whirlpool, even Qing Zhu himself could not recognize it.

Qian Renxue just wanted to explain, but she hasn't spoken yet...


It seemed that a meteorite hit the roof!

With the sound of a huge explosion, the roof collapsed directly!

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue's face suddenly became gloomy, and she clenched her fist and said, "The spirit orb has been damaged, and we can no longer stay here."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Chen felt a weak repulsive force coming from all directions, trying to squeeze him out.

The spirit orb has been damaged and can no longer hold people!

"Big brother, what is going on? Why did I become like this? And, why did I wake up?"

In Qingzhu's panic and doubts, the house gradually collapsed, and the bodies of the three people gradually became illusory.

The next moment, the three returned to Tianji Island.

However, at almost the same time, the three of them felt that the five powerful auras swept like a storm!

Looking intently, it was actually a five-headed martial emperor level monster!

They surrounded the Lin Chen trio!


At this moment, a high-ranking martial emperor-level monster snarled up to the sky, and its body was like an arrow, very fast, and it directly hit Qingzhu's body!

The strength of the monster can be compared to the upper martial emperor, but Qingzhu is only the sixth-turn Nirvana state, so Qingzhu will definitely die!


There were some problems in the last chapter, which caused the chapters of the two books to be randomly entered, and the staff is urgently repairing it.



With a muffled noise, Qing Zhu was directly knocked out!

Her body was broken, and eventually fell into the ruins in the distance, blood shed all over the place!


Qian Renxue exclaimed!

She could not feel the vitality of Qingzhu!

In other words, Qingzhu...dead!

Lin Chen's face also changed!

He also did not expect that things would develop into what it is now.

Qing Zhu's sun **** body has not yet awakened, at this time, Qing Zhu is extremely fragile!

If Qingzhu died at this time, then she was really dead!

The sun **** body... died!

"Damn it!"

Lin Chen clenched his fists, his five knuckles were turning white!

He wanted to use the power of the sun **** body to break through, but he did not expect to sacrifice Qingzhu's life in vain!

"Young Master Lin, what should I do?"

At this moment, Qian Renxue's anxious voice came into Lin Chen's ears.

Lin Chen returned to his senses and looked at the five monsters.

The five monsters did not continue to attack, but revolved around Lin Chen and Qian Renxue, like an eagle playing with a chicken.

A sword-shaped object appeared in Lin Chen's hand. He squinted his eyes and pressed his anger, and said, "I call someone, kill all these monsters, and avenge Qingzhu."

However, Lin Chen just finished speaking...

"Avenge me? Huh."

A joking voice in disdain suddenly sounded between the world.



Lin Chen and Qian Renxue both stared, and suddenly turned to look in the direction of the sound source.

I saw the ruins in the distance, and suddenly began to shake.

A ray of sunlight pierced through the layers of dark clouds, shot down, and shone on the ruins.


A hand suddenly broke through the ruins and stretched out.

Immediately after.


It was like a big explosion, accompanied by a deafening explosion, a beautiful figure rose into the sky!

The sky was full of rubbles, and a huge rubble directly knocked a martial emperor level monster into flight!

At this time, Qianying was floating above the sky, looking down below, and then glanced at her body.

Her body, the black distortion has disappeared, at least her hands have been exposed, but many parts are still covered.

"Hidden? Why should I hide my identity, Qingzhu?"

Her voice is extremely proud and confident.

After speaking, she raised her right hand, ready to tear away the distortion from her body.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue frowned slightly, and said, "How can the hidden function of the God of God's Coffin be torn off with bare hands? It is whimsical."

However, what happened next was that Qian Renxue slapped Qian Renxue!

I saw a bright light radiating from Qingzhu's five fingers, and an extremely mysterious force surged out, and it was actually tore off the distortion of his body!

However, at this moment, a monster suddenly roared and rushed towards Lin Chen and Qian Renxue!

Both of them changed their faces and wanted to avoid them.

However, at this moment, a cold and arrogant voice suddenly came from the sky: "I, did you let you do it?"

The voice did not fall.


A bright beam fell from the sky!

The monster that was comparable to the lower martial emperor had no time to avoid it, so it was pierced by the light beam!

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