The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 859: Bend without a fight

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

"Immortal Dragon Seal."

The dragon-shaped seat on the sky shone with extremely bright blue light, dangling like a scorching sun.

An invisible momentum came out, as if even this side of the world was to be repressed by it.

At this time, below, the glaring man printed his hands and finally folded them together, his fingers slightly poking upwards.


A visible storm, centered on the tips of his two fingers, blasted away.


However, at this moment, Lin Chen drank softly, pressing his hands apart.

The surface of the immortal blue dragon's seal flashed, even if it fell downward.

However, there is no momentum in this falling process, but it is fluttering, as if a balloon is gradually landing, making people seem to have no sense of danger.

However, the next moment is the moment when the immortal blue dragon seal just touched the storm below ...


The storm was like a heavy blow, and it burst without warning!

The air was turbulent ...

And the next moment, the immortal blue dragon seal was not subject to any loss, and continued to flutter towards the man below.


The man also seemed to be aware of the danger, and immediately yelled, using his right foot as a fulcrum, spinning fast in place!

A storm centered on the man's body, standing on the ground, spinning away,

Then, with a loud bang, countless cracks appeared in the square at the foot of the man, and his body burst out, turning into a streamer, and rushing directly to the surface of the immortal blue dragon seal!

At this moment, there was no huge impact sound, and there was no diffusion of energy fluctuations ...

This is because distortion has already occurred at the impact point. This distortion absorbs all sounds and energy, and because of this, neither sound nor energy can be emitted.

Even the light from the impact flashed sharply, then contracted sharply, completely absorbed by the distortion of the impact.

And then ...


With the sound of a crisp and broken sound, I saw a crack on the surface of the immortal blue dragon seal!

Of course, the speed of the storm caused by the rotation of the man's body is also reduced at this moment ...

In the end, with the explosion of "Boom", the immortal green dragon's seal exploded, splashing into the sky's light spot.

And the body of the Qingguang man was ruthlessly crashed down, and a gurgling sound turned into a stream of light, and landed on the ground.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen urged the immortal dragon body to clench the dragon's claws, and punched like a meteor to the man.

The man was a wit and possessed a sense of intellect, so at this moment he was aware of the danger, without any hesitation, and blasted out with a punch.

The next moment, two fists of very different sizes banged together ...


The body of the Qingguang man was blown out directly, like a cannonball, and he could not hold his body at all.

"Immortal blue dragon body, immortal blue dragon rush."

In the immortal blue dragon body, Lin Chen stood up in the air, his hands quickly printed.


Above the entire right arm of the immortal dragon body, at this moment, it was extremely bright, and then, without any fancy, the immortal dragon body was blasted directly into the distance.


With one punch, the air was compressed instantly, and then turned into an air cannon visible to the naked eye, rushing towards the front, but in an instant, the man's body was shrouded in it!

Infinite pressure came from all directions, directly blocking all parts of the man's body, making it impossible for the man to move.

"Immortal blue dragon body, immortal blue dragon diamond!"

At this time, among the immortal blue dragon's bodies, the Lin Chen's printing method changed, so the other arm of the immortal blue dragon's body was directly turned into a dragon-shaped diamond shuttle, which spun quickly and was extremely sharp!

Without any mercy, the immortal blue dragon body directly carried the drill shuttle and fell towards the blue man.

Whether it is the immortal blue dragon rush, the immortal blue dragon diamond, the immortal blue dragon seal, are the inherent abilities of the "immortal blue dragon body". When Lin Chen condensed out of the immortal blue dragon body, he knew these skills at the moment, but before It has never been used.

But now, Lin Chen just wants to take advantage of this opportunity to hone himself, so that he has released all these skills that have been "dust sealed".

However, there are still a few more powerful skills in the "Immortal Dragon Body", but once one or two of these skills are released, I am afraid that the power of Lin Chen will be almost completely exhausted.

At this time, the immortal blue dragon body descended from the sky with the immortal blue dragon drill, and fell on the man's chest.

Because the whole body of the man's behavior was blocked and he couldn't move at all, this time there was no defense and he was blasted by the immortal blue dragon drill.


Instantly, the man's body was bent into a lobster, and he was severely hit on the ground.


At the same time, Lin Chen in the immortal blue dragon body stretched out his right hand and pressed toward the man.

A small immortal blue dragon seal was instantly formed in the palm of the immortal blue dragon body. At the beginning, it was said to be small because the immortal blue dragon seal that Lin Chen had cast before was very large, and this immortal blue dragon India has more than 30 feet.

Under the dragon claws of the immortal blue dragon body, the dazzling immortal blue dragon's seal flashed, straight down, and the man was held down instantly.

The man was hit hard, and cracks began to appear on the surface of the body.

According to the previous two battles, a crack appeared on the opponent, it means that Lin Chen has won.

Sure enough, the next moment, there was a thick and old voice from above.

"Pass the third trial! The fourth trial begins!"

When the old voice spread like a thunder from the top of the sky, Lin Chen felt only an invisible force, rushing into the body of the blue man.

The next moment, with the man's body trembling, a "bang", the immortal blue dragon's seal pressing on the surface of his body was like tofu, and it broke easily, but there was no resistance at all.

Lin Chen frowned immediately.

As the master who controls the immortal Blue Dragon Seal, he can feel how much backwash power he has just received.

"This dragon gate is not a weak hand ..."

Lin Chen glanced up at the sky, a flickering look appeared in his eyes.

He knew that the power just given by the Dragon Gate could be easily broken by smashing the immortal blue dragon seal, showing the power of the Dragon Gate.

"Well, take a step and count, there will always be a solution."

Lin Chen is not tangled, grinning, waiting for the fourth battle to come.

At this time, the Qingguang man stood on the ground, turned into a streamer, rushed straight into the clouds, and disappeared.

However, the fourth opponent did not appear, but the whole world is still quiet ...

It is estimated that this Longmen also feels that Lin Chen is a bit tired and wants to let Lin Chen rest ...

However, as the forest dust with the immortal dragon body, there is almost no need to rest.

It only needs to urge the power of the "Immortal Dragon Body" to move around in the body, then all the fatigue and discomfort will be completely dissipated, leaving nothing left.

Therefore, after more than ten seconds of "resting", Lin Chen opened his eyes again and began to look at the surrounding environment.

"The world's power here is strange."

Lin Chen reached out his hand and grabbed the air in front of him, thinking.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the speed of time here is different from the speed of time outside."

Lin Chen thought secretly.

There are many types of dragon gates. According to their functions, they can be divided into time dragon gates, space dragon gates, treasure dragon gates, etc ...

The time dragon gate, as the name suggests, is that the speed of time flow in the dragon gate is different from that of the outside world.

Lin Chen did not encounter the Longmen of Time in the previous life, but has n’t he eaten pork yet?

Therefore, Lin Chen now feels that this dragon gate should be a time dragon gate.

"I have been here for a while, but it is estimated that it will take a little time to be outside ..."

Lin Chen murmured secretly.

At this time, a thunderous thunder sounded in the sky, and eventually accompanied by the sound of a thunder blast, a huge hero descended from the sky and fell in front of Lin Chen.

"A beast?"

Lin Chen's brow frowned slightly.

Because it turned out to be a colorful tiger!

However, although a little surprised, Lin Chen was relieved. After all, Longmen's requirements for Zhiyuan are different, so people can become Zhiyuan, and beasts can also become Zhiyuan.

And after the colorful tiger fell in front of Lin Chen, his mouth exhaled white gas, staring angrily at Lin Chen, anxious to rip and swallow Lin Chen directly.

However, in the face of this scene, not only did Chen Chen not have any dignity, but he smiled extremely indifferently.

"Send a beast to deal with me, this Dragon Gate is really stupid."

Lin Chen shook his head gently, then he hovered in the body of the immortal blue dragon body, crossed his arms in front of his chest, read a motion in the center of his heart, and then whispered, "Release it."


An invisible but strange coercion swept out of the immortal dragon body.

In the midst of coercion, there was a trace of dragon yin, faintly spreading out together.

However, just at the moment when this coercion was released ...

Just now, the giant tiger with fangs grinning and glaring glaringly turned out to be full of crickets, and then banged directly on the ground, like a tamed puppy, lying on the ground and dare not breathe!

Not only that, it was still trembling, obviously frightened! In this battle, even though Lin Chen didn't really make a shot, he easily managed to humiliate without a fight!

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