The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 849: Strange creature

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"What else can you do? Go inside and see."

Lin Chen didn't think much about it, and said so directly.

"Well, that's fine."

Nangong Qian did not object.

If you don't enter the tiger's cave, you will get a tiger. Everyone understands that if you want to explore the caves, you must go deep into them.

"However, there must be a windshield outside." Lin Chen said again.

If there is no one outside to take the wind, then if these caves collapse, or if something happens to these caves, and they are all trapped in the caves, then it will be a little troublesome.

"I'll blow the wind."

However, before Lin Chen's voice fell, Li Yijian on the side said something.

"it is good."

Lin Chen did not refuse.

Among them, Li Yijian has the least means. Perhaps Li Yijian himself is high, but when it comes to means and hole cards, they are not as good as Nangong Qiang, Yang Liuqing, Lin Chen.

Below the cave, there must be danger, so even if Li Yijian does not ask for help, Lin Chen will not let Li Yijian go down.

"That `s a deal."

Lin Chen then nodded gently, then looked at Nangong Qian and Yang Liuqing, and asked, "Are you planning to act separately or stay together?"

"Let's go together, we don't know what's going on below. If something happens, we can also take care of each other." Nangong Qian said.

"Well, that's fine." Lin Chen nodded slightly.

"Brother Lin Chen, what about me?"

At this time, Liu Yixue, who had not spoken, asked a little dissatisfaction.

From the beginning, Lin Chen didn't mention her, which made her extremely unhappy!

However, before Liu Yixue's voice fell, Lin Chen knocked on his head and naturally said, "You? Of course, you are staying with Li Yijian's brother, why do you want to go and see?"

"Yes, I really want to go and see." Liu Yixue activist's charming big eyes nodded.


Lin Chen immediately shook his head: "You sisters and sisters have entrusted you to me, not for you to take risks with me, but for me to protect you. The caves below are in danger and you are not suitable to go."

"But I'm very strong now. Even if I go on, I won't be in danger. Besides, don't I have you by my side, what am I worried about?" Liu Yixue was a little firm.

But Lin Chen's attitude is more firm: "No, no one knows the following situation. I can't guarantee that I can protect you by then."


Liu Yixue also wanted to say something. It ’s just that Liu Yixue has n’t waited for Nangong shallow to interrupt coldly, saying, "Little girl, if you go down, you will only drag our hind legs. Lin Chen would not have happened, you If he dragged his hind legs, then maybe he will die in the cave, you can bear it

Going to death with your brother Lin Chen? Or did you really want your brother Lin Chen to die? "

After this remark, Liu Yixue froze slightly.

Lin Chen is also a bit stunned, looking at Nangong Qian inconceivably, to be precise, looking at Nangong Qian's gorgeous red lips.

This mouth is really poisonous.

At this time, Liu Yixue came back to her, sighed softly, and said, "Okay, I'll stay on top, brother Lin Chen, go down and pay attention to safety."

When he said this sentence, he could realize twice that in Liu Yixue's eyes, it was the look of loss-the loss of his own strength!

But Lin Chen didn't comfort him, just touched Liu Yixue's long hair, and said, "Be with Li Yijian's elder brother well, he will protect you, we will come as soon as we go."

"Well, brother Lin Chen, don't worry about me, you must pay attention to safety." Liu Yixue nodded softly.

Later, Lin Chen also lost his ink. With Nangong Qian, Yang Liuqing, and Lin Guiying and Yun Huashu, he chose a cave in a more central area and drilled into it.

The area of ​​these caves is not small, each of them has reached the size of Zhang Xu. After drilling, there is a darkness all around and no light can be seen.

At this time, Nangong shallowly shook his fingers, and suddenly the fingertips burned with colorful flames, flashing a bright light, floating up, like a star, lighting up the surrounding caves.

"Like traces of bugs."

Lin Chen observed the situation of Dongxu around, and immediately came to a conclusion: these caves are like caves out of the worms!

However, these worms may be very large, if not, they would not wiggle out of such huge caves.

The caves all the way down, showing an arc that is not inclined, and the further down, the thicker the air, the oppressed breathless.

How long have I been gone ...

Suddenly, Lin Chen stopped, then squatted down, and touched the dirt under his feet.

To be precise, it is not dirt, but a kind of weathered white stone that twists and breaks.

"Lin Chen, what's wrong?" Nangong Qian asked immediately.

"Look what this is."

Lin Chen picked up a white stone from the ground and threw it to Nangong Qian.


Nangong Yan Liumei frowned slightly, looking at the white stone in his hand, and asked.

"If I guess well, these should be the excrements of the creatures here." Lin Chen said slowly.

"Fecal matter."

Nangong briefly heard that look was a stun.

Immediately her eyes glared, she threw the white powder of the stone directly, and looked at Lin Chen with a disgusted look, and said, "You bastard! You did it on purpose!"

Lin Chen smiled, and that mean expression seemed to be saying: Yes, I was intentional!

Nangong Qian wants to hit Lin Chen for a meal, but because Yang Liuqing is here, Nangong Qian just writes down this feud first, and then reports in Japan.

"Sister, you should carefully observe and observe, maybe you can find the kind of creatures from these excrements." Then Lin Chen said again.

"You have never seen anyone who can see the biological species in the excrement. You are a special case." Nangong Qian sarcastically.

"Don't say that, I really see the kind of creatures here."

Lin Chen shrugged, with a look of disapproval, and said with a smile: "The creatures here are either flies or ants. There are only two possibilities."

"Flies, ants?" Nangong frowned slightly.

"If you don't believe it, let's go down and see if there is anything that can prove my guess?" Lin Chen asked with a smile.


Nangong nodded lightly.

Immediately everyone went down.

I don't know how long it has been away ...

Lin Chen and others stopped and looked forward.

In front, there is a huge body, actually a python.

"It seems your guess is wrong, the creature here should be a python." Nangong sarcastically mocked.


Lin Chen did shake his head gently, and said calmly, "If it is a python, it would be impossible to die here without anyone's attention."

"What do you mean?" Nangong squinted slightly.

"Let's go and see."

Lin Chen passed the python and came to the front of the python.

Nangong Qiandang even felt frowned, even though he frowned.

Yang Liuqing didn't change her face indifferently. Lin Chen smiled, clapping his hands and saying, "The creature here is definitely not a python. My guess is that this python is the food of the creature here. It was defeated by the creature here and then became food. Obviously, the little half of this python has been given by the creatures here.

Swallowed. "

Nangong Qian did not answer this time.

Because everything Chen Lin explained was extremely reasonable.

"There is something coming."

Suddenly, Yang Liuqing said silently from the beginning.

"Let's go and hide behind the python."

Lin Chen immediately went around behind the python, using the huge body of the python as a cover.

However, before this, Yang Liuqing flicked his fingers, suddenly there was a strong black light condensing at the fingertips, and then exploded, not only wiping out the breath left by everyone in Lin Chen, but also Lin Chen, etc. The breath of man is covered up.

That feeling, like the darkness covering the sun, is a perfect cover.

"well done."

Lin Chen smiled and gave a thumbs up to Yang Liuqing.

"This is ... the power of darkness."

Nangong's eyes flickered. What was her insight? How could she not see the power of Yang Liuqing, but the power of darkness?

Extremely rare, but terrible!

"That east has come, hold your breath," Yang Liuqing reminded at this time.

The next moment, under the cave, there was a sound of gurgling sounds, and immediately a huge dark creature was moving slowly.

Its body is one foot tall, but its tentacles are three feet long and look extremely weird.

It slowly moved in front of the python, seemingly trying to devour food.

However, at this moment, it seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly raised its black eyes, and then the three-foot-long tentacles trembled violently.

It is feeling, feeling the atmosphere here, the smell here, the temperature here, everything here ...

This feeling process lasted almost two or three minutes.

Then, it didn't seem to notice anything abnormal. It was to relax the two tentacles that jumped up tightly, lowered its head, opened the weird mouth, and bit the python's flesh.

The reason why its mouth is strange is because this is not a mouth at all, but a pair of thick and sharp crickets!

The pair of crickets were extremely sharp, and with a slight movement, it was easy to cut off the flesh of the python. After a while, this creature cut a pile of python meat, and the stack was bigger than its body. .

However, this creature did not have any difficulty in lifting the python flesh, then turned around and left quickly. When Lin Chen saw this, there was no hesitation, and they immediately followed up and wanted to find out.

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