The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 841: Young sister mighty

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

Under the combined efforts of Lin Chen and Nangong, many Taoist geniuses were rescued.

However, from beginning to end, only two people followed Lin Chen.

Nangong shallow, Liu Yixue.

Liu Yixue seemed a little unhappy to let Nangong follow, and pouting his mouth along the way, unpleasant look.

"Lin Chen, time is not waiting, hurry up."

Nangong Qian urged ahead.

"Come, come." Lin Chen followed.

Liu Yixue snorted softly, and murmured dissatisfiedly: "Brother Lin Chen is not your subordinate, why do you call him like this?"

She didn't have a loud voice, and she could just be heard by Lin Chen around her.

Lin Chen tapped Liu Yixue's head gently, and said, "Little girl, how come there are so many things."

"Hee hee."

Liu Yixue grinned, his face was gentle, and his face was bright.

"This is my senior sister Nangong Qian, always doing things vigorously, you don't provoke her, otherwise you will have good fruit to eat." Lin Chen whispered to Liu Yixue.

"I didn't provoke her."

Liu Yixue straightened her chest, and then smiled softly, "And there is Brother Lin Chen beside me, you protect me, what am I afraid of?"

After that, she held Lin Chen's arm even harder, which was quite overbearing.

"You little girl."

Lin Chen couldn't help crying. It seemed that staying in Huazong for a while had turned that little girl who was not acquainted with the world into a woman with a mind and a mind.

"Stop the ink."

At this time, Nangong's shallow voice came again in front.


Lin Chen answered, and quickly followed.

"Sister, who else is still out of touch?" Lin Chen asked beside Nangong Qian.

"Chu Feng, Yang Liuqing, Li Yijian and others ..." Nangong answered coldly.

"It's all our genius."

These names mentioned by Nangong Qian are the existence of Daozong Tianbang, and the future is limitless.

In total, only fourteen or five people in the Daozong Tianbang are on the list, which shows how high the gold content of the Tianbang is.

These days, even if only one disciple is planted, for Daozong, it is like cutting meat on his heart.

Suddenly, Nangong shone in front of his eyes, and then looked bright: "I have realized Li Yijian's position, and come with me."

call out!

The voice didn't fall, Nangong turned around violently and rushed away in a direction to the left.

Lin Chen quickly followed.



A blue shirt man sits on the ground.

He has no wind around him, but his sleeves are fluttering slightly, his posture is refreshing, and an invisible and powerful air is emitted, so that the ground around him is lined with gutters. .

Moreover, if you have a good sense, you will be surprised to find that, with the passage of time, if there is a scent that is absent from him, it will become more and more severe.

How long has this continued ...

Suddenly, the man in the blue shirt opened his eyes violently, and the depth of those eyes seemed to have an endless sword light, condensing.

In his hands, I don't know when a three-foot blue peak appeared, but it was still unsheathed.

"Li Xia has been here for six years, and she hasn't been scabbed once in six years."

The man in the blue shirt stood on the ground. Although he was slightly thin, he was as tall as a mountain. He said loudly: "Today, Li Yijian will use this sword, please fight."

The man was holding Qingfeng, his swords were facing each other, and he pointed forward.

"Oh, what about swordsmanship ..."

And a hundred feet away, a man in black stood with his hands on his shoulders. He looked at Li Yijian from afar, his mouth slightly twitched, as if disdainful and astonished, and said, "However, you used a sword that you have raised for six years against me Isn't it a bit, underestimate me? "

"Don't think about it, only after you have met."

Li Yijian did not smile sternly. After speaking, he was pulling the fengfeng in his hand and pulling out the scabbard.

At this moment, the endless sword light shines for nine days.

At this moment, the air was frozen in a square circle.

A sword of light cold nineteen continents!

Li Yijian retracted the scabbard with Qing Feng in his hand.


He said slowly, there was no mood swing in his tone.

Just let it go, at this time ...

"Oh, sword-fighting is really powerful." A low laugh suddenly sounded from the front: "It's just a pity that your sword-fighting skills are not yet ready. One of your disciples was named Huang Jiujian The guy, with a sword that has been in existence for 13 years, was tied with me. Although I am only 90% left at the peak

Right combat power, but you want to defeat me with a sword that has been raised for six years, obviously a bit whimsical. "

Li Yijian held the long sword and looked indifferently.

I saw that in front of that endless sword light, a wide palm suddenly stretched out, using brute force to tear the overwhelming sword light through a huge gap.

Immediately, the man in black stepped out of this rift slowly and calmly.

Nothing looks hurt!

At this moment Li Yijian's gap reached a strong sense of crisis.

He felt that from the beginning, he seemed to underestimate the strength of this mysterious man in black!

"You gave me a sword and you gave it back, not too much?"

The man in black smiled slightly, folded his hands together, and took out a red **** sword.

"I don't think it should be excessive."

The man in black continued to talk to himself. The moment he finished speaking, he lifted the blood knife over his head, and then slashed in the direction of Li Yijian.

Li Yijian's pupils shrank a little, without any hesitation.

He knew he couldn't carry a knife with interest.

If not, he will be seriously injured!

"Escape? Did you escape?"

However, the man in black grinned and was confident.

But, just at the moment ...


Above the sky, a deep roar suddenly came, and then a huge shadow fell from the sky and shrouded downward.


If the man in black felt it, he looked up and looked puzzledly into the sky.

But the next moment, his face became strange.

Because at this moment, a dark mountain appeared above the sky!

This mountain is extremely huge, covering the sky and hiding the sun, falling from the sky, the thunder slammed in front of Li Yijian!


With the fierce trembling of the earth, the endless gravel collapsed, and it was spectacular as the end.

The next moment, the looming knife light fell on the dark mountains, and issued a sharp sound of "ding ding".

However, the sword light that caused Li Yijian's hair to stand upright was actually exposed to the surface of the mountain, and was completely worn away.


The tall man frowned.

And the next moment, the towering inky mountain was moving slowly towards the man in black, as if to crush the man in black into slag.

The man in black flickered, bursting out, and immediately came to the front of the dark mountain, with his right hand **** like a tiger, falling heavily on the surface of the mountain.


With a loud noise, the inky mountains were forced to stop by force, while the man in black was shaken back by several steps. Each step would crush the sand and stones under his feet.

In the end, he stepped back a full eleven steps before he could barely hold his body.

However, at this moment, the pitch-black mountain suddenly lifted the ground, then shrank violently, and finally became the size of a fist, falling on a white and soft jade hand.

"Oh? Woman?"

The man in black was slightly surprised and looked up.

At the end of his gaze, was a woman in a green dress, with a long shawl and a waist-like face. Although her face was indifferent, she was as beautiful as a hibiscus and beautiful.

At this moment, above her jade hand, the pitch-black mountain peak shrunk to the size of a fist hangs in the air, and is full of light.

"Sister Qing?"

Below, when Li Yijian saw the woman's face, he immediately looked happy.

He was finally relieved, because he knew that this time he was safe and sound.

This woman can definitely protect him!

After the woman in the blue dress appeared, there was no nonsense, but she fluttered her sleeves and flew the mountain peak in her hand.


The dark mountain peak rose to the storm. In just a few breaths, it soared to the size of hundreds of feet. The endless shadow of the carrier fell from the sky and fell towards the man in black.

Seeing this, the man in black took a deep breath, clenched his fists in both hands, and then burst out.

There was a loud bang, and the men's fists in black fell without fancy on the bottom of the mountain peak. For a moment, the ground beneath the man's feet was slumped, and the endless cracks spread around his feet. Out.

The huge inky mountain peak was actually stopped by a man in black, suspended in mid-air, and could not land for half a minute.

"But that's it."

The man in black said softly.

However, at this moment ...


The shadow of the blue skirt had no sign, and she came to the top of the dark mountain peak, and then one of her jade hands gently pressed on the top of the peak.


At this moment, below, the arms of the man in black burst directly!


Carrying the endless oppression, the dark mountain peak directly pressed the man in black to the ground!

However, this is not over, because the woman in the blue skirt did not take back her soft jade hand.


The ground with a radius of several hundred feet began to violently smash, and the dark mountain peaks sunk directly into the ground!

Below it, everything is crushed into slag!


After about a minute.

The woman in the blue skirt finally pulled back her fair and soft right hand slowly.

"Sister Qing is mighty!"

Li Yijian flickered, came to the woman in the green skirt, and applauded with a smile. The woman in the green skirt didn't reply, but moved her mind. The huge mountain under her feet was retracted, reduced to the size of her palm, and returned to the palm of the woman, and she put it away.

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