The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 2429: Kicked to the iron plate


That invisible hand held Lin Chen's heart and squeezed it hard!

next moment.


There was a sound of spurting blood!

But it's not Lin Chen!

It's the old man!

The old man's eyes widened and his face was incredible!

He obviously had Lin Chen's hair, but why did the power of "Nine knocks of the gods" act on him?

What happened? !

Looking at the half-burning hair strand in front of him, the old man didn't believe in evil and roared: "Nine of Gods! Two smash gods!"

Before he could finish his words, the old man slammed his head towards Lin Chen again, and then, half of the hair burned completely, and there was no scum left.

Almost at the same time, an invisible hand held Lin Chen's heart again.

It's just that the power of this invisible hand is ten times stronger than last time!

But even so, Lin Chen's complexion remained unchanged, maintaining a gentle smile.

"go to hell!"

At this time, the old man roared with a hideous face.

But he just finished...


He suddenly spouted a big mouthful of blood!

Immediately, the whole person lay directly in the air, and the next moment the body was in a free fall, falling towards the bottom uncontrollably.

"This, this is impossible!"


Accompanied by his extremely unwilling wailing, his body slammed on the ground, making a huge sound, and suddenly a deep pit appeared on the surface of the ground, causing dust to rise in the sky.


Lin Chen waved his sleeves, releasing a gust of wind, blowing away the dust.

The old man at the bottom of the big pit was revealed in his vision.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground like a dog gnawing shit, face to the ground, looking very embarrassed, his body twitched from time to time, giving people a dying sense of sight.

He supported the ground with both hands and raised his head with difficulty. Those bloodshot eyes looked at Lin Chen, and asked in a low voice, "How did you do it? Why didn't my curse technique work?!"


Lin Chen didn't reply, just smiled disdainfully.

The moment the invisible hand grabbed his heart, Lin Chen used the power of the Buddha to protect the heart.

Because the "power of the gods" in the old man's mouth was born out of the power of the demon, it is the power of the low-profile version of the demon.

The power of the Buddha can restrain the power of the gods, and naturally it can restrain the so-called "power of the gods."

Therefore, if the old man attacks Lin Chen, he will naturally be backlashed, just like kicking the iron plate with his foot. The iron plate is fine, but his foot is kicked off!

"Cough! Cough cough!"

The old man coughed and stood up with difficulty, his arms slumped, his body swaying like a candle in the wind, looking extremely weak.

"Little boy, who are you? What is your true strength?"

The old man lowered his head and asked in a hoarse voice.

Lin Chen didn't answer when he heard this. Instead, he asked in a cold voice, "Old man, where does your so-called power of God come from?"

The old man relied on the power of the gods to abruptly increase his combat power by nearly two realms. His strength is only Wu Huang Dzogchen, but his current combat power is infinitely close to that of the lower Wu Emperor!

Not only him, but Tang Yichen and others also possess this kind of power. Where did they get this kind of power?

This kind of power is like a parasite. Once the original owner is injured and unconscious, he may be seized and parasitized, just like Tang Yichen.

Lin Chen had previously suspected that this was a ghost from the Heavenly Demon Continent, but later discovered that the Heavenly Demon Continent seemed to disdain to do such things, or that the power of the Heavenly Demon was extremely sacred in their hearts, and they could not transform the power of the Heavenly Demon into The power of this garbage.

So the question is, where does this **** power come from?

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