The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 875: Give you a present

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Just now, the ghost was still shouting, and was instantly destroyed.

No trace!

It almost died without understanding what was going on.

However, after the ghost was extinguished, Lin Chen was again in a stagnation state.

His eyes began to become apathetic, his entire body stiff and motionless, as if frozen.

This is because the consciousness of Lin Chen has already been pulled into another space.


This is a vast plain.

Lin Chen's figure flashed out without warning and fell on the plain.

"It seems that the will of the Lord Thunder is a little troublesome."

Lin Chen meditated and murmured.

Just now, he used the power of the thunder sword, penetrated one of the ghost's eyes, and shot the meaning of the sword into the ghost's body.

However, precisely because of this, he was attacked by the will of His Holiness Lei, and the whole person fell into stagnation.

At the close of the moment, Lin Chen forcibly suppressed the will of Lord Lei, and restored half a second of Qingming, and it was during this half-second of Qingming time that Lin Chen detonated the trace of power hidden in the ghost.

But now, Lin Chen can no longer suppress His great will like the ocean, and his consciousness is pulled into this space stiffly.

Suddenly, Lin Chen frowned slightly.

Because at this moment, there was an upright figure in front of him.

He was in a silver robe, with his back to Lin Chen, tall, exuding a breath of mighty shore, like a mountain, standing in front of Lin Chen.

Above his robe, at this moment is also a strange and ancient silver rune, these runes are like mentioning, can flow, like a little elf, continue to swim along his clothes go.

Lin Chen stared at the back and asked, "Mr. Thunder?"


The man in the silver robe slowly turned around, exposing a face with sharp edges and corners, like a knife.

It is the Lord Lei that Lin Chen has seen.

"Little guy, glad, we're meeting again."

Lord Lei's voice was very strong, and he smiled and said to Lin Chen.

"I'm not happy to meet you."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes angrily and said, "Sir Lei, the external situation is a bit dangerous. Who knows if I will suddenly run out of something to attack me, and you must quickly put my consciousness back, otherwise something will happen. ,Who is responsible?"

"Relax, little one, no one in my Lei Zun Pavilion can enter."

Mr. Lei Zun said with a smile: "And now you, holding the Lei Zun sword, is equivalent to the owner of Lei Zunge. If someone dares to attack you, the entire Lei Zunge will protect you, do you think you will have an accident?"

"The original sword was called Lei Zunjian." Lin Chen muttered.

Then he rolled his eyes and scorned: "The stele is called Lei Zunbei, the long sword is called Lei Zunjian, the pavilion is called Lei Zun Pavilion, Lei Zun, you are really narcissistic, everything is based on your name. The basic name. "

"Hehe, make Xiaoyou laugh."

Lord Lei smiled, it was very kind.

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

Lin Chen asked, and then urged: "Hurry up, I have other things to do, I can't stay long."

"Little friends really know me, yes, there is indeed a sentence."

Lei Zun nodded, and continued, "My little friend now owns my Lei Zun monument and Lei Zun sword, and in addition has the Wind Lord's token, he can go to Wind Zun Pavilion to bring the Wind Lord's destiny artifact If you have it, you can be sure to deal with the big demon hidden in the fairy king's court. "

Speaking of later, Lord Lei's voice became cold, apparently extremely hatred.

"demon king?"

Lin Chen squinted his eyes.

He immediately asked: "What do you mean, you mean, that year, the fairy king failed to kill the demon king?"


Lord Lei shook his head gently and said, "In those days, the fairy king did end up with the demon king. If we really want to say something, then it is not the demon king that was hiding in the fairy king's pavilion."

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen frowned.

Vaguely, he noticed something wrong.

"I'm not quite sure about this. I dare not make false statements. After all, I was not here at the time, and I didn't know what happened in the hall of the fairy king at the time." Lei Zun said softly.

"Hey, you can't say half of it, what do you mean?" Lin Chen wondered again.

"I have speculation, but I dare not make false statements, and I need to verify it with my friends."

Lord Lei said, and then reassured: "Little friends can rest assured, as long as the destiny artifacts of the two of me and the Wind Lord are in hand, after the fairy king's pavilion, even if the great devil reappears, Can't move you. "

"Don't promise me this, that, that, I will ask you what your guess is, and listen."

Lin Chen said angrily.


Lord Lei did not hesitate, but just expressed his own guess: "I noticed that there are two huge breaths in Xianwang Pavilion, one belongs to the fairy king, the other belongs to the demon king, and both have Autonomy. "

"Did you mean that although the fairy king and the demon king were all gone together, they still had one hand?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes." Lord Lei nodded slightly.

He then continued: "It's just weird that although the breath of the fairy king and the demon king is very different, the consciousness of the two is closer and more similar, and I wonder if there is something foreign in the fairy king's pavilion today. Factors have changed, so I also hope that my friends can verify it for me. "

"External factors ..."

Lin Chen squinted his eyes.

Somehow, at this moment, he thought of the wormholes outside the hall of the fairy king.

Those wormholes are extremely strange. Even Lin Chen's insights are just speculations, but he is afraid to draw conclusions.

Now, Lin Chen is guessing. Is the wormhole in the outside world related to the change in the fairy king's court?

"I wonder if my friend would promise me?"

Lord Lei asked.

"Except the demon guardian, I must do it."

Lin Chen replied.

"Thank you little friends."

Lord Lei arched slightly at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen accepted it frankly.

"At the last moment, I will give my friend a gift."

Lord Lei smiled, raised his palm, and suddenly there was a bright thunder in the palm of the hand.

A longan-sized thunder pill, condensed and formed, suspended above the palm of His Holiness Thunder.

This thunderbolt exudes a bright thunderous luster, and the texture on the surface is quite strange, forming an ancient symbol, circulating around the thunderbolt.

Among the thunder pills, there was a rush of thunder, but this kind of thunder was not violent, but it was particularly seductive, making people unconsciously want to see more.

"this is……"

Lin Chen squinted his eyes.

"Please close it, little friends."

The Thunder Lord was a flick of a finger, and Thundermaru shot out, falling lightly on the palm of Lin Chen.

"What a good soul power, taking this pill, my soul strength should also be able to break through." Lin Chen murmured staring at the thunder pill above the palm of his hand.

At this time, Lord Lei said: "I noticed that not only is the young man's military strength not weak, but also has a very strong soul strength. This pill is made by pure soul strength, without respect, hope Can help young people break through the imprisonment. "

Lord Lei's tone was quite sincere.

For the kindness of Lord Lei, Lin Chen naturally has no reason to ignore.

So Lin Chen smiled, arched his hand to His Holiness Lei, and said, "So thank you."

After speaking, Lin Chen did not hesitate to swallow the thunder pill into his mouth and swallow it under his stomach.


In the moment, Thunderball completely melted and opened, turning into a stream of pure energy, all rushing to Linchen's mud pill palace.

Lin Chen only felt comfortable and refreshed.

"Oh, little friend, do you know that in our time, powerful practitioners could be three yuan in one, and the three yuan are Shangdantian, Zhongdantian and Xiadantian?"

Seems to be aware of the direction of energy flow in Lin Chen's body, Lord Lei asked with a smile.

"Sandantian? I've heard of some."

Lin Chen nodded: "However, in our time, there is no more Sandan Tian. What you call Shang Dan Tian, ​​we are called Nimaru Palace, here." Lin Chen pointed to his brows.

Then he continued: "What you call the next Dantian, we are called Dantian, here." Lin Chen patted his lower abdomen.

"As for what you call Zhongdan Tian, ​​we martial arts practitioners have abandoned it, and generally no one will deliberately practice it. Zhong Dantian is here." Lin Chen patted himself on the chest in the middle of the acupoint.

"You are young, but you know quite a lot."

Lord Lei smiled slightly, but then turned around and said, "However, I always feel that the cultivation method of the little friends is too weird, as if there is something missing. The human body has three Dantians: Shang Dantian in Yintang; Zhongdantian in Huangzhong; Lower Dantian in Guanyuan. Lower Dantian refining refined gas, Zhongdantian refining gasification god, Upper Dantian refining deification, and after the three Dantians are turned on, there is hope that the three yuan will become one, and then Reach a state of total transcendence. "

After a pause, Lord Lei continued to say, "In our time, the practitioners cultivated the three big fields of the lower, middle, and upper successively. The process was gradual and orderly. The little friend gave up directly. It ’s totally different from our cultivation method to cultivate Zhongdantian and cultivate upper and lower Dantian at the same time. "

After Lin Chen heard this, he replied faintly: "We are in different eras, you are in the Xiandao era, and I am in the martial era. Different eras, the cultivation methods of the practitioners are naturally different."

"That's the truth, indeed."

Lord Lei nodded and said, "Like me, with my strength, I only cultivate to Xia Dantian to reach the realm of refining refined gas; our fairy king has already reached the realm of refining gasification. Both Dantian and Xiadantian have been opened, and they have been built to be sky-high. "

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