Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

"I know you're difficult, and naturally I won't expect that you will be defeated only by these micro-techniques. The reason why I spent the previous power is just to give me some time."

Speaking of which, Ling Tian made a complicated handprint with both hands, and the breath became a few times more powerful in an instant, and said, "Next, I will let you taste it. I hope it will not let you down. "

The words did not fall, and Ling Tian ’s eyebrows suddenly flashed without any signs of the holy white luster. Among the luster, a complex mark gradually emerged, stamped on the surface of Ling Tian ’s skin, exuding a sacred breath.

"St. Emperor Seal?"

And after Fan Yutong heard the words, her beautiful eyes suddenly shrank sharply. As a top disciple of Daozong, could she not know what the "Sacred Seal" is?

That is the only martial art that has been successfully cultivated for only one hundred years.

Even today's first sage of the Sect, Luo Xiu, is the seal of the emperor who could not be cultivated? !!

"Is it amazing?"

Lin Chen shrugged, glanced at the shocked Fan Yutong beside him, and asked.


Fan Yutong yelled, "Sacred Emperor Seal, one of the three strongest traditions of the Holy Sect, it is rumored that it has reached the level of heavenly goods!"

"Heavenly goods?" Chen Chen rolled his eyes. "At most, it is quasi heavenly goods, and I feel that the little cub is showing the breath. I'm sorry, even the high-level goods are not able to. achieve."

"That's strong too, okay?"

Fan Yutong shouted angrily: "Even if it is an intermediate product, it is beyond the concept that most people can't accept!"

"OK." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

"Be careful, this Lingtian is a little weird."

Fan Yutong frowned and reminded in a low voice: "Even Luo Xiu did not cultivate the seal of the imperial emperor. He has successfully cultivated, and he has not yet been among the three sages of the Holy Sect. This is very strange." "This What ’s weird is that the Sect is definitely trying to train Ling Tian as the strongest successor, so he did n’t leak his information. As for the three so-called sacred sages, it is estimated that they are meant to cover people ’s eyes. Of the disciples were attacked, the main targets were three

A talented man, relatively speaking, this notorious Ling Tian, ​​basically has a great possibility to ensure his own safety. Lin Chen explained naturally.

"Maybe that's it." Fan Yutong nodded and agreed with Lin Chen.

In fact, Lin Chen hasn't said a word yet, that is: This Lingtian breath is strange!

The reason why it is strange is because of the kind of breath on him, what Lin Chen didn't realize was that he thought of the breath on Tao Zong Li Yan and Chu Feng!

Although the breath of the three is completely different, with the intuition of Lin Chen for many years, he felt that there must be a delicate relationship between the three!

However, Lin Chen did not get too entangled with these, because at this time, the seal of the Emperor of Lingtian had already been united.

I saw Ling Tian ’s eyebrows shining with the bright white light. In the light, a complex imprint was completely formed and engraved on Ling Tian ’s skin surface.

Ling Tian was windless all over, but the sleeves of his clothes were violently agitated, making a crackling noise, and the long hair behind him was also gradually floating, and the momentum was like a mighty ocean!

"Lin Guiying, test him." Lin Chen said.

Lin Guiying's own strength is already close to the three-turn Nirvana realm, and now he also holds a quasi-ground spirit, so the current Lin Guiying can fully exert the fighting power of the three-turn Nirvana realm.

After Lin Guiying heard the words, he roared suddenly, his body moved, and he rushed towards Ling Tian like a storm, holding a giant axe, and chopped it down!

"Sculpture of the worm."

The corner of Ling Tian's mouth slightly ticked, and a disdainful arc was revealed, and then he raised his palm and patted it forward, banging up with Lin Guiying,

With the loud noise of "Boom", the extremely bright light burst out instantly, and the bodies of Lin Guiying and Ling Tian were enveloped in an instant.

At the next moment, there was a loud bang, and a tall figure flew directly out of the light. The giant axe in his hand was unstable and was ejected, while his body flew backwards. After nearly a hundred feet, this barely stabilized.

Lin Guiying snarled and made a move with his right hand. The dark axe rushed down and fell into his hands, but he rushed out again and wanted to bang with Ling Tian.

"Stay back."

However, at this moment, Lin Chen spoke, stopping the movement of Lin Guiying.

Lin Guiying listened to Lin Chen very much, and when he was about to put away the huge axe and hang it on his back, he returned to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Ling Tian and laughed: "It is indeed very strong, at least it has reached the level of four-turn Nirvana."

Ling Tian heard the words, and didn't answer, but took a deep breath, punched directly in the direction where Lin Chen was, and blasted out.

Boom! Suddenly, the air exploded violently. A column of air can be seen instantly by the naked eye, and impacted away from the forest dust. This column of air is extremely stout, and it emits a very violent atmosphere. But it also draws a long line of that hard ground


With just this simple punch, it is estimated that ordinary three-turn Nirvana can drink a pot.

However, after Lin Chen saw this, he still just smiled and continued: "But, unfortunately, now, you are in my space."

The voice did not fall, Lin Chen waved his sleeves.


Along with Lin Chen's fleece, the whole world began to tremble with a violent amplitude, and with this tremor, huge volcanoes gradually appeared under the distant earth.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth were stained with a reddish color, and even the floating clouds on the sky turned into a red burning cloud at this moment, extremely beautiful.


Lin Chen flicked his fingers, and suddenly among the nine craters in the distance, there were flames spurting out, turning into a huge waterfall of flames, falling from the sky and blocking Lin Chen. And the next moment, the extremely stout column of air came from the impact, banging on the flame waterfall. Suddenly, the volcanic waterfall exploded with a bang, but this part of the volcanic waterfall just burst. In the sky, it is supplemented with a hotter flame


Therefore, that stout air column could not reach Lin Chen's body at all, but was completely washed away by this huge waterfall of flames!


It was just that when the air column completely dissipated, a small figure exuded the breath of the mighty shore. Without any sign, it came to Lin Chen's body and punched out.

This punch came too suddenly, therefore, before Lin Chen turned around, the punch was printed on Lin Chen's back.

"But that's it."

Ling Tian's mouth slightly ticked, as if a winner was announcing his great victory.

However, the next moment, the radian at the corner of Ling Tian's mouth disappeared quietly.

Because after his fists blasted out, he didn't get any physical feeling!


And at the moment when Ling Tian reacted, a young voice above his head rang slowly and slowly: "Your speed is fast, but I am faster than you."

The voice did not fall, the shadow covering the sky came over, and I saw a huge flame meteor falling from the sky, very fast, before Lin Chen's voice fell, it was a smash on Ling Tian's body!

With a bang, Ling Tian's body was directly slammed down. However, when Ling Tian's body dropped by fifty or sixty feet, a loud boom rang, and the surface of the flame meteorite was full of cracks. , Then shattered into countless pieces.


It is just that Ling Tian has not rushed out from under the flame meteorite, and over the sky, there are flames of meteors falling down and smashing down, the momentum is extremely magnificent.

"Sculpture of the worm."

Of course, at this moment, below, Ling Tian's hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

"Holy Emperor, annihilation."

With the sound of Ling Tian's voice, at a certain point below, a bright holy white light suddenly flashed, the light spreads extremely fast, almost in a blink of an eye, it is to envelope the world of the world.

Any flame meteorite that is within the envelope of light, or even just a little bit of light, is silent and is smashed for crushing.

This is oblivion.

Back and forth is the time of seven or eight breaths, all the flame meteorite are all crushed, one is left.

And when the last flame meteorite turned into oblivion, Ling Tian's hoarse voice resounded again and again in this world.

"Holy Emperor Seal."

As soon as the voice fell, centering on Lin Chen, the 50-square-foot space suddenly twisted, forming a sphere prison.

call out!

At the same time, Ling Tian ’s short figure rose to the sky and came to the sky that was level with Lin Chen. His whole body exudes a holy white luster. He raised his palm and aimed at Lin Chen. With a little bit of emotion, he said, "The Holy Emperor pressed."


When his last word fell, Lin Chen suddenly felt the gravity that was oppressing himself, and began to skyrocket in geometric multiples!

At this moment, Lin Chen seemed to have dived into the ocean thousands of feet deep, and the invisible and huge pressure infiltrated from all sides, permeating, suffocating! After doing this, Ling Tian took a light breath, and a bright light flashed across his eyes. This time, he drank directly: "The last blow, Holy Emperor, extinction!"

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