The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 809: Lin Chen's followers

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

Above Lin Chen's face, the reason why joy emerged was because of the source of this change, not the other one. It was the Lei Zun stone monument given by Lei Zun.

Originally, the Lei Zun Stele was quietly moving in a storage bag, but now, with the continuous increase of the depth of the forest dust, the Lei Zun Stele trembles autonomously.

It wants to come out of the bag!

Lin Chen was not a fool. On the face, there was a look of enlightenment. When he turned over with one hand, a silver version of a white stone stele appeared in his hand. The surface of the stele was engraved with a strange and ancient pattern, exuding violentness. Breath fluctuations.

Behind Lin Chen, Fan Yutong saw Lin Chen's actions, and was a little puzzled, and asked, "Master Lin Chen, what are you doing?"

Lin Chen didn't answer Fan Yutong, but flashed his body, and came directly to Fan Yutong's body, then he stretched out his wide arm, and directly held Fan Yutong's slender waist.

Fan Yutong's eyes widened slightly, covering her mouth with both hands, and she was at a loss as to what to do. She instinctively felt that Lin Chen was thinner than her, but then she abandoned this absurd idea.

After all, there are still so many people watching around. Even if Chen Chen is bold, he won't dare to look into the eyes and do such a rebellious thing.

And it turns out that Fan Yutong's guess was not wrong. I saw Lin Chen holding a palm-sized stele, and the surface of the stele radiated a silvery-white light. Even if Fan Yutong did not touch directly, she could actually feel that when the surface of the stele was illuminated, among the steles Is a huge suction that means

He led Lin Chen and dived down in a specific direction. "What is this?" Fan Yutong was secretly surprised, and then her gentle eyes were projected on Lin Chen's face. Because he was stunned by Lin Chen at this moment, he could only see Lin Chen's angular side face, but even if it was only a side face, Lin Chen was more exposed

Evil charm.

Not only that, Lin Chen's body also exudes a comfortable breath, so for a time, Fan Yutong's eyes were gently blurred.

Suddenly, in her heart, Fan Yutong's expression returned to normal immediately, and her cheek was slightly red, matched with the bright blue light in the lake, it was really beautiful.

Lin Chen dived at a very fast speed, and his direction was particularly clear. So soon, Lin Chen caught the attention of others.

"What's going on with that guy?" Many people looked at Ling Chen's back with suspicions and surprises in their hearts.

Suddenly among the people. One person jumped out and shouted: "There must be clues in Lin Chen. Otherwise, he would not have been so violent and unreasonable to take away the two disciples of Shengzong!"

That being said, many people are shining brightly, and looking at Lin Chen's eyes again, they cannot hide a little more greedy expression.

"Lin Chen, we seem to be stared at." Attached to Lin Chen's arms, a hint of worry appeared on Fan Yutong's cheeky face, reminding Lin Chen to say.

But Lin Chen only need to make a cold and indifferent um, the look is not fluctuating, and among the ancient wells, there is a kind of self-confidence and fear.

"Hurry up to keep up, don't let him go away!" And at this time, everyone behind Lin Chen rushed out of his body. It was said that he was trying to catch milk and trying to catch up with Lin Chen.

"Would you like to intercept them?" Fan Yutong in Lin Chen's arms noticed that everyone's breath was getting closer and closer, probing his head, and making suggestions.

"No need." Lin Chen shook her head slightly, not looking at her heart.

Fan Yutong gave a sigh of sigh. Although she didn't know the source of Lin Chen's self-confidence, he knew who Lin Chen was, and knew that Lin Chen was not an impulsive and offensive person. Since he is so indifferent, he must have his indifferent confidence.

Therefore, Fan Yutong didn't say much, and quietly clinging to Lin Chen's arms, he was quickly dived by Lin Chen. At the beginning, there were not many monks who "followed" Lin Chen, that was, eleven or two. but. The first is because of the influence of herd mentality, and the second is because Lin Chen is too targeted and targeted, so after two or three minutes, the number of "following" Lin Chen is caused by it.

The first eleven and two have skyrocketed to thirty-two! Therefore, a scene was staged on the scene: Lin Chen was leading the way, and a large group of people were chasing Lin Chen frantically behind. Their speed is extremely fast, and wherever they pass, even the heavy lake has been drawn in a vacuum zone stiffly.

The lake is filled!

"It's really a group of annoying flies." Lin Chen glanced at the rear, and the mad followers shook his head secretly.

However, even when Lin Chen was preparing to drive these people away by some means, the stone statue of Lei Zun in Lin Chen's hands seemed to be aware of Lin Chen's current situation, and even a "buzz" sounded, a silver burst burst out White thunder light!

Then it was almost a time between Jain and the bright thunder, just like a small sun, covering the bodies of Lin Chen and Fan Yutong!


The next moment, under the stunned expression of everyone, with a sharp buzz, the silver-white thunder light was wrapped in Lin Chen and Fan Yutong, and disappeared suddenly.

Disappeared in place, even the breath is left without a trace!

"What's going on ?!" Everyone slammed in place, staring with wide eyes, looking at Lin Chen's disappearing direction in disbelief.

"Damn." But even if someone reacted, they finally knew why Lin Chen didn't take any action to stop them before, because Lin Chen had absolute certainty that they could not catch up with him!

"Damn, let this **** man play!" Many people barefooted. Full of anger and unwillingness.

"Dear brothers, Shumen disciples are here, but I have a suggestion. I wonder if you are interested?"

At a time when everyone was at a loss or trying to find another way, a young and magnetic voice sounded extremely comfortable, and it resounded in the lake.

And that was the sound of the sound. Everyone present at the scene cast their eyes on the source of the sound, the young man in the gown.

"You are ..." But the next moment, when everyone saw the face of the man in the gown, their pupils gradually contracted, and with the constant contraction of their pupils, their tones became higher and higher. The surprise in his heart could not be concealed, and he cried out, "Shumen Little Sword Fairy, Tang Ziqing?


"What? Tang Ziqing? The first genius of Shumen ?!"

"It turned out to be Tang Ziqing, a little sword fairy. No wonder he has such a strong sword, it seems to be well-known."

"It's just that Tang Ziqing jumps out now and does something. Doesn't he have the means of Lin Chen?"

Everyone at the scene looked at Tang Ziqing, suspicion in their hearts, and murmured.

Under the staring eyes of the sky, Tang Ziqing was flattered and indifferent, and smiled indifferently, saying, "There is no such good luck as Lin Chen, so I don't have the means to explore this style of respect for Tianchi, but there is a plan underneath. Enjoy with you. "

"Have something to say, fart fast, don't grind up, time is not waiting, our time is precious!" A young man with a short temper and anxious temper stood up , Angrily yelled at Tang Ziqing. Tang Ziqing smiled mildly and said, "Lin Chen is a man, the wolf is ambitious. He has the means to explore this place, but he enjoys it alone, not telling us. This is enough to prove his selfishness and arrogance. So I suggest that we have more than thirty People joined forces, and when Lin Chen came out, it was him ...

Day of the text! "

"What do you mean ?!" However, after many people heard Tang Ziqing's suggestion, his face suddenly became serious and cautious, stared at Tang Ziqing, and asked in a low voice.

They are not fools, and they can naturally hear the off-string voice in Tang Ziqing's words. Obviously, this Tang Ziqing wants to rob Lin Chen!

He said that Lin Chen was a ambition, but how did he feel he was ambitious?

Moreover, what kind of person is Lin Chen, but Lin Chen is a man who won't counsel in the face of Wuzun-class strong men! Wanting them to rob Lin Chen, wouldn't it be to move the earth above Tai Sui's head and find his own way? !!

Therefore, without waiting for Tang Ziqing to explain more, many people just shook their heads and refused, saying firmly: "This kind of thing, do it yourself, don't drag us into the water!"

During the conversation, their bodies were unconsciously receding towards the rear, and gradually moved away from Tang Ziqing, apparently trying to divide the boundary with Tang Ziqing! Seeing this, Tang Ziqing shook his head slightly, and seemed to be disdainful and disdainful of such evasive actions. Then Tang Ziqing took a deep breath, and said loudly, "Dear everyone, Lin Chen is not an invincible myth. He is just a disciple of Daozong. He is with us.

Sit on equal terms! Don't have such fierce fears about Lin Chen because of some rumors! He is also human, he is also a monk, and he also has his own weakness. Why should we be afraid of him? At this point, Tang Ziqing paused, then took a deep breath, and continued to say loudly: "And the old saying is good, good luck in the land. Any opportunity, any treasure, is accompanied by danger and suffering. If we are all afraid of this danger and suffering, then where do we come from

Big chance? Where's the breakthrough and improvement? How can we have successors and successors called Bai Chaoyu? !! "

Tang Ziqing's voice was loud and loud, and the magnetic sound reverberated in this lake for a long time.

I have to say that Tang Ziqing is a very powerful speaker. Under his speech, many people are really enthusiastic and eager to look. Seeing everyone's expressions, Tang Ziqing's mouth immediately hung a touch of satisfaction, because he knew that the strategies he proposed could basically be implemented!

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