Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

The air cannon stood on the ground, forming a column of air visible to the naked eye, and slanting upwards.

At the same time, the stout ice storm in the sky is also obliquely down, carrying endless ice and strength, and hitting it with the air cannon.


With a loud noise, two powerful attacks blasted together without fancy, and the impact seemed to be destroyed even by the void!

And this time, the "Immortal Qinglong Chong", which has always been unfavorable, was swallowed up by the moment it first came into contact with the ice and snow storm, and was crushed inch by inch!

Back and forth is the time of five or six breaths. The snow storm crushed all the air cannons, and then ruthlessly bombarded the immortal blue dragon's body.


With the sound of an explosion, the huge body of the immortal blue dragon body was directly blasted out, and backed up a distance of nearly three thousand feet above the square.

At this moment, the chest of the immortal blue dragon body also showed cracks, apparently not badly injured.

However, at this moment, the immortal blue dragon's chest suddenly flashed a dazzling blue light, and the blue light fluttered, it was the instant restoration of the immortal blue dragon's body.

However, Rao is so. Lin Chen's forehead is also dripping with sweat at this moment.

Obviously, the consumption from the beginning to the present is huge, even for him.

"Sure enough, with my own strength now, it is very likely that I want to defeat the ordinary two-turn nirvana. But it is a bit laborious to defeat the best of the two-turn nirvana."

Lin Chen's body was suspended in the body of the immortal blue dragon body, murmured secretly.

His strength today is the great consummation of the Beastmaster Realm, and the strength of the enemy is close to the peak of the second turn Nirvana. The distance between them is not very good.

To be precise, perhaps for most people, this distance cannot be crossed at all.

However, for Lin Chen, although this distance is relatively large, it does not mean that it cannot be crossed.


Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen moved his mind and removed the immortal dragon body.

Although it is safer to stay inside the body of the immortal blue dragon, that will greatly delay the fighting time. Therefore, it is impossible to quickly resolve the fighting without taking the real skill.

In front, the ice-snow woman saw Lin Chen stepping out of her "tortoise shell", and her body suddenly moved into a storm and rushed towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen waved his sleeves immediately, and a huge barrier appeared in front of him at the same time. At the same time, the top of the barrier was condensed with a layer of cyan clouds. Among the clouds, a thick cyan beam was obliquely falling down, densely packed Fall towards the Snow Woman.

Snow Woman is flexible and like a sly rabbit, so no cyan beam can approach her body.

But even so, it has greatly slowed down Ice Snow's speed.


It was with this effort that Lin Chen took a deep breath, and his hands formed a very obscure handprint.

There was no overflow of energy fluctuations around his body, but all converged into his body, so that Lin Chen today seems to have become an ordinary person, without any trace of lethality.

At this time, the ice woman had rushed to the front of the green light barrier and punched out.

With a light bang, the barrier was full of cracks in an instant, and then exploded ...

There is no trace of resistance.

The Snow Woman went close to Lin Chen and raised her palm to bombard Lin Chen.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen closed her eyes, and all the fluctuations in her body converged. There was nothing to fight back, even the resistance!

However, that is, when the hand of the Snow Woman is about to fall on the surface of Lin Chen's body ...


Lin Chen opened his eyes suddenly.

At this moment, time seemed to stop flowing.

Lin Chen dropped his eyes and looked at the palm of the woman, approaching his chest at a slower speed than the snail.

Without any hesitation, Lin Chen patted his palm directly, facing the woman's palm.

If this scene is placed in the eyes of outsiders, I am afraid it will cause shock to many people.

Because almost no one can react to how Lin Chen shot!

"This palm, called the Green Emperor's Immortal Palm, is also one of the strongest combat techniques I can release to date."

Lin Chen was silently thinking in his heart, and the palm of his right hand was already aligned with the ice hand of Yu Xue.

The two palms faced together did not make any noise, as if the two sponges collided ...

But the next moment, a shocking scene happened ...

I saw that the fierce Ice Snow Woman was still so aggressive before, but she was shot directly by Lin Chen's palm!

call out!

Her tender body was like a cannonball, traversing a straight straight line above the sky, and shot back quickly.

Not only that, but a crack appeared in her arm at this moment, and it finally broke with a bang.

In the end, the woman's petite body went straight back more than a thousand feet, and it was barely stable.

At this moment, she has become a broken-arm person, looking quite embarrassed.


At this time, there was a thunderous thunder from the sky, and then the ancient vicissitudes sounded again: "Congratulations to the tester for passing the fifth trial!"

The voice did not fall, the body of the Snow Woman rose into the sky, disappeared into the clouds above.


When Lin Chen saw this scene, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the ground with his buttocks, sweating on his forehead.

That palm just consumed at least 70% of his strength.

Therefore, at this moment, he is equivalent to being in a very serious state of collapse. The remaining power of the body is ten or two, and there is not much fighting power.

"This palm is really laborious."

Lin Chen laughed at himself.

That palm "The Immortal Palm of the Qing Emperor" is the combat technique recorded in the Qingdi's floating slaughter tactics. Because Lin Chen is not strong enough today, he cannot yet exert the real power of the "Immortal Palm of the Qing Emperor".

However, even so, Lin Chen's palm just now can defeat any strong man who has turned to Nirvana.

Of course, after releasing this big killing move, Lin Chen itself will be in a quite collapsed state, as it is now.

Lin Chen sat cross-legged on the square, and began to urge the immortal blue dragon body in his body, releasing the immortal power, washing his meridians, bones, blood again and again ...

With this, the Yuanli in his dantian began to recover at an amazing speed.

Longmen seems to be aware of Lin Chen's current situation, so he has not opened the sixth trial of Lin Chen.

Perhaps because the sixth trial is the last trial of Dragon Gate, the Dragon Gate needs a certain amount of time to condense, so the sixth trial is not started.

When the power of Lin Chen's Dan Tian recovered about 60% to 70% ...

"The Sixth Trial Begins!"

In the sky above, the old and thick voice sounded again, and the pressure was stronger than the sky.


With a thunder and bang, a streamer fell straight above the sky and fell in front of Lin Chen.

Another woman. She wore a big red silk skirt, her neckline was very low, her plump and plump peaks were half-hermitic, her face was like a hibiscus and her willow, and her charming gesture was more delicate and charming than the peach Eyes are intriguing, skin is like snow, and a black hair turns into a tall beauty 美, beauty 髻

The pearl on the top shines in the sun and dazzles people's vision, such a beautiful woman.

At this moment, she looked at Lin Chen from afar, her bright red lips rose slightly, it seemed to disdain him, and she seemed quite interested in him.

Lin Chen was still sitting on the square at the moment, looking up and glancing at the woman.

But it just happened to meet the feminine gaze ...

The world is silent ...

"Little girl is polite."

Suddenly, the woman sang a song to Lin Chen and smiled softly.


Lin Chen was slightly surprised.

How could this Ji Min be able to speak?

"It seems that you are in a fairly high position among all the intellectuals."

Lin Chen slowly got up and patted the dirt and dust on the clothes, said.

"It's not worth mentioning, the son has won a prize."

The woman smiled and shook her head slightly.

Then she looked at Lin Chen and continued to ask, "I just don't know if my son is ready?"

"Just ask the girl for a shot."

Lin Chen took a half step with his right foot, with one hand behind his back, and the other hand extended, making a "please" gesture.

Such a look, really has a grand style.

"That little girl is welcome."

The woman smiled softly, and immediately began to walk towards Lin Chen. Although it didn't look fast, she stepped into a lotus step. In a few steps, she came to Lin Chen's eyes and shot it lightly.

Lin Chen did not move in the slightest, and any woman's palm was patted on her chest.

The palm of the woman easily penetrated Lin Chen's chest ...

"Oh? Afterimage?"

A surprised expression appeared on the woman's face, but Lin Chen was able to release a residual image under her eyelids and escaped successfully.

Suddenly a gust of wind passed by, slightly blowing the woman's hair.

The woman Liu Mei frowned slightly.

At this moment, a sharp long sword fell above her head, and the woman's body was cut across directly.

However, just like the woman's palm penetrated Lin Chen's chest before, this sharp sword broke through the woman's body without any blood splashing ...


The man with the sword in his hand revealed that it was Lin Chen.

He just used the method of "Nine Turns to the Wind and God", so he could easily avoid the woman's fatal blow without being impressed.

The same is true of women, who avoided Lin Chen's fatal blow on the occasion of a critical strike. However, unlike Lin Chen, Lin Chen avoided by virtue of powerful exercises, while the woman avoided by her own absolute speed. In comparison, Lin Chen was still slightly weaker .

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