The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 829: Lin Chen Arrives

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

An unobtrusive black light ball, the size of a fingernail, without any breath fluctuations, fell from above the sky.

It didn't land very fast, as if catkins flew, giving a very light feeling.

But when it appeared in the eyes of everyone, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly!

"Yi Xue run away!" Shouted Sister Yu of the long skirt.

"Huazong's little girl has no other means to hurry up!" Li Yan shouted in his hoarse voice!

And Liu Yixue also looked up at this moment, looking above the head, the black light ball that was about to fall.

With both hands, she firmly held the cyan lupine in her hand.

She knew that she couldn't run, because the black light ball had completely locked her.

She had only one battle.


And in the sky, whether it is the three sages of the sect, or the four in the yellow robes, this kind of thought is born in the heart.

After all, they are all aware of the power of this blow.

It was only that Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the person who released the attack, his eyes flashed, as if thinking about how to deal with him.

And below.

Liu Yixue stood on the ground, because she had been injured before, so her breath was a little disturbed, but even so, it still felt like a mountain.

She clenched the green feather fan in her hand, preparing for a deadly battle.

However, even when everyone thinks there is not much hope ...

"Someone came in."

The man who released the black ball of light suddenly spoke, the cold voice was like a machine, and said without any emotional fluctuations.

And the moment he spoke ...


A black figure, like a ghost, appeared in front of Liu Yixue without any sign!

And almost at the same moment he appeared, the black light spot, the size of a fingernail, exploded, and the endless black light shrouded out. For a split second, the boundless world was engulfed.

There was silence all around, because even the sound was consumed by this black light!

"Should all be dead," the man in the yellow robe muttered over the sky.

"Well, they have no defense, they should all be dead, but there are no good seedlings." The burly man sighed, seeming to be a little sorry.

However, before their voices fell, the two of them looked slightly condensed.

Not only the two of them, but the almost naked woman and the man with wrinkled face also looked at each other, seemingly aware of something incredible.

Immediately, the four of them and the three geniuses of Shengzong all looked down and looked at the silent black light below.

The black light lasted for more than two minutes, and then it gradually dissipated. However, when the black light dissipated, it was replaced by more than 80 unharmed people!

Although their breath was all disturbed, but this kind of injury was formed before them, and the attack just now did not add any trace of injury to them!

Those people in the sky were not mortals, all immediately blinked, and all eyes were focused on one point.

It was a young man in black and slightly thin.

However, at this moment, the young man in black is smiling.


Behind the young man in black, Liu Yixue opened his mouth slightly and his heart beats extremely fast. Looking at the reassuring back in front of him, he didn't know what to say for a while.

However, the young man in black didn't turn around. Instead, he opened his mouth directly under a lot of excited eyes, and the bright and overbearing voice echoed back: "How about, haven't you died yet?"

"not yet."

Li Yan opened his mouth. At this moment, he sat on the ground with his eyes closed, and a corner of his mouth was curved, and he answered the man in black.


The young man in black patted his hands, then grinned, and said arbitrarily, "Then, you can watch the show."

After that, he pointed to the sky, and continued to laugh: "Everyone goes up. You can kill if you can kill without mercy."

In the sky.

"Who is this person?" The man in the yellow robe frowned slightly.

"It looks terrific," the burly man shouted.

"And handsome, and good temperament," the woman in an exposed dress groaned.

"Whoever it is, whoever blocks us, kill without pardon," the man with a wrinkled face whispered.

It was just that when they "recreated" Lin Chen, a strong sense of crisis suddenly exploded in their hearts!

Without any hesitation, the four immediately gathered their defenses and stood in front of them.

And just as soon as they condensed their defenses, a whole-body black axe tore the void and fell heavily on the defenses they condensed.

"Boom! Boom!"

With four huge sounds, the attack of the four of them was directly ruthlessly smashed, easily! After that, the four of them all stepped back. The man in the yellow robe flew a hundred feet at once, while the burly man stepped back seven or eight steps, each step will blast the air under the feet by dozens of feet, wearing exposure The woman flashed on the occasion of a round, avoiding the bombardment of the axe

As for the man with a wrinkled face, he hit a Tai Chi hand, and in a clever way, transferred the remaining power of that axe out.

The four showed their magical powers and colorful means.


However, after this scene appeared, it caused many disciples below to take a sharp breath.

The four of them did not shake a point before they tried to suckle, but they just fell into the wind as soon as they came up?

Can't be stronger!

Looking back into the sky again ...

The four just unloaded the sudden force of the axe, but their bodies were immediately shrouded in by a huge vortex. The vortex ran fast, exuding the force of violent devouring and tearing, violently sucking the four Human body.

The violent swallowing force caused the bodies of the four to twist instantly, and their faces were all dignified. They shot, trying to break this annoying vortex.

However, just at this moment, there was a black light on their heads, and immediately the black axe split again.


The sharpness of the axe split the vortex in half in an instant, and then fell on the bodies of the four with an unstoppable momentum.

The four were caught off guard again, the body was blasted out, and the mist around the body was rippling, which seemed to be a sign of injury.

After that, the four-round vortex condensed again, appeared behind the four, and swallowed the bodies of the four completely.

A tall figure descended from the sky, holding a huge axe, the axe was dark, as if it could absorb all the light between heaven and earth, and this time, he did not disperse the attack, but concentrated all the power on one person!

That yellow robe man!

"Boom", the vortex was ruthlessly smashed into smash, and at the moment when the vortex was smashed into a smash, an arm flew out and burst with a bang.

Immediately, the man in the yellow robe who lost his arm was blasted out and finally landed on the ground, smashing the ground into a huge pit in an instant.

It was also when the four were caught off guard that the three sages of the King Sect were also experiencing a major crisis.

call out! call out!

Compressed to the extreme colorful liquid, they turned into sharp swords and went straight to Luo Xiu. They were extremely fast and completely locked the breath of the three!

"So strong!"

Li Hanhao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Looking at the colorful liquid that eroded the air into nothingness, he wanted to take the defense.

However, just as he was about to take the shot, a sudden gust of wind came and turned into a huge wave, covering the sky and smashing down towards the three.

"Huh, the eagle worm trick."

Xie Yiman snorted softly and flicked his fingers. A golden light array flew out of her slender fingertips to welcome the storm, and buckled the three of them in an inverted bowl shape.

The huge waves created by the violent wind came down from the sky and fell down, but it was easily blocked by this golden light array method, like a rock, standing still.

And Li Hanhao stretched his fingers a little, and suddenly a thick sword rushed out, colliding with those colorful liquids.

It's stabbing!

The sharp booming sound echoed, the white smoke rose, and I saw that the colorful liquids actually corroded the sword gas, which was unstoppable, and continued to shoot at the three of them.

"It's toxic, it's a bit interesting."

Seeing this, Li Hanhao was slightly surprised, and then smiled with interest, and stretched his fingers again, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of swords spit out, spreading overwhelmingly, toward the colorful liquids.

No matter how toxic the multicolored liquids are, the sword gas released by Li Hanhao is too dense, so it is just a few breaths of effort. These multicolored liquids have been consumed infrequently.

"Yiman, be careful."

Suddenly, Luo Xiu said, reminding.

"I see it."

Xie Yiman smiled gently, looked up, and looked up.

When I saw the sky, a dark cloud suddenly came over, covering the sky and the sky, and the whole world faded in an instant. Immediately in the dark cloud, there was a colorful snaketail that smashed down.


The next instant, accompanied by a huge thunder-like explosion, the huge snake tail hit the golden light array, and suddenly, a snapping sound, it was a rock-solid golden light array. Instantly a crack appeared!

Not only that, the surface of this snake tail is carrying extremely violent toxins. When it comes into contact with the formation, it starts to infiltrate and destroy this golden light formation.

Therefore, this is the work of two breaths. This golden light array method is a boom and burst apart.

Luo Xiu started at this moment.

I saw him holding up his right hand, and the fist surface was shone with black light.

"Boom!" Accompanied by the sound waves that are visible to the naked eye, this voluptuous snake tail was bounced by Luo Xiudang's fist!

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