Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

But when Lin Chen was thinking of how to deal with the hidden door, suddenly, behind him, a snoring sounded suddenly, with a trace of undisguised pain.

Lin Chen immediately turned around, watching Fan Yutong's strange flushing face, and asked, "Sister Fan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Fan Yutong shook his head with a bitter smile and this was the sequela of that method. Although he had not been used by that method, he was stopped by Lin Chen, but some of the sequelae still showed.

"Really okay?"

Lin Chen raised a brow, and then no longer asked. His relationship with Fan Yutong was just average, and it could even be said that it was too good. Saving her life was already a blessing of kindness. Lin Chen was not a kind person. , Too lazy to go nosy.

"Sister, you are not in good shape now. I suggest you find a hidden place to cultivate."

Later, Lin Chen said, "I won't be with you anymore. Time is urgent. I have to go to the depths of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di as soon as possible."


Fan Yutong's body was getting hotter and hotter, and her cheeks became more and more red, but her consciousness did not disappear, so she just smiled and nodded.

Lin Chen took a strange look at Fan Yutong and felt that the sequelae of the latter was a bit strange, but he didn't ask much. After a second concern, he turned and left.

However, before Lin Chen left ten steps away, suddenly, behind him, a thump sounded.

Although Lin Chen didn't turn around, he still clapped his scalp helplessly and sighed with a sigh of relief: "Okay, good guys will send the Buddha to the west."

Afterwards, Lin Chen turned around and looked at Fan Yutong, who was lying on the ground and making snoring noises in his mouth, and waved his sleeves. A powerful hand formed out of thin air and grabbed Fan Yutong's graceful body.


About half an hour later.

In a cave.


Lin Chen looked at Fan Yutong, who was lying on the ground, flushed, and was tearing his clothes, his face was quite strange.

The most important thing is that at this moment, Fan Yutong's snoring sound is getting louder and more charming!

"It doesn't look like sex."

Lin Chen supported her chin and stared at Fan Yutong, who was constantly making strange movements, thinking deeply.

Suddenly, Lin Chen flicked her fingers, a ray of elemental silk came out, and tied Fan Yutong's hands. If not, Fan Yutong would have torn her own clothes just now.

Previously, Lin Chen gave Fan Yutong three pills of elixir, the first one was an elixir for trauma, the second was elixir for internal trauma, and the third was an elixir of desire.

Lin Chen originally thought that Fan Yutong's sequelae would stimulate the most primitive sexual desire in the body, but now it seems that Lin Chen guessed wrong because the elixir of detoxification did not play any role!

But, not sexual desire, what is it?

However, just as Lin Chen was thinking, Fan Yutong sat up suddenly from the ground and screamed, "Take me to Fengzun Tianchi!"

This scream was so sudden that he frightened Lin Chen, but when Lin Chen came back to God, Fan Yutong lay on the ground again, losing his consciousness and unconscious.

"Fengzun Tianchi?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly, where is Fengzun Tianchi?

However, Lin Chen also knows that since Fan Yutong has done her last effort, she has to wake up to remind Lin Chen, which means that the "wind respect Tianchi" in her mouth must be able to treat her sequelae.


Lin Chen controlled Yuanli's big hand, grasped Fan Yutong's delicate body, and walked out of this hidden cave.

After walking out of the cave, Lin Chen tried to tell the direction, but here is Wan Mo Tu Xian Di. Since he entered Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, he no longer has the concept of the word "direction". Therefore, Lin Chen Can't tell the direction here.

Looking back at Fan Yutong, Fan Yutong's good-looking face, the flushing became deeper and deeper, and a tinge of pain gradually appeared on her face. Obviously, the aftermath of that move has gradually revealed its essence. .

In this case, Lin Chen can only be a dead horse as a live horse doctor. He chose a direction and walked forward.

However, before Lin Chen walked out ten feet in this direction, Fan Yutong screamed "ah" suddenly, and his voice was full of pain!


Lin Chen stopped and looked at Fan Yutong, who was getting louder and louder. A faint of consciousness suddenly appeared on his face, and he immediately turned his head and walked in the opposite direction!

This time, Lin Chen was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, and he was almost a hundred feet forward!

As Lin Chen moved forward, the pain on Fan Yutong's face was alleviated at a speed visible to the naked eye. After seeing this scene, a smile appeared in Lin Chen's eyes. Sure enough, he The guess is correct.

Although I do not know the direction of Fengzun Tianchi, this does not affect anything, because Lin Chen has one of the most standard navigation, that is, Fan Yutong!

This time, Lin Chen no longer has ink, and holding Fan Yutong is moving in that direction. With the continuous running of Lin Chen, the pain on Fan Yutong's face is getting more and more relieved.

Suddenly, Lin Chen felt the water vapor, and immediately he looked happy, and accelerated towards the front.

After about two or three minutes.

Lin Chen slammed his body abruptly, because in the front, Lin Chen noticed an extremely weak but distinct atmosphere.

Obviously, there are disciples in the main gates!

The reason they gathered here must be because there is a big opportunity here, maybe that Fengzun Tianchi is here!

No longer hesitating, Lin Chen grabbed Fan Yutong and rushed forward.

When Lin Chen showed his figure, in the moment, all eyes were transmitted, sharp and cautious. Obviously, this group of people was suspecting Lin Chen's identity and purpose.

But Lin Chen ignored these gazes, but glanced around, and finally glanced, locked in one direction.

Because in that direction, Lin Chen saw the sparkling water!

Fengzun Tianchi!


Without any hesitation, Lin Chen immediately stormed out with Fan Yutong, and the speed was extremely fast. Almost in a blink of an eye, he came to the location of the water and light!

However, at this time, a strong sense of crisis suddenly covered his heart, Lin Chen's complexion changed, and the countless eyes of countless people were just there, his body suddenly stopped.

However, at the moment he stopped, his right hand shook his fist violently, and the surface of his fist flashed with bright blue light, banging straight ahead!


With a loud noise, a fierce ripple appeared directly above the void in front of Lin Chen, and under the fist of Lin Chen, a gust of wind that was visible to the naked eye surged out and raged.

This scene really shocked many people present.

Then, Lin Chen retracted his fist with frightened scars, stepped back a half step, and frowned slightly looking forward.

In front, a huge cyan lake is inlaid on the ground, like a huge and crystal gem, exuding a lustrous luster, and there are many green plants growing on the shore of the lake, dotted the lake, and the picturesque scenery .

"Is this Fengfeng Tianchi ..."

Lin Chen's eyes flickered slightly. It seemed that Fengzun Tianchi could not come in and out casually.

However, afterwards, Lin Chen saw how to enter Fengzun Tianchi.

He glanced around and found that the shore of the lake was actually surrounded by a circle of stone platforms. There were 36 channels in detail, and each stone platform exuded a crystal blue luster, exactly the same color as the lake's water.

Moreover, even the strong magic between heaven and earth cannot erode these stone platforms, but when it is a mile away from the stone platform, it stops approaching, as if there is any magic fear in that stone platform. thing.

Lin Chen can sense the faint and subtle connection between the 36 stone platforms and the blue lake. Obviously, if you want to enter the lake, you must first sit on the 36 stone platforms.

But now, there are already people on the 36 stone platforms, and none of them are vacant. Lin Chen glanced behind him. The flushed Fan Yutong, because of the water vapor emitted from the blue lake, Fan Yutong is no longer as painful as before, but if he wants to rely on these water vapor, he will have all the sequelae on Fan Yutong. Erasure, this is obviously Tian Fang Ye

Tan cannot succeed.

Lin Chen also knows that time does not wait for people, it is also no ink, sharp eyes glanced around, and finally locked the two breath above the stone platform are very weak figures.

"You two, come down," Lin Chen yelled directly.

But this sentence directly shocked many people present.

Not only because of Lin Chen's tough attitude, but also because the two people that Lin Chen is referring to are the disciples of the first sect of Bai Zhaoyu!

Many people have opened their mouths. When you say that Lin Chen bullies some of the small sects, it's just a matter of whoever makes Lin Chen a Daozong's peerless evil. However, who does this Lin Chen provoke is not good? He just likes to provoke Shengzong?

Isn't it freaky?

"What does this mean, sir?"

"This is our quota. Why did you let us go?"

The two disciples of Shengzong were suddenly darkened. They were usually genius disciples who wanted to be windy, rainy and rainy. Among them, when was it so glorious?

"I'll give you another ten seconds to think about it. You can't go down, it's up to you." Lin Chen said directly.

"Your Excellency!"

"Hum, arrogant, really thought you could be lawless with some skills ?!"

The two disciples of Shengzong both groaned and shouted in dissatisfaction.

Lin Chen shook his head slightly and sighed: "It's no wonder I am."

After more than ten seconds.

With a scream like a pig, the two talented disciples of Shengzong were directly beaten by Lin Chen into pig heads, and they flew away from Shitai incomparably. Lin Chen and Fan Yutong are one by one, occupying these two stone platforms strongly.

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