The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 847: magic potion

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"Don't ask me in front of him. Never, sister. I beg you."

Lin Xiaoke begged quickly.

Zhai Ziyin looked at the panicked Lin Xiaoke in astonishment.

She stretched out her tenderness and gently touched Lin Xiaoke's forehead.

"No fever."

Zhai Ziyin muttered to himself: "What nonsense is spoken, and nothing has happened between you and him, why are you so afraid that I presume you in his presence?"

Suddenly, Zhai Ziyin seemed to have guessed something. He examined Lin Xiaoke and asked, "Xiao Ke, wouldn't it be the turtle grandson who took your body, but now he is not responsible for you?"

"No no."

Lin Xiaoke shook his head in a hurry and said, "Lin Chen, it's good, it's really good."

Zhai Ziyin Liu Mei frowned slightly.

As an old river in the emotional field, can she not see Lin Xiaoke's emotional reason?

This girl, I ’m afraid I do n’t like Lin Chen;

"Lin Chen's Turtle Grandson, what secret soup has been closed to my Huazong disciples, why are they all so obsessed with him?"

Zhai Ziyin patted his forehead helplessly, in his heart he scolded Lin Chen as a thief of flower picking, and picked when he saw a good flower.

"Sister, please, don't ask me in front of Lin Chen. It's enough to have a little sister next to Lin Chen."

Lin Xiaoke begged again, his attitude was extremely sincere and even more distressing.

Zhai Ziyin sighed softly.

Can't she hear Lin Xiaoke's implication?

Lin Xiao will never rob a man with Liu Yixue, even if this man is the first person to enter her heart.

"Bitter you, girl."

Zhai Ziyin sighed softly.

"Okay, anyway, the next time I meet, I have to learn this slutty bitch. Turtle, a woman who dares to move me, must accept my auntie grandma!"

Zhai Ziyin squeezed his wrist, making a crackling noise, and arrogantly murmured.

Lin Xiao smiled bitterly.

"Let's go and speed it up. At this time, it is estimated that Yi Xue has entered the Palace of the Immortal King."

Later, Zhai Ziyin stopped talking and took seven or eight Huazong elite disciples, rushing towards the Immortal Palace.



A group of people are vying for a Lingbao, fighting for blood.

"This is mine, and whoever dares to grab it, is openly right with my spiritual whisker!"

"What about your Lingxu door, this thing I saw in Basong Zong. If you want to swallow it alone, then blame my Basong Zong and turn your face away!"

"Grass mud horse! When will I have to crawl past others when the spirit muster door, come to fight if you want to fight, don't ink!"

"The dregs of the Spirit Beard Door, I'm afraid you can't do it ?!"

The two men and women were struggling for a while, and then they talked a lot and started directly.

Violence cannot solve everything, but sometimes it can solve most problems!

boom! boom!

Thus, a loud roar rang out from all sides of this world, and the violent energy waves overflowed and raged on this side of the space.

The battle gradually entered the stage of fever.

The strength of the two parties is not much different from each other, so it is difficult to separate the victory and defeat in a short time, and the viewing of the battle is not high.

The "boring" battle continued, and after about a quarter of an hour or so, the battle was finally in its late stages.

"Grass mud horse! Despicable villain of Ba Zong Zong, we Ling Zong do not share with you!"

The leader of Lingxu Zong said his face was blue and swollen, and he was panting.

"Scum, I'm afraid you can't do it? Come, and fight with Lao Tzu for another 800 rounds!"

The leader of Ba Zongzong was full of ragged clothes and blood, and looked even more tragic, panting and gasping.

And in the middle of the two, there is a crystal cube suspended, dazzling like a star.

Even a fool can see at a glance that this cube is a good thing!

The scuffle between these two small gates was caused by this cube.

"Grass mud horse, this is mine!"

The leader of the Spirit Beard yelled, his whole body spread forward, trying to grab the cube.

"Go, this is mine!"

The leader of Ba Changzong also yelled and rushed forward, weak and fierce.

However, at this moment ...


A white and delicate jade hand suddenly protruded from the void, grabbed the cube without warning, and then disappeared.


Because the cube disappeared, the two slammed into a bang, and then bounced off each other, rolling and rolling on the ground.

"Grass mud horse, who is it!"

"What dregs dare to grab what I do?"

The two of them both roared, and if they looked up, they looked towards the sky with hate.

But the next moment, the eyes of the two of them couldn't help being slightly straight!

Because at this moment, at the end of their eyes, there is a peerless beauty who is soft and tender!

She was wearing a snow-white cheongsam, which looked like a quietly stubborn wild rose from the corner, more like a fluttering red butterfly, full of the perfect fusion of classic and lively temperament, as if natural Can attract the attention of men.

What a brilliant woman!

"It's a good thing, I'll take it."

The woman smiled softly, closed the cube cube in her hand, and said.

"Beauty, aren't you being kind?"

"Yeah, this is our thing. You step in, don't you feel good?"

The two men were also standing on the same front at this moment, staring at the woman.

Although women are extremely beautiful, they are not the second goods that can't move when they see beautiful women.

"not too good?"

The woman heard the words, smiled slightly, and said, "I feel pretty good. Why, I hear what you mean, you seem to have some opinions about me."

"Beauty, you are too much."

"Yes, girl, are you trying to bully me into being incapable of fighting you now?"

Both of them were dusty and whispered.

"Giggle, bully you two?"

The woman heard the words, but giggled, and said disdainfully, "What are you two deserving of me to deceive? Let me say that this state you are in now is your peak state. What fear do I have?"

"Beauty, are you talking big?"

"Girl, although it is rude to say this, I still have to say it, girl, you are a bit arrogant."

Both were somewhat dissatisfied.

The two of them are the strongest people in their respective ancestors. They are extremely talented. Since childhood, they have enjoyed the treatment of more than 10,000 people under one person. When was they considered so low?

And still looked down on by a big beauty!

"No, I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

At this time, the cheongsam woman sighed slightly and seemed to feel a bit boring: "Let you know, where is the real difference between you and me."

The words did not fall, the woman's graceful body shook slightly.


It was astonishing, like a volcanic eruption, bursting out from the woman's body!

At this moment, everyone present was feeling dark!

And when they returned to God the next moment, they all looked up stiffly, and in those eyes, they could not hide the flash of terrible expression!

The two men standing in front of them were the first to bear the brunt, and they knelt down one after another, cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Grass horse, this, how can this fucking."

"Hehe, I am not his opponent, hehe."

Both of them were unspeakable, obviously frightened.

Because at this moment, in front of the eyes of the two of them, stood a giant giant.

This giant, as high as ten thousand feet, went straight into the clouds, exuding an immense imposing manner, like a giant mountain, oppressing everyone's head.

The next moment, the giant mountain lifted the huge foot and fell towards the two.

In an instant, the two were scared and farted!

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Shouted the man in Lingxu Zong, his face panicked.

The man in Naha Sing Zong did not speak, because he was more direct, he was kneeling on the ground in a nearly crazy gesture, trying to spare him!

Just this momentum is that they oppressed and could not move. It is conceivable how terrible the beauty of this beautiful woman is!


Suddenly, a soft sound rang, the sound of a finger.

Their eyes turned dark again, and then they returned to light.

The towering giant has disappeared.

A foul odor came out.

It turned out that the two were scared and their pants were wet.

The two were too concerned about this now, and hurriedly looked forward, but found out that the beauty had already left.

The two finally breathed out.

Fortunately, fortunately, the beauty didn't kill them just now, she was really scared to death!

"Grass mud horse, life is hanging."

"It's really dangerous. I thought I was going to die."

Both men calmed down and murmured.

"Grass mud horse, if it were not for you, I would not have met such a woman!"

"Fart your fart, if it wasn't for your stubborn insistence on competing with me, we would be followed by such women!"

"Grass mud horse, hustle and bustle, you look for death!"

"I think it's your fault!"


The two did not agree with each other, and they quarreled frantically again, and then there was no ink left.

"Grass mud horse, my **** must kill you today!"

"Huh, who is dead may not be dead, dregs!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The two tried their best to attack each other frantically.

And the disciples under their door also attacked each other, and the scene once again fell into a dogfight.

However, the previous melee was to compete for a treasure, but now the melee is just not looking at each other. And the real culprit that led to this melee was already leaving at this moment, and led seven or eight top Taoist disciples towards the final destination of the Wanmo Tuxian Land-Xianwangdian.

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