The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 839: Sword nine days

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Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, in a wasteland.

In the sky, dark clouds surged. Among the dark clouds, there were actually thick liquids falling from the sky, exuding a strange smell, and blocking the huge wasteland below.

At the moment, in the wasteland, a woman wearing a colorful dress is standing. The woman has a beautiful face and a slender figure. Even if the surrounding world is blocked, she is still walking in the wasteland calmly. Walking is elegant.

Suddenly, the woman stopped, raised her eyes slightly, looked up, and said, "Is that all right?"

In the voice, there was a contempt that could not be concealed.

And at the end of the woman's gaze, a tall man stood above the sky, but this man was surrounded by a thin layer of dark mist, which just blocked his face and made it impossible to see Its true face.

However, after the man heard the words, he smiled and said, "My task is just to hold you back. I don't need to fight the geniuses of Daozong."

"Hold me?"

Nangong Yan Liumei frowned slightly: "That said, what other things did your comrades do during this time?"

The man just smiled slightly and didn't answer.

"Since you don't say it, I won't ask any more."

Nangong shook his head lightly: "But I've been here enough, so I won't play with you anymore."

The voice did not fall, Nangong shallow hands quickly printed, and finally the two hands patted, slowly pulled away, a colorful vortex condensed in the palms of the hands, the surface of the vortex is burning with colorful flames, the vortex is slowly rotating, a strange The breath emanates.

"Relax, you can't go."

However, when the man saw the situation, he smiled disdainfully, and then flew his fingers, and suddenly a group of dark and thick liquids flew out, and shot toward Nangong from all directions and at various tricky angles.

Endless shadows came over, facing Nangong's overwhelming mucus in all directions, Nangong Qian still looked indifferent, and gently hit a ring finger.


With a crisp and loud sound, the round of colorful swirls in her palm instantly expanded, and a breathing room was enlarged to the size of Zhang Xu, covering Nangong's shallow body.

In an instant, Nangong's shallow breath disappeared in this world, without a trace.


"Can you really leave ..."

However, the tall man still just sneered and couldn't see the slightest look of anger.

And the next moment ...


Below, where Nangong shallowly left, there was a sudden sound of bangs, and a colorful light burst out. Immediately, a slender shadow appeared on the wasteland, which was above the indifferent face. At this moment, it has become Slightly cold.

"I said, you can't go."

The tall man laughed, "Enjoy your last time honestly, don't resist, and don't try to run away, so I won't touch you, how perfect we are."

"Listen to what you mean, it seems that I, as if I have been ordered by you."

The slender shadow is naturally Nangong shallow, she sneered: "Hidden door, hidden door, you are really deep enough, my Nangong shallow is just a little girl, and you are so valued."

Just now, Nangong Qian wanted to leave here, but suddenly realized that a force that was completely opposite to her was covering her, and forced her back directly.

At that moment, even a fool can see that the power is specifically targeted at Nangong Qian alone!

The tall man still smiled slightly and said nothing.

Nangong looked at him shallowly and asked, "To be honest, I'm curious, what are you going to do with Hidden Door?"

After hearing this, the tall man didn't choose to ignore Nangong ’s problems, but he just pointed it out, then nodded gently, and whispered quietly: "Estimating the time, it should be almost, let alone, since you have time Not much, let me tell you the truth. "

"Wear your ears and listen." Nangong calmly.

The tall man didn't make any corners, and opened the door directly, saying, "The purpose of our trip is to destroy all the elites of your Taoism, and by the way wipe out some of the elites of other religions."

"Mainly against me Daoism?"

Nangong's eyes lightly frosted, and he asked in a low voice, "I just don't know, why is my Taoist sect resentful with you, why did you hide my Taoist sect like this?"

Nangong shallowly knows that all Taoist disciples who came to Wanxian Tuxiandi this time are all elites of the elite. If all these elites are damaged here, then basically, it can be determined that, in decades It's over.

Even the Holy Sect, who has always been at odds with Daoism, will not do such a decisive battle. In the past wars of thousands of demons, the disciples of Shengzong and Daoism will fall, but they will never fall. Not even one third of the total will exceed.

But now, this hidden door is so vocal that it will destroy all the elite disciples in Daozong who came to Wanxian Tuxiandi?

How much hatred and deep grievance does this have to have such a crazy idea? !!

However, beyond the surprise of Nangong, the tall man said with a smile: "There is no resentment, except that Hidden Gate wants to carry out a hundred dynasties change, but in this change, there are too many stumbling blocks and need Remove them one by one. "

"Oh, stumbling block."

Nangong's shallow face gradually became cold and disdain: "Hidden gate's ambitions are really big, even if Taoism and Shengzong do not have any idea to carry out a hundred dynasties, you really don't know the height of the hidden gate."

"Taoism? Holy religion?"

The tall man smiled: "Rest assured, this is your Taoist sect, this time it is the Holy Sect, Taoist and Holy sect are the two biggest stumbling blocks and need to be removed one by one."

"Not bad tone."

Nangong sneered briefly, then took a deep breath, and his face gradually became clear: "Since the situation is so urgent, I don't have to stay here anymore. I have been imprisoned for more than half a day, and you don't really think that Is there no way I can leave? "

The words didn't fall, Nangong Qiang took out a colorful sword with a whole body. Suddenly, an extremely fierce air permeated.

"Crack it."

Nangong held the hilt of his sword in both hands and raised it above his head, without any fancy, and chopped a sword towards the front.

At this moment, it seems as if there is a waterfall falling from the sky across the sky.

At this moment, this heaven and earth, 恍 Ruo are split into two parts.

"Remember the name of this trick ..."

In the endless light, Nangong stood shallowly with a sword and was imposing: "This trick has only three words, and it is named, sword nine days."

The words did not fall, Nangong shallowly lifted his sword and moved forward.

No one can be their edge!

It was just waiting for Nangong to walk out a few feet away, and suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the front.

"Hehe, sword nine days, it turned out to be sword nine days, hehehe ..."

The hoarse cough sounded with a touch of excitement, a touch of nostalgia, and a touch of madness: "It's been a long time since I have seen a disciple of Daozong use a sword for nine days. I did not expect that a Daozong woman could use it Sword for nine days. "

Nangong Qian stopped immediately, squinting his eyes and looking forward.

In front of him, the tall man emerged, but at this moment, his arms were broken, apparently caused by Nangong Qian's move just now.

Nangong's shallow beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

Why can this man survive?

Logically, should he be dead now?

And what did he mean? Could it be that he has seen someone use a sword for nine days before?

Impossible, impossible! Among the Taoists today, except for her Nangong shallow, Chu Feng did not cultivate the sword for nine days. How could this person have seen someone use the sword for nine days before?

"It's worthy of being a junior on the key list. Your ability is indeed quite a bit."

At this moment, the man in front continued to say, "Then, in the last moments of your time, let's play with you, little girl, I hope you can make a little fun in the next."

After that, the man's body shook, and there was a hint of black mist spreading out from the broken arms. In the black mist, nerves, bones, and flesh began to grow at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

That is seven or eight breaths of effort, and the two arms of the man grow out again.

The man shook his hands and smiled, "Okay, I'm going up now, little girl, pay attention."


That is, at the moment when the man's voice fell, he was like a ghost and came to Nangong Qian's body with a punch.

Nangong Qian Liu Mei frowned, holding the sword in one hand and holding the sword in the other, blocking it in front of him.

The man's fist fell on the surface of the sword without fancy, and suddenly the sword was bent into a huge arc. Then, in the narrow pupil of Nangong, the curved surface of the sword fell on her chest.


With a sound of bang, Nangong Qian's slender body flew backwards, and because the blood and blood in her body stunned, causing her to stagnate her power, she could not use her strength, so her body flew out uncontrolled!


The tall man took a breath, his legs bent slightly, and then banged on the ground, leaving a huge pit on the ground, and his body rushed to Nangong at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye. shallow!

Death-like momentum is coming!

Nangong's light face was slightly dignified, and he was going to forcibly suppress the qi and blood in his body,

However, at this moment, she felt that a gentle, wide palm suddenly appeared behind her and landed on her back, and then the remaining energy on her body was completely resolved.

At the same time, a young and loud voice, with a half-smoky, uninhibited laughter, resounded in this world. "It seems that I came here, and it was still quite punctual. Do you mean sister?"

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