The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 2048: Who helped me

"It's not a way to fight like this."

The woman in white clothes with squinting eyes and the woman in Qingshang once again back to back, the former wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his face was rather solemn, and he looked at the endless monster and said.

There are too many monsters, one after another, enough to kill them!

The Qingshang woman was expressionless, and said, "Wait for Master Qin to come."

After speaking, she flashed a beautiful image, appeared in the distance, and continued to kill the Quartet!

The woman with squinted eyes moved slightly and murmured: "Qin Changkong, Master Qin will come?"

Seeing the chaotic situation around her, she lightly said, "Yes, after such a big change, no one except Qin Changkong can suppress it."

At this moment, a hideous monster rushed towards the sky and roared.

The woman with squinted eyes sighed lightly, and said, "Trouble, I really don't want to worry about this kind of mess."

Unlike women in Qingshang, women with squinting eyes are most afraid of trouble.

She is lazy by nature and doesn't want to be nosy, save everything if she can, don't bother.

Therefore, in this slaughter of demons, she killed not many monsters.

However, the monsters had already hit the door, and she couldn't sit still and wait for death.

Therefore, she sighed lightly, and then suddenly shot!


There is chaos between heaven and earth.

More than twenty Wudi strong men have seen sweat and are out of breath.

They have fought fiercely with this group of monsters for several days, and each monster is very powerful, and their bodies are gradually being overdrawn. If this continues, it may not be long before some of them can't hold it and fall!

Several Wudi were already sweating profusely, and the attacking rhythm gradually slowed down, and the monsters could also see their weakness, and they rallied to attack!

The pressure of these Wudi suddenly increased, and it was inevitable that flaws would not be revealed.

However, at every crisis, someone will help them out.

Just like the girl in Qingshang, she has made many shots and saved their lives.

However, every time everyone thanked, the lady in Qingshang would say the same thing: I was just killing monsters, not to save you. You don't need to thank you.

Everyone did not understand the character of the Qingshang woman, and only thought that the Qingshang woman was an iceberg thousands of miles away, and did not want to talk to them, so everyone was helpless...

Just now, the woman in Qingshang rescued another Wudi.

She stood in front of the Emperor Wu and shot the monster into two halves!

However, at this moment, a monster suddenly emerged from the ground, and opened his grinning mouth to swallow the Qingshang woman!

This monster came so suddenly that she was caught off guard, and the girl in Qing Chang skewed and almost fell!

However, the Qingshang woman is a man who has experienced a lot of battles, she immediately rose into the air, and at the same time she violently shot, blasting the monster to shatter!

However, before the Qingshang woman breathed a sigh of relief, another monster rushed over!

Looking at its breath, it can be compared to Emperor Wu Dzogchen!

The girl in Qingshang's face changed slightly when she saw this, she wanted to take a defense, but the speed of the monster was too fast for her to take it!

However, the Qingshang woman is not worried, but her face is calm and comfortable.

Because she knows that Sister Sister will definitely help!

Sure enough, a bright sun's rays fell from the sky, like a meteor, directly blasting the monsters on the ground. The rays of light contained extremely terrifying temperatures, which actually directly melted the monsters into gas, floating in the air!

Seeing the bright sun rays, the lady in Qingshang was slightly moved and said in her heart: This is not the means of the senior sister, who helped me?

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